[Ord. 161, 8/6/2014, § 1.18]
Every property owner in the Township shall contract with an individual, entity or firm which is a licensed hauler by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to have all the municipal waste generated by residents collected curbside and deposited in a permitted landfill and recyclables collected curbside and taken to a recycling vendor on a minimum of a biweekly basis or more often.
Proof of Contract Required. Whenever requested by the Township, the owner of any real estate within the Township shall present proof adequate in the judgment of the Township designee that the owner of said real estate has a current contract with a licensed hauler to collect and dispose of municipal waste and remove and process recyclables generated on the premises on a biweekly basis or more often. The owner of the premises shall have 72 hours to provide proof to the Township designee that he has a current contract with a licensed hauler to provide sufficient service to satisfy the terms and conditions of this chapter.
Duties of Haulers.
Any hauler picking up municipal waste and recyclables in the Township, shall be required to advise the Township in writing within 72 hours after request from the Township as to whether an owner has a current contract for municipal waste disposal from his premises within the Township. Furthermore, all licensed haulers shall cooperate with the Township designee in providing information in the event that an action is instituted to enforce the terms and conditions of this Part.
All haulers shall have an affirmative duty to follow and conduct themselves in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, any failure of which shall be a violation of this chapter.
All haulers shall have an affirmative duty to handle waste/recycling containers in a safe manner and if as a result of their handling cause damage shall have the duty to repair and/or replace damaged containers.
[Ord. 161, 8/6/2014, § 1.19]
Every hauler shall be required to provide to its multifamily residential, commercial, municipal, and institutional establishments recyclable removal service at the curbside or an appropriate location on the premises. Any such recyclables so removed by haulers shall be kept separate from municipal waste, shall be taken to a recycling facility for the purpose of recycling.
[Ord. 161, 8/6/2014, § 1.20]
The Township reserves the right by resolution to direct recyclables to a designated facility.
[Ord. 161, 8/6/2014, § 1.21]
No hauler shall accept, pick up, or remove any bag or other container of municipal waste which the hauler knows, or has reason to believe, contains recyclables, combined with the municipal waste placed at curbside or otherwise placed for pick up, the hauler shall affix a tag or sticker to the container containing the recyclables.
[Ord. 161, 8/6/2014, § 1.22]
All complaints regarding collection of recyclables or municipal waste shall be reported to the collector/hauler.
[Ord. 161, 8/6/2014, § 1.23]
Nothing contained herein shall impair or prohibit any recognized civic, fraternal, charitable or benevolent organization, association or society from undertaking or sponsoring voluntary programs or projects involving the collection of recyclables from the public. Any such collection activity can only occur prior to the recyclables materials being placed at curbside or similar location for collection by an authorized collector. Prior to initiating such activity the organization shall obtain authorization from the Township.