[Ord. No. 2005-10]
Any property owner wishing to erect a fence or portion of fence within any drainage or utility easement area controlled by the Township of Greenwich shall first obtain written permission in the form of a signed and recorded license agreement from the Township or its designee for such purpose. Such requirement shall be additional to any other applicable required governmental approvals, such as zoning and/or construction permits.
[Ord. No. 2005-10]
Applications for permission to erect fencing within a drainage or utility easement owned by the Township shall be obtained from the Zoning Officer and submitted, together with the requisite documentation, application fee and escrow fee. If the application is found by the Zoning Officer to be in order, he shall refer same to the Township Engineer for his review, inspection and recommendation.
[Ord. No. 2005-10]
The fee for an application to erect a fence in a drainage or utility easement area shall be $25. In addition, the applicant shall deposit a sum sufficient to pay for the engineering and other professional review of the application. The escrow deposit for a drainage or utility easement not involving any underground utilities shall be $250. The escrow for proposed fence installation in a drainage or utility easement involving underground pipes or utilities shall be $500 initial deposit. Escrow deposits shall be administered so far as is applicable in accordance with the professional escrow requirements of the Municipal Land Use Law, and replenishment of escrow deposits may be required, if necessary, in order to properly process the application and complete all inspections.
[Ord. No. 2005-10]
The Township Engineer's office shall review all applications for installation of fencing in drainage or other utility easements and shall conduct, where necessary, site inspections of the relevant areas both before and after installation.
[Ord. No. 2005-10]
No fencing shall be installed within such drainage or utility easement areas without an approved license agreement from the Township of Greenwich or its designee.
[Ord. No. 2005-10]
The property owner or its successors and assigns shall be solely responsible for maintenance of any fencing installed and shall be solely responsible for any damage caused by such fencing, and in the event that fencing is found to interfere in any way with the functioning of the drainage or utility easements, it shall be the responsibility of the property owner to remove the fencing and restore the area. Under no circumstances shall the Township of Greenwich be responsible for the maintenance or repair of the fencing in a drainage or utility easement area.
[Ord. No. 2005-10]
A license agreement memorializing the granting of permission to erect fencing in a drainage or utility easement area shall be prepared, and upon approval and signing, shall be recorded in the Warren County Clerk's office, and shall be binding upon the property owner and all those who succeed to the property owner's right, title or interest. Said license agreement shall provide that the licensee shall indemnify and save harmless the Township of Greenwich and its engineer and professionals, their employees, agents or servants, from all suits, actions, demands, claims, losses, damages, expenses and/or costs of every kind and description, to which the above persons may be subjected or put by way of injury, including death, to persons or property, resulting from a manner or method employed by the licensee, his employees, agents, servants or subcontractors in the installation or placement of any fencing in any drainage or utility easement area, or from any neglect or default of the licensee, his employees, agents, servants or subcontractors, and whether such suits, actions, demands, claims, losses, damages, expenses and/or costs be against, sustained or suffered by the Township or any of the other above-named persons, or for which the same may become liable therefor.
[Ord. No. 2005-10]
The Township of Greenwich at all times reserves the right to grant, limit or deny permission to a property owner to erect fencing in any drainage or utility easement area controlled by the Township, whenever determined by the Township, in its absolute discretion, to be necessary or appropriate.