[Ord. 144, 1/19/2011, § 15]
Impact fees due pursuant to this Chapter 22B shall be collected by the Township in the manner or manners prescribed herein or as modified by action of the Board of Supervisors prior to and as a precondition for the issuance of the building permit or use and occupancy permit, whichever first occurs.
Upon receipt of impact fees, the Township designee shall be responsible for the separate and proper accounting of such fees. All such fees shall be deposited in an interest bearing account in a bank authorized to receive deposits of the Township funds. Interest earned by such account shall be credited to the account and shall be used solely for the purpose specified for funds of such account.
The Township designee shall establish appropriate fund accounts and shall maintain records whereby impact fees collected can be segregated for each transportation service area.
The Township Manager or his/her designee shall maintain and keep adequate financial records for such accounts as will show the source and disbursement of all revenues, which shall account for all monies received, and which shall ensure that the disbursement of the funds from each account shall be used solely and exclusively for the provision of projects specified in the Intersection Improvement Program.
[Ord. 144, 1/19/2011, § 16]
Payment of the transportation capital improvements impact fee shall be made by the traffic generator prior to and as a precondition for the issuance of a building permit or use and occupancy permit by the Township for development or construction on the applicable site.
[Ord. 144, 1/19/2011, § 17]
Any applicant who shall perform, at applicants own expense and with the consent and agreement of the Board of Supervisors which shall be within the sole discretion of the Board, off-site traffic improvements, as herein defined, shall be eligible for a credit from the impact fee otherwise due in the amount of the actual cost of such off-site traffic improvements as approved by the Township Engineer. Such credit shall not exceed the amount of the impact fee.
If the applicant makes such improvements, he must enter into a prior written agreement with the Board of Supervisors in advance of the issuance of any building permit or use and occupancy permit. The agreement must establish the estimated cost of the improvement, the schedule of initiation and completion of the improvement, the financial security for the said improvement, a requirement that the improvement be completed to Township and Pennsylvania Department of Transportation standards and design criteria and such other terms and conditions as deemed necessary by the Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors must review the improvement plan, verify costs and time schedules, determine if the improvement is an eligible improvement and determine the amount of the applicable credit for such improvement to be applied to the otherwise applicable impact fee prior to issuance of any building permit or use and occupancy permit. In no event shall the Board of Supervisors provide a credit which is greater than the applicable impact fee. Provided, any such applicant shall be required to supply financial security, in the form of a letter of credit or cash, sufficient in the discretion of the Township, to cover the cost of any such improvement to be installed by the applicant for which credit is sought.
Any applicant shall be entitled to credit against impact fees an amount equal to the agreed upon fair market value of land dedicated by the applicant and accepted by the Township in its discretion for future off-site right-of-way, realignment or widening of existing roadways within intersections that were studied as part of the capital improvements plan.
An applicant shall be entitled to credit against impact fees an amount equal to the value of any road improvement construction which is contained in the Transportation Capital Improvements Plan and which was performed at the applicant's expense and with the consent and approval of the Board of Supervisors.
[Ord. 144, 1/19/2011, § 18]
Impact fees collected pursuant to this Chapter 22B shall be refunded, together with interest earned thereon, to the payor of the fees under the following circumstances:
In the event the Township completes or terminates the capital improvements plan without adoption of a new or amended capital improvement plan and there remain undisbursed funds, the respective payors shall be entitled to a share of the fund balance in the same portion as the payor's impact fee payment plus interest earned bears to the total impact fees collected plus interest.
In the event any road improvement project within the transportation service area not the subject of additional improvement plans is completed at a cost to the Township less than 95% of the budgeted cost of the road project, the Township shall refund an amount equal to the excess budgeted cost over actual cost to the payors, pro rata, plus accumulated interest at the same pro rata value.
In the event that the Township fails to commence construction within three years of the scheduled construction date of the project as set forth in the Transportation Capital Improvements Plan, without revision of said plan and construction date, the Township shall refund the portion of the fee paid by any payor making written request therefor, with accumulated interest, provided no refund shall be paid with respect to any project actually begun prior to the receipt of such refund request even if said initiation date shall be more than three years beyond the scheduled construction date.
With respect to refunds arising out of the Subsections 1A or B, hereof, any funds unclaimed within one year after notice as required by law shall be transferred to the general fund account of the Township, and the payor's entitlement to said refund shall lapse. It is the responsibility of the payor to provide the Township with payor's current address at all times.