[Adopted 3-21-1973 by Ord. No. 1973-6 (Ch. 47, Art. II, of the 1977 Code); amended in its entirety 11-28-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-21]
Reestablishment of Department. There is hereby reestablished a Fire Department and for the Borough of South River, to be known as the "South River Fire Department" and to consist of three companies, namely, Engine Company No. 1, Reliable Fire Company and Summit Engine Company. The fire companies hereby created shall comply with all the requirements of this article and any rules or regulations promulgated hereunder.
Compensation. The officers and members of the South River Fire Department shall receive such annual compensation as may be determined by the governing body.
Equipment. All apparatus, accessories, vehicles, equipment and supplies necessary for the maintenance and operation of the said Fire Department shall be bought and paid for by the Borough of South River.
No person shall hereafter become a member of the Fire Department of the Borough of South River or any company thereof unless he/she shall:
Have attained the age of 18 years.
Be a citizen of the United States or legal resident with a social security card.
[Amended 6-26-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-14]
[1]Be physically fit to perform the duties of a fireman as evidenced by a certificate to that effect by a licensed practicing physician of the State of New Jersey.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection A(1)(c), regarding living in a ten-mile radius of the Borough, was repealed 8-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-25. This ordinance also renumbered former Subsection A(1)(d) and A(1)(e) as Subsection A(1)(c) and A(1)(d).
Be in good moral standing.
All prospective members of any of the companies of the South River Fire Department shall be subject to criminal background investigation by the South River Police Department and the New Jersey State Police. In order to facilitate the background check, prospective members shall be subject to fingerprinting administered by the South River Police Department. Disclosure of the results of the criminal background investigation shall not be considered public information. Said results may be released only to the governing body, Business Administrator, Borough Attorney and Fire Chief.
Each new member appointed by the Mayor and Council shall, within two years of acceptance, submit a certificate stating that he/she has completed a course set forth by the New State Division of Fire and Safety at an approved Fire School. Failure to do such shall be a cause for removal from the Fire Department.
Any individual from another fire department seeking membership to the South River Fire Department must submit a letter of reference from their current department along with the application and possess all certificates needed for the position they are seeking.
Each person seeking to join the Fire Department shall make application to the fire company which he/she desires to join, and upon his/her appointment to membership of the company, he/she shall become a member in good standing of the Fire Department. After appointment by the Mayor and Council, said individual's name shall be entered onto the roll as a firefighter kept by the Municipal Clerk. Said individual shall be given a badge of membership by his/her unit.
Disciplinary proceedings.
The Chief of the Fire Department and the Fire Committee shall be responsible to see that this article is carried out by the officers and members of the Fire Department.
[Amended 8-2-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-11]
In the event that disciplinary action is taken against a member by the Chief, the member has the right to appeal before the three Chiefs and all line officers of the South River Fire Department.
General duties.
Each member of the Fire Department shall obey all lawful orders of superior officers.
Each member of the Fire Department shall obey all his company's bylaws.
Exempt certificates. Exemption certificates will be issued to members of the South River Fire Department who shall have served seven years in active duty, under municipal control, as required by law. Said certificates shall be signed by the municipal officers and the Chief of the Department.
Fire Police; Each individual shall be a member of the South River Fire Department. Fire Police shall serve for a term of one year commencing January 1, be recommended by the Fire Chief and appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Borough Council. Fire Police will attend training set forth by the New Jersey Division of Fire and Safety, and shall have the same qualifications, discipline and duties as set forth within this chapter.
The officers of the South River Fire Department shall consist of a Chief, a First Assistant Chief and a Second Assistant Chief. A person nominated to serve as Chief or First Assistant Chief shall have first served in the rank immediately below the rank in the South River Fire Department for which the position is sought. The officers of each company shall consist of a Captain, a Lieutenant, a President, a Vice President, and a Secretary and such other officers as each company may select. Each January the three Chiefs shall appoint an Incident Safety Officer (ISO). Said individual's term shall be for one year commencing January 1. The ISO shall follow all guidelines set forth by the Public Occupational Safety and Health Administration (POSHA) and New Jersey Division of Fire and Safety and the Chiefs of that year. An individual shall qualify to be appointed as an ISO if he has been a regular member of the South River Fire Department for at least seven years and the individual shall have completed an approved ISO training course set forth by the New Jersey State Division of Fire and Safety. The Chief, First Assistant Chief, Second Assistant Chief, Captain and Lieutenant must live within a 10 miles radius of the Borough.
[Amended 8-21-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-25]
Election of officers.
On the first Monday of December at 8:00 p.m. (EST), the Fire Department shall elect a Chief, First Assistant Chief and Second Assistant Chief. The terms of office shall commence on January 1 of the following year, and the Chiefs serve a term of one year or until their successors are confirmed by the Mayor and Council.
At least two weeks before said election, the Borough Clerk shall post notices in each of the fire stations. Prior to the December election, one candidate from each company shall be elected by his/her company at their regular monthly meeting. The positions of Chief, First Assistant Chief and Second Assistant Chief shall be filled by a member of a different company. The individual elected by each company shall have at least three years membership in the South River Fire Department and shall have served as a Captain and/or Lieutenant in a Fire Department. At the time of election the individual shall meet the requirements set forth by the New Jersey State Division of Fire Safety for such position. The Chairman of the Public Safety Committee shall preside at and conduct such election. In the event that a person elected to one of the Chief positions shall be unable to complete a full term due to incapacity, resignation or other reason, the company in which the vacancy arises shall hold a special meeting pursuant to its bylaws; at said meeting members of the company shall fill the vacancy for the unexpired term with a qualified individual set forth in this article.
The Chief of the South River Fire Department shall be responsible for heading the South River Fire Department and shall be the chief executive officer of the Fire Department.
The Chief, First Assistant and/or Second Assistant Chief shall attend all business meetings held by the Mayor and Council, and any other meeting deemed necessary by the Fire Chief of that year.
The Chief shall report to the Chairman of the Public Safety Committee on all drills held each month, stating date, time and purpose.
The Chief shall be responsible for all Fire Department property, excluding buildings and grounds.
The Chief shall be responsible for preparing the annual budget request and for the proper expenditure of funds as prescribed in the fiscal policy of the Borough.
It shall be the duty of the Chief to examine thereafter all reports each month for all apparatus and request the annual hydrant report from the water department.
It shall be the duty of the Captain of each company to keep a permanent record of attendance for fires and drills for each member of his company. The Captain shall submit each January 31 of the following year a signed certified report stating members that have qualified for L.O.S.A.P.
The Captain of each company shall submit monthly a truck and equipment maintenance report to the Chief of the Fire Department.
[Added 8-2-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-11]
The Fire Committee for each fire station shall be established consisting of:
Jackson Street Fire Station: both Engine Company No. 1 and Reliable Company Chiefs, and the two Company Presidents.
Summit Fire Station: The Chief of Summit Engine Company and the Company President.
General duties.
It shall be the responsibility of the Fire Committee(s) to assist the Chief of the Department in assuring that this article is carried out by the members and officers of the Fire Department as is mentioned in § 72-3B.
It shall be the responsibility of the Fire Committee(s) to monitor and regulate the operation and use of their respective fire stations. Any outside or non-Fire-Department use of the fire stations must be approved by the Fire Committee.
The Fire Committee will annually appoint a building manager(s), who will act as a liaison to the Business Administrator for maintenance and repairs.
In the absence of the Chief, his command shall devolve upon and his duties be performed by the First Assistant Chief; in the absence of the Chief and the First Assistant Chief, command shall devolve upon and the duties shall be performed by the Second Assistant Chief; and in the absence of the Chief, First Assistant Chief and Second Assistant Chief, said command and duties shall devolve upon the next senior officer of the Fire Department in attendance at said incident. In the absence of any line officer, the driver of the first arriving apparatus shall assume command.
Each company shall have a Secretary, who shall be elected by ballot at the annual meeting of the company in each and every year.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary of each company to submit to the Secretary of the Local Firemen's Relief Association a complete list of all active members of his company; said list when filed shall carry the name of the member, date of joining the Department and age at the time of joining.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary of each company to notify the Mayor and Council of any membership changes.
It shall be the duty of the Secretary of each company to notify the Chairman of the Public Safety Committee of their respective company's nomination for the position of Chief, First Assistant, and Second Assistant Chief prior to the first Monday of December.
Each company shall have the power to adopt bylaws for the conduct and management of such company and the officers and members thereof, not inconsistent with the provisions of this article or any ordinance of the Borough of South River or any statutory law applicable thereto.
Editor's Note: Former Art. III, Bureau of Fire Prevention, adopted 12-16-1970 as Section 2 of Ord. No. 1970-24, as amended, was repealed 5-30-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-22. For current provisions, see Ch. 169, Fire Prevention.