Editor's Note: Current fee schedules as passed by the St. James Municipal Utilities Board are held on file in the City offices.
[CC 1985 § 24-146; Ord. No. 938 § 1, 12-8-2008; Ord. No. 1039, 3-4-2013; § 1, Ord. No. 1057 § 1, 6-9-2014; Ord. No. 1064 § 1, 2-9-2015; Ord. No. 1075 § 1, 1-11-2016; Ord. No. 21-1195, 4-19-2021]
Monthly Rates. St. James Municipal Utilities Board shall establish rates for utility services and after approval by the City Council, said rates shall be enacted by ordinance of the City Council.
[Ord. No. 23-1253, 11-13-2023]
Payment. Utility bills paid by cash, money order, sufficient funds check, ACH or debit/credit on or before the 15th of each month are ten percent (10%) less than those paid after the 15th of the month.
Bills unpaid after the 15th of the month will be scheduled for disconnection of services.
Disconnect notices will be mailed to each delinquent customer announcing the date their services will be disconnected.
On disconnect day, customers will pay, in cash or debit/credit, the amount of the utility bill in full, a ten percent (10%) penalty, and a service charge of fifty dollars ($50.00). Customers that have been disconnected for non-payment may pay the required fees and be reconnected during normal business hours only.
Condition Of Service.
Voltage, phase and frequency of energy supplied under this schedule shall be as specified by the City.
Service under this schedule shall be furnished for the sole use of the customer and shall not be resold or submetered.
Service shall be supplied through a single meter unless authorized by the City. At the request of the customer, separate meters may be retained, in which case each meter shall be billed as a separate customer.
Welding, X-ray, or other equipment characterized by severe or fluctuating demands, shall not be served under this schedule.
All electric motor-driven devices of one and one-half (1 1/2) horsepower capacity or larger must be operated on a nominal voltage of two hundred eight (208) volts or higher.
Rate subject to power cost adjustment.
[CC 1985 § 24-147; Ord. No. 938 § 2, 12-8-2008; Ord. No. 1039 § 2, 3-4-2013; Ord. No. 1057 § 2, 6-9-2014; Ord. No. 1064 § 2, 2-9-2015; Ord. No. 1075 § 2, 1-11-2016; Ord. No. 21-1195, 4-19-2021
Monthly Rates. St. James Municipal Utilities Board shall establish rates for utility services and after approval by the City Council, said rates shall be enacted by ordinance of the City Council.
[Ord. No. 23-1253, 11-13-2023]
Payment. Utility bills paid by cash, money order, sufficient funds check, ACH or debit/credit on or before the 15th of each month are ten percent (10%) less than those paid after the 15th of the month.
Bills unpaid after the 15th of the month will be scheduled for disconnection of services.
Disconnect notices will be mailed to each delinquent customer announcing the date their services will be disconnected.
On disconnect day, customers will pay, in cash or debit/credit, the amount of the utility bill in full, a ten percent (10%) penalty, and a service charge of fifty dollars ($50.00). Customers that have been disconnected for non-payment may pay the required fees and be reconnected during normal business hours only.
Condition Of Service.
Voltage, phase and frequency of energy supplied under this schedule shall be as specified by the City.
Service under this schedule is furnished for the sole use of the customer and there shall be no submetering or resale of service, unless otherwise authorized by the City.
Service shall be supplied through a single meter unless authorized by the City. At the request of the customer, separate meters may be retained, in which case each meter shall be considered a separate customer. Polyphase service, metered separately, shall be considered a separate customer.
Where the customer's use of welding or other equipment characterized by fluctuating or severe demands necessitates the installation of additional or increased facilities (including distribution transformers, service conductors or secondaries) solely to serve such customer, the monthly demand charge shall be one dollar ($1.00) per kva of transformer capacity required to serve such load.
All electric motor driven devices of one and one-half (1 1/2) horsepower capacity or larger must be operated on a nominal voltage of two hundred eight (208) volts or higher.
The maximum size of any single phase electric motor shall be five (5) horsepower.
All polyphase motors of twenty-five (25) horsepower and larger shall be controlled by reduced voltage starters. Reduced voltage starters shall be of the auto transformer, resistor or part winding type.
Service shall be rendered under this schedule up to a usage of ten thousand (10,000) kwh/month. When a customer's usage reaches ten thousand (10,000) kwh for any three (3) months, or the measured demand is over twenty-five (25) kw, the City shall have the right to install a demand meter and/or place the customer on the large commercial rate for a period of twelve (12) successive months.
Rate subject to power cost adjustment.
[CC 1985 § 24-148; Ord. No. 938 § 3, 12-8-2008; Ord. No. 1039 § 3, 3-4-2013; Ord. No. 1057 § 3, 6-9-2014; Ord. No. 1064 § 3, 2-9-2015; Ord. No. 1075 § 3, 1-11-2016; Ord. No. 21-1195, 4-19-2021]
Monthly Rates. St. James Municipal Utilities Board shall establish rates for utility services and after approval by the City Council, said rates shall be enacted by ordinance of the City Council.
[Ord. No. 23-1253, 11-13-2023]
Payment. Utility bills paid by cash, money order, sufficient funds check, ACH or debit/credit on or before the 15th of each month are ten percent (10%) less than those paid after the 15th of the month.
Bills unpaid after the 15th of the month will be scheduled for disconnection of services.
Disconnect notices will be mailed to each delinquent customer announcing the date their services will be disconnected.
On disconnect day, customers will pay, in cash or debit/credit, the amount of the utility bill in full, a ten percent (10%) penalty, and a service charge of fifty dollars ($50.00). Customers that have been disconnected for non-payment may pay the required fees and be reconnected during normal business hours only.
Condition Of Service.
The voltage, phase and frequency of service hereunder shall be as approved by the City.
More than one (1) character of service, as to voltage, phase and frequency of delivery, shall not be combined for billing hereunder.
Service to each separate location or point of delivery hereunder shall be billed separately.
Service under this schedule is for the sole use of the customer, and shall not be resold or submetered.
Lighting will be served hereunder. Lighting service incidental to power may be rendered hereunder if such combined lighting and power is served through one (1) point of delivery and the customer furnishes all additional equipment necessary for further transformation or regulation of energy for lighting service. Should such service to incidental single-phase load result in phase unbalance, whereby the average of the separate loads on the three (3) phases is less than eighty percent (80%) of the load of maximum phase, the customer shall correct such phase unbalance to meet the above limitation. Should the customer fail to correct such phase unbalance, the demand, as determined, shall be increased in due proportion to such phase unbalance, or such single-phase service shall be rendered separately and billed under the appropriate rate covering such service.
All polyphase motors of twenty-five (25) horsepower and larger shall be controlled by reduced voltage starters unless system design criteria will permit use of motors with across-the-line starters. Requests for exceptions to this requirement must be submitted in writing to the Utility Manager. Exceptions granted by the City Council will be granted in writing.
The maximum size of any single-phase motor shall be five (5) horsepower.
The customer shall maintain a power factor of not less than ninety percent (90%) lagging. The average power factor during the month used for billing purposes shall be obtained from the measured kilowatt hours and the measured reactive kilovolt-ampere hours taken during the month. The meter for measurement of reactive kilovolt-ampere hours will be ratcheted to prevent reverse registration. If the average power factor during the month is less than ninety percent (90%) lagging, the total bill for the month shall be increased one percent (1%) for each one percent (1%) or major fraction thereof by which the average power factor during the month is less than ninety percent (90%) lagging.
The City shall have the right to install a demand meter.
Rate subject to power cost adjustment.
[CC 1985 § 24-149; Ord. No. 938 § 4, 12-8-2008; Ord. No. 1039 § 4, 3-4-2013; Ord. No. 1057 § 4, 6-9-2014; Ord. No. 1064 § 4, 2-9-2015; Ord. No. 1075 § 4, 1-11-2016; Ord. No. 21-1195, 4-19-2021]
Fees. This rate is applicable to general power users for power purposes when the customer has a measured demand of five hundred (500) kilowatts or more during any month in a year.
Monthly Rates. St. James Municipal Utilities Board shall establish rates for utility services and after approval by the City Council, said rates shall be enacted by ordinance of the City Council.
[Ord. No. 23-1253, 11-13-2023]
Minimum Monthly Bill. The minimum monthly bill hereunder shall be sixty percent (60%) of the maximum demand charge for the preceding twelve (12) months or one dollar ($1.00) per kva of installed transformer capacity, whichever is the larger amount.
Determination Of Billing Demand. The billing demand hereunder shall be the highest fifteen-minute measured kilowatt demand registered during the month by a suitable demand meter.
Transformer Ownership. All industrial service customers will own their own transformers.
Power Factor. The customer shall maintain a power factor of not less than ninety percent (90%) lagging. The average power factor during the month used for billing purposes shall be obtained from the measured kilowatt hours and the measured reactive kilovolt-ampere hours taken during the month. The meter for measurement of reactive kilovolt-ampere hours will be ratcheted to prevent reverse registration. If the average power factor during the month is less than ninety percent (90%) lagging, the total bill for the month shall be increased one percent (1%) for each one percent (1%), or major fraction thereof, by which the average power factor during the month is less than ninety percent (90%) lagging.
Payment. Utility bills paid by cash, money order, sufficient funds check, ACH or debit/credit on or before the 15th of each month are ten percent (10%) less than those paid after the 15th of the month.
Bills unpaid after the 15th of the month will be scheduled for disconnection of services.
Disconnect notices will be mailed to each delinquent customer announcing the date their services will be disconnected.
On disconnect day, customers will pay, in cash or debit/credit, the amount of the utility bill in full, a ten percent (10%) penalty, and a service charge of fifty dollars ($50.00). Customers that have been disconnected for non-payment may pay the required fees and be reconnected during normal business hours only.
Conditions Of Service.
The voltage, phase and frequency of service hereunder shall be as approved by the City.
More than one (1) character of service, as to voltage, phase and frequency of delivery, shall not be combined for billing hereunder.
Service to each separate location or point of delivery hereunder shall be billed separately.
Service under this schedule is for the sole use of the customer, and shall not be resold or submetered.
Lighting will be served hereunder, subject to the provisions of determination of demand. Lighting service incidental to power may be rendered hereunder if such combined lighting and power is served through one (1) point of delivery and the customer furnishes all additional equipment necessary for further transformation or regulation of energy for lighting service. Should such service to incidental single-phase load result in phase unbalance, whereby the average of the separate loads on the three (3) phases is less than eighty percent (80%) of the load of maximum phase, the customer shall correct such phase unbalance to meet the above limitation. Should the customer fail to correct such phase unbalance, the demand, as determined, shall be increased in due proportion to such phase unbalance, or such single-phase service shall be rendered separately and billed under the appropriate rate covering such service.
All polyphase motors of twenty-five (25) horsepower and larger shall be controlled by reduced voltage starters unless system design criteria will permit use of motors with across-the-line starters. Requests for exceptions to this requirement must be submitted in writing to the Utility Manager. Exceptions granted by the City Council will be granted in writing.
The maximum size of any single-phase motor shall be five (5) horsepower.
The customer shall maintain a power factor of not less than ninety percent (90%) lagging. The average power factor during the month used for billing purposes shall be obtained from the measured kilowatt hours and the measured reactive kilovolt-ampere hours taken during the month. The meter for measurement of reactive kilovolt-ampere hours will be ratcheted to prevent reverse registration. If the average power factor during the month is less than ninety percent (90%) lagging, the total bill for the month shall be increased one percent (1%) for each one percent (1%) or major fraction thereof by which the average power factor during the month is less than ninety percent (90%) lagging.
Rate subject to power cost adjustment.
[CC 1985 § 24-150; Ord. No. 938 § 5, 12-8-2008; Ord. No. 1039 § 5, 3-4-2013; Ord. No. 1057 § 5, 6-9-2014; Ord. No. 1064 § 5, 2-9-2015; Ord. No. 1075 § 5, 1-11-2016]
The following monthly rates, to be effective with the April 1, 2016, billing cycle, shall be charged for electrical energy furnished by the City:
This service is for unmetered security lights in operation from dusk to dawn, with a total wattage of two hundred (200) or less.
Lighting Rate (PF-2015) — Net Monthly Rate: $10.22 for each security light.
Additional charge for installation requiring additions to, or rearrangement of, existing facilities shall be actual cost. This cost to be paid prior to commencement of service.
[CC 1985 § 24-151; Ord. No. 938 § 6, 12-8-2008]
The following monthly rates, to be effective with the January 1, 2009, due March 10, 2009, billing cycle, shall be charged for electrical energy furnished by the City:
A surcharge will be applied to recover additional purchased energy charges. The rates are based on an average purchased power base rate of $0.0714 per kwh as of January 2009.
PCA = (B/A - $0.0714) x $1.10/kwh for B/A > $0.0714/kwh
PCA = Zero for B/A < = $0.0714/kwh
kilowatt hours purchased for month
monthly purchased power cost, including transmission costs
[CC 1985 § 24-74; Ord. No. 60 §§ 1, 8, 11-17-1937]
On and after the passage and approval of this Article by the City Council and Mayor of the City of St. James, all water sold or furnished by said City shall be paid for at the meter rate hereinafter fixed.
On and after the passage and approval of this Article, the water rates or water taxes shall be collected monthly and shall fall due on the first day of each month.
[CC 1985 § 24-152; Ord. No. 938 § 7, 12-8-2008; Ord. No. 991, 10-4-2010; Ord. No. 1076, 1-11-2016; Ord. No. 21-1195, 4-19-2021; Ord. No. 23-1253, 11-13-2023]
Monthly Rates. St. James Municipal Utilities Board shall establish rates for utility services and after approval by the City Council, said rates shall be enacted by ordinance of the City Council.
[CC 1985 § 24-76; Ord. No. 60 § 9, 11-17-1937]
In case the water meter fails to register from any cause, the amount charged for water during such period shall be estimated by the Public Works Director, such estimates to be based on the average amount registered during a like period, and in case the estimate of the Public Works Director is unsatisfactory to the consumer, he/she may appeal to the City Council.
[Ord. No. 1097, 7-10-2017]
A customer may request their water meter to be tested at no charge one (1) time in a twelve-month period. Further testing will require a meter testing fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) to be paid in advance. In the case of a meter being tested and the fault lies with the utilities, the fee will be credited to the customer's account.
[CC 1985 §§ 24-77, 24-152.1; Ord. No. 982 § 1, 4-5-2010; Ord. No. 21-1195, 4-19-2021[1]]
Any person authorized to purchase water from the City directly through fire hydrants for special situations shall pay a refundable deposit of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each water meter, a non-refundable water deposit of one hundred dollars ($100.00), a fifty dollar ($50.00) installation fee and fifty cents ($0.50) per one hundred (100) gallons.
Editor's Note: Ord. No. 21-1195 also combined former Section 725.085 into this Section.
Editor's Note: Former Section 725.085, Bulk Water Purchases Through Fire Hydrants, was combined into Section 725.080 on 4-19-2021 by Ord. No. 21-1195. See now Section 725.080.
[CC 1985 § 24-153; Ord. No. 938 § 8, 12-8-2008; Ord. No. 991, 10-4-2010; Ord. No. 1042, 7-1-2013; Ord. No. 21-1197, 4-19-2021]
Monthly Rates. St. James Municipal Utilities Board shall establish rates for utility services and after approval by the City Council, said rates shall be enacted by ordinance of the City Council.
[Ord. No. 23-1253, 11-13-2023]
A service availability fee was passed for Natural Gas and Sewer by motion and vote at the August 10, 2020, Utility Board meeting and took effect on the September 2020 billing.
[CC 1985 § 24-154; Ord. No. 938 § 9, 12-8-2008; Ord. No. 956, 7-6-2009; Ord. No. 980, 3-15-2010; Ord. No. 997, 11-1-2010; Ord. No. 21-1197, 4-19-2021[1]]
Monthly Rates. St. James Municipal Utilities Board shall establish rates for utility services and after approval by the City Council, said rates shall be enacted by ordinance of the City Council.
[Ord. No. 23-1253, 11-13-2023]
A service availability fee was passed for Natural Gas and Sewer by motion and vote at the August 10, 2020, Utility Board meeting and took effect on the September 2020 billing; and
A sewer rate increase along with a plan for a one (1) time per year increase for the next ten (10) years was passed at the August 10, 2020, Utility Board meeting by a motion and vote, and took effect on October 11, 2020.
Editor's Note: Current fee schedules were attached to Ord. No. 21-1197 and are held on file in the City offices.
[CC 1985 § 24-155; Ord. No. 938 § 10, 12-8-2008; Ord. No. 1075 § 6, 1-11-2016]
Except to the extent amended by this Chapter, the provisions of Chapters 700 through 725 of the Municipal Code of the City shall remain in full force and effect and the definitions and other provisions contained in those Chapters shall be applicable to this Chapter.
[CC 1985 § 24-157; Ord. No. 1035 §§ 1 — 6, 12-03-2012]
Applicable Service Territory. Net metering and electrical system interconnection is available on a first-come, first-served basis in the distribution service territory of St. James Municipal Utilities at any point on the Utility's existing facilities that has adequate capacity and suitable voltage for delivery of service until:
The total rated generating capacity of all net metering systems on the Utility equals five percent (5%) of the Utility's single-hour peak load during the previous year; or
The total rated generating capacity of approved new interconnection agreements during the current calendar year equals or exceeds one percent (1%) of the Utility's single-hour peak load for the previous calendar year.
Availability Of Service.
Net metering service is available to any existing customer who is in good standing under the City's electric service schedules, that owns and operates a renewable energy electric generator powered by solar, hydro, or wind or fuel cells using hydrogen produced by solar, hydro or wind with a capacity of not more than one hundred (100) kilowatts that is located on the customer's premises, is interconnected and operates in parallel phase and synchronization with the Utility's existing transmission and distribution facilities, and is intended primarily to offset part or all of the customer's own electrical power requirements. This rider is offered in compliance with the "Net Metering and Easy Connection Act" (Section 386.890, RSMo.) and appropriate Missouri Public Service Commission Rules.
Additional sources of renewable energy may be certified by the Department of Natural Resources and they will be accepted by the City.
All agreements hereunder are between the customer-generator and the City and shall not include a third party.
As used in this Section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Measuring the difference between the electricity supplied by the Utility and the electricity generated by an eligible customer-generator and fed back to the electric grid over the applicable billing period.
All other definitions shall be those contained in the Missouri "Net Metering and Easy Connection Act" (Section 386.890, RSMo.), except where noted in this Section.
Monthly Billing.
The electric service charge shall be computed in accordance with the monthly billing the under the customer's effective standard rate schedule. Under this Section, only the kilowatt hour (kwh) units of a customer-generator's bill are affected.
If the electricity supplied by the Utility exceeds the electricity generated by the customer-generator during the applicable billing period, the customer-generator shall be billed for the net billable kilowatt hours supplied by the Utility in accordance with the rates and charges under the Utility's standard rate schedule applicable to the customer.
If the electricity generated by the customer-generator exceeds the electricity supplied by the Utility, the customer-generator shall be credited for the net value of the electric energy delivered to the Utility during the applicable billing period at the Utility's "avoided fuel cost," with this credit appearing on the customer-generator's bill no later than the following billing period.
The "avoided fuel cost" is that amount determined by the City's governing board with responsibility for setting rates, as outlined in Section 386.890.2(1), RSMo.
Transfer Of Ownership. Upon change in ownership of the qualified unit, or of the premises on which the unit is located, the new customer-generator shall file a new application with the City for net metering.
Special Conditions.
The customer-generator must have:
An approved application for net metering.
A signed standard interconnection application/agreement with the Utility.
The customer-generator is responsible for all costs associated with its generating facility and is also responsible for all costs related to any modifications to the facility that may be required by the Utility for purposes of safety and reliability.
A net metering facility shall meet all applicable safety and performance standards established by the National Electric Safety Code, the National Electric Code, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and Underwriters Laboratory. In addition it shall:
Be equipped at the customer-generator's expense with a meter or meters approved by the Utility and capable of measuring the net amount of electrical energy produced or consumed by the customer-generator. Any additional costs necessary for the Utility to permit the meters or generator to be integrated into the Utility distribution system shall be borne by the customer-generator. At the request of the customer-generator, those costs can be initially paid by the Utility, which may bill the customer-generator the costs over a twelve-billing-cycle period along with a reasonable rate of interest.
Have a mechanism that automatically disables and disconnects the unit from the supplier's electrical lines in the event that service to the customer-generator is interrupted.
Have an easily accessible device or feature in immediate proximity to the metering equipment to allow a Utility worker to manually and instantly disconnect the unit from the Utility's distribution system.
For systems of one hundred (100) kilowatts or less, a customer-generator shall not be required to purchase any liability insurance. Insurance for systems above one hundred (100) kilowatts shall be negotiated as part of the interconnection agreement.