Ord. 35
Providing for the adoption and regulation of a Police Pension Fund and Police Pension Program for full-time policemen of the Township
Ord. 42A
Providing for the adoption and regulation of a Police Pension Fund and Police Pension Program for full-time policemen of the Township
Ord. 42B
Amending the Police Pension Plan of the Township
Ord. 47
Setting forth compensation of members of the Board of Supervisors
Ord. 57
Implementing an agreement for intergovernmental cooperation known as the "Municipal Police Mutual Aid Agreement"
Ord. 60
Amending the Police Pension Plan of the Township
Ord. 68
Amending the Police Pension Plan of the Township
Ord. 69
Amending and revising the compensation paid to the Township Supervisors
Ord. 71
Providing for the establishment of a Pension Plan for the full-time police employees of the Township
Ord. 84
Amending the Police Pension Plan of the Township
Ord. 90
Authorizing the execution of a joint purchasing agreement by and between the participating municipalities belonging to the Nazareth Area Council of Governments
Res. 491
Adopting a public comment policy and order of business in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order
Ord. 105
Authorizing the Township to join with other local government units as a settlor of the Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust for the purpose of purchasing shares of the trust
Ord. 121
Authorizing execution of the Nazareth Area Multi-municipal Comprehensive Plan Intermunicipal Cooperative Implementation Agreement
Ord. 129
Authorizing approval and execution of the Nazareth Area Council of Governments Emergency Services Mutual Aid Agreement
Ord. 131
Authorizing the Township, to join with other political subdivisions as a member of the Pennsylvania Municipal Health Insurance Cooperative (PMHIC), to enter into an intergovernmental agreement for the purpose of joining the PMHIC and to participate as a member of the PMHIC
Ord. 133
Electing to join the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System under Article IV of the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Law: agreeing to be bound by all provisions of the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement Law as amended and as applicable to member municipalities joining
Res. 541
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accounts to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2008
Res. 08-2
Setting the compensation of Tax Collector
Res. 08-1
Designation of depositories
Res. 08-5
Resolving that no contributions shall be required by the participants in the Township Police Pension Plan for the calendar year 2008
Res. 08-6
Implementing the National Incident Management System
Res. 08-08
Appointing Jerilyn Kronstadt as the Chief Administrative Officer of pension plans for the Township
Res. 08-09
Corporate authorization resolution
Res. 08-11
Authorizing submission of a Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2008 Community Development Block Grant Subgrant Application to the County of Northampton
Res. 08-12
Creating the Township Municipal Capital Improvements Committee pursuant to Act 209 of 1990, as amended
Res. 09-1
Designation of depositories
Res. 09-3
Appointing Jerilyn Kronstadt as the Chief Administrative Officer of pension plans for the Township
Res. 09-5
Agreeing to use the dotGrants on-line reporting system to file the required Liquid Fuels forms annually
Res. 09-6
Adopting the Nazareth Area School District Resolution and Earned Income Tax Collection Policies
Res. 09-7
Resolving that no contributions shall be required by the participants in the Township Police Pension Plan for the calendar year 2009
Res. 09-10
Designating and appointing Betty Parrish as the Township's representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee
Res. 09-13
Resolving that the lands of Carol S. Keller, designated as Tax Parcel No. K6-20-1 and K6-20-1F may be added to the East Allen Township Agricultural Security Area District
Res. 09-14
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accounts to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2009
Res. 10-2
Designation of depositories
Res. 10-3
Resolving that no contributions shall be required by the participants in the Township Police Pension Plan for the calendar year 2010
Res. 10-4
Adopting Land Use Assumption Report
Res. 10-5
Opposing any measure, initiative, or plan that mandates the forced merger or consolidation of local governments
Res. 10-06
Opposing the lease or sale of Gracedale
Res. 10-07
Authorizing submission of a municipal park acquisition and development program grant application to the County of Northampton
Res. 10-8
Adopting a code of conduct for the participation in and acceptance of funds associated with the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG)
Res. 10-9
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accounts to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2010
Res. 11-2
Designation of depositories
Res. 11-3
Resolving that no contributions shall be required by the participants in the Township Police Pension Plan for the calendar year 2011
Res. 11-5
Joint purchase of police and utility vehicles with South Hills Area Council of Governments
Res. 11-04
Authorizing adoption of retirement plan
Res. 11-6
Approving the transfer of restaurant liquor license No. R-14145 into the Township from the Township of Bethlehem
Ord. 147
Amending the provisions of the Police Pension Plan
Res. 11-7
Designation of depositories
Res. 11-08
Appointing and designating a liaison between it and Northampton Tax Collection Committee and its Tax Officer for the express purpose of sharing confidential tax information with the Township for official purposes
Res. 11-09
Adopting emergency operations plan for the Township
Ord. 150
Approving and authorizing an Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement between the Township and East Allen Township entitled "Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement" concerning enforcement of traffic restrictions on Township Line Road
Res. 12-2
Designation of depositories
Res. 12-3
Resolving that no contributions shall be required by the participants in the Township Police Pension Plan for the calendar year 2012
Res. 12-4
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accounts to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2011
Res. 12-05
Appointing and designating a liaison between it and Northampton Tax Collection Committee and its Tax Officer for the express purpose of sharing confidential tax information with the Township for official purposes
Res. 12-07
Allowing payments of 2012 Township Real Estate taxes in two installments
Ord. 151
Establishing a Deferred Retirement Option Plan as an optional form of benefit under the existing Township Police Pension Plan
Res. 12-08
Prevailing wage reform
Res. 12-09
Designating and appointing Betty Parrish as the Township's representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee and that Scott Sylvainus is designated and appointed as the Township's alternate representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee and that James Augustine is designated and appointed Township's second alternate representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee
Res. 12-14
Ordering and directing Met-Ed to furnish additional lighting
Res. 12-13
Declaring Ashley Development Corporation in default under land development agreement Hillside Farms Subdivision Phase III, Land Development Maintenance and Guaranty Agreement Hillside Farms Subdivision Phase III, and Development Security Agreement Hillside Farms Subdivision Phase III dated November 26, 2002, with notice of default to surety
Res. 12-15
Designation of depositories
Res. 12-16
Adopting written procedures governing how professional services are chosen for its pension plans in order to comply with Act 44 and the Auditor General's recommendation
Res. 12-17
Ordering and directing Met-Ed to furnish additional lighting
Res. 13-2
Designation of depositories
Res. 13-3
Resolving that no contributions shall be required by the participants in the Township Police Pension Plan for the calendar year 2013
Res. 13-04
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accounts to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2012
Res. 13-05
Designating and appointing Betty Parrish as the Township's representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee and that Scott Sylvainus is designated and appointed as the Township's alternate representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee and that James Augustine is designated and appointed Township's second alternate representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee
Res. 13-06
Designation of agent resolution
Res. 13-08
Urging the General Assembly to free our taxpayers from the undue fiscal burden placed on them by the Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Act of 1961
Res. 13-09
Declaring its intent to follow the schedules and procedures for disposition of records as set forth in the Municipal Records Manual Approved on December 16, 2008
Res. 13-10
Adopting the Lehigh Valley 2013 Hazard Mitigation Plan
Res. 13-11
Adopting a policy protecting individuals engaged in nonviolent civil rights demonstration
Res. 13-12
Designating Michael Rinker, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and Jerilyn Kronstadt, Secretary of the Township, to execute all documents and agreements between the Township and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to facilitate and assist in obtaining the requested grant
Res. 13-15
Designating Michael Rinker, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and Jerilyn Kronstadt, Secretary of the Township, to execute all documents and agreements between the Township and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to facilitate and assist in obtaining the requested grant
Ord. 156
Amending the Municipal Pension Plan of the Township
Res. 13-18
Amending the Municipal Pension Plan
Res. 14-2
Designation of depositories
Res. 14-3
Resolving that no contributions shall be required by the participants in the Township Police Pension Plan for the calendar year 2014
Res. 14-4
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accounts to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2013
Res. 14-5
Designating and appointing Betty Parrish as the Township's representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee and that Scott Sylvainus is designated and appointed as the Township's alternate representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee and that James Augustine is designated and appointed Township's second alternate representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee
Res. 14-6
Authorizing application to Pennsylvania Municipal Assistance Program
Res. 14-9
Designating Michael Rinker, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors, and Betty Parrish, Secretary/Treasurer of the Township, to execute all documents and agreements between the Township and the Commonwealth Financing Authority to facilitate and assist in obtaining the requested grant
Res. 14-10
Adopting written procedures in how professional services are chosen for its pension plans in order to comply with Act 44 of 2009 and the Auditor General's recommendation
Ord. 162
Amending the Township Police Employees Pension Plan providing for purchase of non-intervening military service credit
Res. 14-15
Ordering and directing Met-Ed to furnish additional street lighting
(Amended and superseded by Res. 16-16)
Res. 14-17
Prohibiting the use of tobacco in recreational areas, parks and playgrounds
Ord. 164
Authorizing the participation of the Township in the PSATS Unemployment Compensation Group Trust
Res. 15-2
Designation of depositories
Res. 15-3
Resolving that no contributions shall be required by the participants in the Township Police Pension Plan for the calendar year 2015
Res. 15-4
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accounts to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2014
Res. 15-5
Designating and appointing Betty Parrish as the Township's representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee, and Scott Sylvainus as alternate representative
Res. 15-7
Approving application for funds under Park Acquisition and Development Program and authorizing Chairperson of Board of Supervisors to execute and file appropriate forms
Res. 15-9
Submitting application for traffic signal approval to PennDOT
Res. 15-10
Authorizing submission of a TreeVitalize Tree Planing Grant application to Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Bureau of Forestry
Res. 15-11
Authorizing filing of application for funds with the DCED
Res. 15-12
Requesting local share account grant from Commonwealth Financing Authority to purchase police vehicle
Res. 16-2
Designation of depositories
Res. 16-3
Resolving that no contributions shall be required by the participants in the Township Police Pension Plan for the calendar year 2016
Res. 16-4
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accounts to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2015
Res. 16-5
Designating and appointing Betty Parrish as the Township's representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee; E.J. Mentry as alternate representative; Scott Sylvainus as second alternate representative
Ord. 170
Amending the Township Police Employees Pension Plan providing for reduction of normal retirement age and enhanced pension benefit
Res. 16-6
Designating agent for obtaining financial assistance under Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (2016 Winter Storm Jonas)
Res. 16-7
UNT Park, Recreation, and Open Space Plan grant application
Res. 16-8
Authorizing signing of agreement related to PennDOT
Res. 16-9
Support of fair housing
Res. 16-10
Authorizing disposition of records
Res. 16-11
Authorizing signing of grant agreement from PennDOT to receive grant funds under Green Light-Go Program
Res. 16-13
Designation of depositories
Res. 16-14
Authorizing Edward M. Mentry, Jr., to sign documentation pertaining to HOME Program Grant
Res. 16-15
Supporting Township Police Department's request for a grant for portable scales to be used by Township's certified Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) Officer
Res. 16-16
Ordering and directing Met-Ed to furnish additional street lighting
Res. 16-17
Requesting local share account grant from Commonwealth Financing Authority for roadway improvements on North Liberty Street
(Amended and superseded by Res. 16-18)
Res. 16-18
Requesting local share account grant from Commonwealth Financing Authority for roadway improvements on North Liberty Street
Res. 16-20
Authorizing disposition by Police Department of abandoned bicycles
Res. 16-21
Authorizing disposition of records
Res. 17-2
Designation of depositories
Res. 17-3
Resolving that no contributions shall be required by the participants in the Township Police Pension Plan for the calendar year 2017
Res. 17-4
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accounts to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2016
Res. 17-5
Designating and appointing Betty Parrish as the Township's representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee; E.J. Mentry as alternate representative; Scott Sylvainus as second alternate representative
Res. 17-6
Establishing mailbox replacement policy for snow plow-related damages
Res. 17-7
Establishing compensation of Tax Collector
Res. 17-9
Ordering and directing Met-Ed to furnish additional street lighting
Res. 17-12A
Support of fair housing
Res. 17-13
Authorizing submission of municipal park acquisition and development program grant application to Northampton County
Res. 17-15
Adopting emergency operations plan
Res. 17-19
Prohibiting the locating of a Category 4 licensed facility within Township
Res. 18-2
Designation of depositories
Res. 18-3
Resolving that no contributions shall be required by the participants in the Township Police Pension Plan for the calendar year 2018
Res. 18-4
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accounts to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2017
Res. 18-5
Designating and appointing Betty Parrish as the Township's representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee; E.J. Mentry as alternate representative; Scott Sylvainus as second alternate representative
Res. 18-7
Transferring unused 2017 funds from General Fund to various accounts
Res. 18-8
Support of fair housing
Ord. 177
Adopting an intergovernmental cooperation agreement for road, street and/or highway construction, repair and maintenance projects with the Township of Bushkill and the Township of Lower Nazareth
Res. 18-9
Certifying application to Pennsylvania Municipal Assistance Program
Res. 18-10
Authorizing Bushkill Township to consider incorporation of Profeta Farms Pennsylvania LLC property into an agricultural security area
Res. 18-11
Requesting local share account grant from Commonwealth Financing Authority for procurement of multimunicipal road-paving equipment with the Borough of Bath
Res. 18-12
Requesting local share account grant from Commonwealth Financing Authority for procurement of multimunicipal road-paving equipment with the Borough of Bath
Res. 18-14
Authorizing approval of participation in Nazareth Area Council of Governments Animal Control Officer Program
Ord. No. 180
Providing that participant contributions to the Police Pension Plan be "picked up" by the employer and treated as employer contributions pursuant to IRC § 414(h)(2)
Res. No. 19-02
Designating depositories for Township funds for the year 2019
Res. No. 19-03
Requiring member contributions to the Police Pension Plan of 1% of gross wages for calendar year 2019
Res. No. 19-04
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accountants to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2018
Res. No. 19-05
Designating and appointing Betty Parrish as the Township's representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee and Scott Sylvainus as alternate representative
Res. No. 19-06
Support of fair housing
Res. No. 19-07
Adopting the Lehigh Valley 2018 Hazard Mitigation Plan
Res. No. 19-08
Authorizing Bushkill Township to consider incorporation of Tax Parcel J7-13-14-0432, property of Robert Oswald, in Upper Nazareth Township, into the Bushkill Township agricultural security area
Res. No. 19-09
Opposing House Bill 349
Ord. No. 182
Providing for a referendum on the question of whether an additional earned income tax at a rate of 0.25% shall be imposed on the residents of Upper Nazareth Township for purposes of preservation of open space
Res. No. 19-10
Amending and authorizing the joint submission between the Borough of Bath and Upper Nazareth Township of a local share account grant application to the Commonwealth Financing Authority for the purpose of purchasing multimunicipal road-paving equipment
Res. No. 19-13
Authorizing the disposition of records as set forth in the Municipal Records Manual
Ord. No. 183
Imposing an addition 0.25% earned income tax for open space funding
Res. No. 20-02
Designating depositories for Township funds for the year 2020
Res. No. 20-03
Requiring member contributions to the Police Pension Plan of 1.5% of gross wages for calendar year 2020
Res. No. 20-04
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accountants to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2019
Res. No. 20-05
Designating and appointing Betty Parrish as the Township's representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee and Lisa Klem as alternate representative
Res. No. 20-06
Support of fair housing
Res. No. 20-07
Intergovernmental cooperation shared equipment agreement with the Borough of Bath regarding road-paving equipment
Res. No. 20-08
Authorizing and implementing changes to the designated Pension Plan officials
Res. No. 20-09
Authorizing contracts by and between the Township and Isett for the appointment of Isett as the third-party Uniform Construction Code plan reviewers and inspectors; and appointing Daniel DeMeno of Isett to serve as Alternate Zoning Officer for the Township
Res. No. 20-10
Authorizing emergency intermunicipal mutual aid for police services between Bushkill Township, Tatamy Borough and Upper Nazareth Township during the COVID-19 pandemic
Res. No. 20-11
Declaration of disaster emergency
Res. No. 20-12
Declaration of disaster emergency extension
Res. No. 20-13
Extending the period in which the Township will collect the tax imposed on the assessed value of real estate at the Township's prescribed base amount through 7/31/2020
Res. No. 20-14
Adopting an Emergency Operations Plan for the Township
Res. No. 20-19
Amending the Non-Uniform Pension Plan administered by the Pennsylvania Municipal Retirement System
Res. No. 20-20
Requesting a local share account grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority for the purchase of two four-wheel drive utility vehicles with required police emergency equipment for the Police Department
Res. No. 20-21
Requesting a local share account grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority for the purchase of a double drum asphalt roller and a cold planer for the Public Works Department
Res. No. 21-01
Designating depositories for Township funds for the year 2021
Res. No. 21-02
Requiring member contributions to the Police Pension Plan of 2.0% of gross wages for calendar year 2021
Res. No. 21-03
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accountants to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2020
Res. No. 21-04
Designating and appointing Betty Parrish as the Township's representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee and Lisa Klem as alternate representative
Res. No. 21-05
Closing out the Community Conservation Partnerships Program grant project BRC-TAG-22-136
Res. No. 21-06
Establishing compensation of the Tax Collector for the collection of the special library tax for the year 2021
Res. No. 21-07
Establishing discount and penalty rates for collection of the special library tax
Res. No. 21-08
Establishing compensation of the Tax Collector
Res. No. 21-14
Incorporating Tax Parcel K7-17-18-0432 into the Lower Nazareth Township Agricultural Security Area
Res. No. 22-01
Designating Embassy Bank and the Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust as designated depositories for Township funds for the year 2022
Res. No. 22-03
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accounts to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2021
Res. No. 22-04
Appointing Lisa Klem as the Township's representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee and Deanne Werkheiser as the alternate
Res. No. 22-05
Adopting the Emergency Operations Plan February 2022
Res. No. 22-06
Business credit card account authorization
Res. No. 22-07
Requesting a local share account grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to purchase Public Works equipment
Res. No. 22-08
Requesting a local share account grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority for an addition to the Township Municipal Building
Res. No. 22-12
Applying for funds under the Livable Landscape Grant Program
Res. No. 22-13
Adopting the Nazareth Area Multimunicipal Comprehensive Plan
Res. No. 22-14
Requesting a local share account grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority for the purchase of communications and rescue equipment for the Nazareth Volunteer Fire Department
Res. No. 22-15
Requesting a local share account grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority for the purchase of public works equipment
Res. No. 22-16
Requiring the Tax Collector to comply with Act 57 of 2022
Res. No. 22-18
Authorizing and implementing changes to the designated Pension Plan officials
Ord. No. 190
Amending the Police Pension plan providing for an early retirement benefit
Res. No. 22-23
Requesting a PA Small Water and Sewer Program grant from the Commonwealth Financing Authority for stormwater projects
Res. No. 23-01
Designating Embassy Bank as the designated depository for Township funds for the year 2023
Res. No. 23-02
Requiring member contributions to the Police Pension Plan of 3.0% of gross wages for calendar year 2023
Res. No. 23-03
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accounts to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2022
Res. No. 23-04
Appointing Brian Sayago as the Township's representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee and Deanne Werkheiser as the alternate
Res. No. 23-07
Adopting and confirming the acquisition of lands more particularly described in the Office for the Recording of Deeds in and for Northampton County, Tax Parcel No. K6-24-3-0432
Res. No. 23-08
Ordering and directing Met-Ed to energize lighting
Res. No. 23-09
Approving the Nazareth Area Multimunicipal Comprehensive Plan Intermunicipal Cooperative Implementation Agreement
Res. No. 23-10
Requesting a local share account grant for $189,790 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used for purchase of police quality communications equipment and services consisting of body cameras and car cameras
Res. No. 23-11
Authorizing the disposition of records
Res. No. 23-12
Requesting a Monroe County Local Share Account grant for $49,840 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority to be used for purchase of a 2024 F-150 police responder
Res. No. 23-15
Requesting a local share assessment grant of $1,000,000 from the Commonwealth Financing Authority, to be used for the purchase of an enforcer pumper tanker for the Upper Nazareth Township Fire Department
Res. No. 23-16
Adopting and allocating funds for an outdoor fitness court®as part of the 2024 National Fitness Campaign
Res. No. 24-01
Designated as depositories for Township funds for the year 2024: Embassy Bank, P.O. Box 20405, Lehigh Valley, PA 18002-0405
Res. No. 24-02
Requiring member contributions by participants in the Upper Nazareth Township Police Pension Plan for the Calendar Year 2024
Res. No. 24-03
Appointing a certified or competent public accountant or firm of certified or competent public accountants to make an examination of all of the accounts of the Township for the fiscal year 2023
Res. No. 24-04
Appointing Brian Sayago as the Township's representative to the Northampton County Tax Collection Committee and Deanne Werkheiser as the alternate
Res. No. 24-07
Adopting Emergency Operations Plan February 2024
Res. No 24-08
Approving application for funds from the county's Livable Landscapes Grant Program