[CC 1985 § 25-212; Ord. No. 277 § 8, 11-7-1966]
General. The regulations set forth in this Section or set forth elsewhere in this Chapter, when referred to in this Section, are the regulations in the "I-2" Heavy Industrial District.
Use Regulations. Any building or premises may be used for any purpose not in conflict with any ordinance of the City of St. James regulating nuisances[1] or laws of the State of Missouri; provided, however, that no building shall be erected, converted, reconstructed or structurally altered for church, library, school, hospital, or residential purposes, except for resident watchmen and caretakers employed on the premises and except for farms, provided that no building or occupancy permit shall be issued for any of the following uses or manufacture, compounding, processing, packaging or treatment of the following products until and unless the location of such use shall have been approved by the City Council after public hearing and report by the City Planning and Zoning Commission as provided in Chapter 400 of this Code. The Council shall review the plans and statements and shall not permit such buildings, structures, or uses until it has been shown that the public health, safety, morals, and general welfare will be properly protected, and that necessary safeguards will be provided for the protection of surrounding property and persons. The Council, in reviewing the plans and statements, shall consult with other agencies created for the promotion of public health and safety:
Chemicals, Petroleum, Coal, And Allied Products
Acid and derivatives
Caustic soda
Cellulose and cellulose storage
Coke oven products (including fuel gas) and coke oven products storage
Distillation, manufacture, or refining of coal, tar, asphalt, wood and bones
Explosives (including ammunition and fireworks) and explosives storage
Fertilizer (organic)
Fish oils and meal
Glue, gelatin (animal)
Hydrogen and oxygen
Lamp black, carbon black and bone black
Nitrating of cotton or other materials
Nitrates (manufactured and natural) of an explosive nature, and storage
Petroleum, gasoline and lubricating oil refining, and wholesale storage
Plastic materials and synthetic resins
Rendering and storage of dead animals, offal, garbage, or waste products
Turpentine and resin
Wells, gas and oil
Clay, Stone, And Glass Products
Brick, firebrick, refractories and clay products (coal fired)
Cement, lime, gypsum, or plaster of paris
Minerals and earths: quarrying, extracting, grinding, crushing and processing
Food And Beverage
Fat rendering
Fish curing, packing and storage
Slaughtering of animals
Starch manufacture
Metals And Metal Products
Aluminum powder and paint manufacture
Blast furnace, cupolas
Blooming mill
Metal and metal ores, reduction, refining, smelting and alloying
Scrap metal reduction or smelting
Steel works and rolling mill (ferrous)
Wood And Paper Products
Match manufacture
Wood pulp, and fiber, reduction and processing
Unclassified Industries And Uses
Hair, hides and raw fur, curing, tanning, dressing, dyeing, and storage
Junkyards and auto wrecking yards, provided that a solid fence six (6) feet in height will be constructed around the perimeter of the area and that the storage for junk or parts will not exceed the height of the fence
Medical marijuana cultivation outdoor facility, however all facilities shall be located at least one thousand (1,000) feet from any school, licensed daycare or church.
[Ord. No. 1151, 8-12-2019]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 215, Nuisances.
Parking Regulations. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided in accordance with the requirements for specific uses set out in Section 405.360.
Height Regulations. The height regulations are the same as those in the "B-2" Central Business District.
Area Regulations. The front, side, and rear yard regulations are the same as those in the "B-1" Neighborhood Business District.