[CC 1985 § 16-41; Ord. No. 468 § 1, 6-1-1987]
The City Council of the City of St. James, Missouri, hereby finds and determines that it is wise, expedient, necessary and advisable that an industrial development corporation under the name of "The Industrial Development Authority of the City of St. James, Missouri" (the "Authority") be formed.
[CC 1985 § 16-42; Ord. No. 468 § 2, 6-1-1987]
The application is hereby approved and the applicants are hereby granted permission and authorized to proceed to form and organize the Authority pursuant to the provisions of the Industrial Development Corporation Act.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 349, RSMo.
[CC 1985 § 16-43; Ord. No. 468 § 3, 6-1-1987; Ord. No. 910 § 1, 3-3-2008]
The City Council of the City of St. James hereby finds and determines that it is wise, expedient, necessary and advisable that the Articles of Incorporation be amended and the Council certifies that the process for amendment outlined in Chapter 349, RSMo., were adhered to, including the written request filed with the Council by the Authority. The amendment has been approved and the Council authorizes the Authority to execute, acknowledge and file said amendment to Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of the State of Missouri. This will amend Section 145.030 of the City of St. James City Code.
[CC 1985 § 16-44; Ord. No. 468 § 4, 6-1-1987; Ord. No. 910 § 2, 3-3-2008]
The Articles of Incorporation shall be amended to read as follows: Except as may be otherwise specifically provided by Statute, or the Articles of Incorporation or the Bylaws of the corporation, as from time to time amended, all powers of the corporation and all powers of management, direction and control of the corporation shall be, and hereby are, vested in the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors of the corporation shall consist of any number of Directors, not less than five (5), all of whom shall be taxpayers in and registered voters of Phelps County. The Directors shall be resident taxpayers for at least one (1) year immediately prior to their appointment. No Director shall be an officer or employee of Phelps County or the City of St. James, Missouri. All Directors shall be appointed by the Chief Executive Officer of St. James with the advice and consent of a majority of the Governing Body of the City. Directors shall be appointed so that they shall hold office for staggered terms. This will amend Section 145.040 of the City of St. James City Code.