[Adopted 11-15-1965 (Ch. 18, Part 4, of the 1978 Code of Ordinances)]
Adoption. The Council of the Borough of Fox Chapel has duly adopted the following code by virtue of Resolution No. 123,[1] enacted the 15th day of November, 1965, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of said resolution.
Editor's Note: Resolution 123, adopted November 15, 1965, adopted the Code for the Construction of Sanitary Sewers in New Subdivisions, and provided that, from the date of that resolution, the code was to govern the construction of sanitary sewer facilities in all subdivisions where sewer facilities are required by applicable Borough ordinances.
Scope. This article sets forth the requirements and standards relative to the installation of sanitary sewers in new subdivisions in the Borough of Fox Chapel.
Approval of plans.
The plans and specifications for all main-line sanitary sewer installations shall be approved by the Borough Engineer and Borough Council before any construction shall commence.
House or building sewers shall be installed in accordance with the Borough regulations, titled "Rules and Regulations Governing House or Building Sanitary Sewer Connections," adopted by Borough Council February 19, 1962.
Permits. All permits required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the County of Allegheny, and the Borough of Fox Chapel, or any other authority, must be obtained prior to any construction work.
Responsibility. The primary responsibility for ensuring that the completed sanitary sewer system is constructed in accordance with this article shall lie with the developer of any new subdivision. In matters relating to this article, the Borough shall deal through the developer or his authorized agent.
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Fox Chapel Sanitary Authority.
The Borough of Fox Chapel or its authorized agent in the person of the Borough Manager, Assistant Borough Manager, Borough Engineer or an Inspector employed by the Borough.
An individual, company or corporation installing the sanitary sewers, or their authorized agent, particularly the superintendent or project field supervisor.
Any person who undertakes the subdivision of land into lots for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or of building development. This shall include an authorized agent of the developer.
A registered engineer or registered surveyor employed by a developer for the purpose of laying out and designing the lots and improvements which will serve a proposed subdivision.
[Amended 12-21-1992 by Ord. No. 536]
The developer, his authorized agent (or the developer's engineer) and the contractor for the developer shall meet with the Borough Manager, or his authorized agent, at least one week prior to starting any construction in order to discuss the project work schedule, inspection, project supervision and any other matters relating to the project.
The contractor shall notify the Borough at least 24 hours in advance of any proposed construction so that the Borough may schedule the inspection thereof.
Borough inspections.
All sanitary sewer installations shall be inspected by the Borough to ensure compliance with this article. The fee for inspections shall be at the rate set under the Subdivision Ordinance (Chapter 380).
No backfilling shall be done until the sewer has been inspected by the Borough. The Borough shall make a final inspection of the sewer system with the developer or the developer's engineer prior to the acceptance of the system by the Borough or the Authority.
Unsatisfactory work. The Borough shall notify the developer and his contractor in writing when inspection reveals unsatisfactory work which is not in compliance with this article. The developer or his agent shall take timely and appropriate action to ensure that any unsatisfactory work is corrected. The developer or his agent shall notify the Borough when the corrective work will be made so that the Borough may make a proper inspection. The Borough reserves the right to stop all work where unsatisfactory work is being employed and where the provisions of this article are being violated. No sanitary sewer system which fails to comply with the standards set forth in this article shall be accepted by the Borough or the Authority.
Construction plans. All sanitary sewers shall be constructed in strict accordance with construction plans and specifications approved by the Borough Engineer. All changes shall be approved by the Borough before construction of the revised portion of the work.
Approval of materials. It shall be the duty of the developer or his agent to furnish evidence to the Borough that the materials used on the project meet the material specifications as hereinafter set forth. No order shall be placed for any material or equipment by the developer or the contractor until approval is given by the Borough.
Work in public roads, maintenance of traffic. Whenever it is necessary to perform sewer construction work in a public road in the Borough, the developer or his agent must first obtain a road opening permit from the regulating agency. Measures shall be taken to confine the work in as small an area as practical so as to avoid undue inconvenience to the traveling public. One-way traffic shall be maintained whenever it is feasible to do so. Under extenuating circumstances, the Borough Manager may give written permission to close the entire road but for a period of no longer than 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Private and public property. The developer or his agent shall take every precaution to preserve any adjacent public or private property and shall protect all monuments and property markers. In the event any such monuments or markers are removed or damaged they shall be replaced at the expense of the developer. In no case shall the contractor trespass in any way upon private or public property without first having entered into a written agreement with the property owner for such privileges and having filed a copy of same with the Borough.
Fires. The developer or his agent shall abide by all rules and regulations of the Borough and the County of Allegheny relating to the lighting of open fires.
The contractor and superintendent. The contractor or the developer shall provide a competent superintendent to supervise the work from commencement to completion. The superintendent shall see that this article is followed in all sanitary sewer construction work. Any instructions given to the superintendent by the Borough shall be as binding as if they were given to the developer and the contractor.
Safety provisions. To protect persons from injury and to avoid property damage, adequate barricades, signs, torches, red lanterns, guards, flagmen or other safety measures shall be placed and maintained as required. All rules and regulations of local, county or state authorities regarding safety provisions shall be observed.
General. All pipe shall be of good quality and of the class and type indicated on the construction plans, which are in accordance with standards and details furnished by the Borough Engineer, and as approved by the Borough Engineer.
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
General. All manholes shall be of precast, reinforced concrete, resting on concrete bases, in accordance with standard details furnished by the Borough Engineer.[2]
Editor's Note: Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).
Editor's Note: Original Sections 207, Bedding and backfill materials; 208, Excavation; 209, Installation of sewers; 210, Backfilling; and 211, Testing and cleaning, which immediately followed this section, were repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I).