In order to provide adequate open spaces for access to light
and circulation of air, to facilitate the prevention and fighting
of fires, to prevent undue concentration of population and to lessen
congestion on streets, no building or premises shall hereafter be
erected, altered or used except in accordance with the area and bulk
regulations herein set forth.
The minimum permitted lot area, lot width and yard depth and
the maximum lot coverage and building height in A Districts shall
be as follows:
A. For residential uses:
(1) Lot area shall be a minimum of two acres.
(2) Lot width shall be a minimum of 250 feet.
B. For nonresidential uses:
(1) Lot area shall be a minimum of two acres.
(2) Lot width shall be a minimum of 250 feet.
C. For all uses:
(1) Yard depth:
Front yard depth shall be a minimum of 50 feet.
Side yard depth shall be a minimum of 20 feet.
Rear yard depth shall be a minimum of 50 feet.
(2) Lot coverage shall be a maximum of 20%.
(3) Building height shall be a maximum of:
Two and one-half stories.
The minimum permitted lot area, lot width and yard depth and
the maximum lot coverage and building height in R Districts shall
be as follows:
A. For residential uses:
(1) Lot area shall be a minimum of 10,000 square feet.
(2) Lot width shall be a minimum of 75 feet.
(3) On Keuka Lake shoreline lots, the lot width shall be a minimum of
50 feet.
B. For nonresidential uses:
(1) Lot area shall be a minimum of 10,000 square feet.
(2) Lot width shall be a minimum of 75 feet.
C. For all uses:
(1) Yard depth:
Front yard depth shall be a minimum of 20 feet.
Side yard depth shall be a minimum of 10 feet.
Rear yard depth shall be a minimum of 30 feet.
On Keuka Lake shoreline lots:
Front yard depth shall be a minimum of 15 feet.
Rear yard depth shall be a minimum of 20 feet.
(2) Lot coverage shall be a maximum of 25%.
(3) Building height shall be a maximum of:
Two and one-half stories.
D. Exemptions. One landing and/or stairway is permitted for the purpose
of providing access to a residence or property where a conforming
method of access is not available due to steep slope or terrain. The
following standards must be met:
(1) The landing shall not exceed 40 inches in width or depth.
(2) The stairway structure shall not exceed 40 inches in width.
(3) Both the stairway and landing shall meet the New York State Uniform
Fire and Building Code standards for such construction, regardless
of whether or not it is connected to a residence or any structure.
(4) Encroachment into the existing roadside setback shall be the minimum
distance required that will allow access while adhering to the aforementioned
construction standards.
(5) No portion of the landing or stairway shall protrude into or cause
the reduction of any existing off-street parking. The applicant must
provide documentation that this requirement has been met.
(6) No portion of the landing or stairway shall encroach upon any required
side yard setback.
The minimum permitted lot area, lot width and yard depth and
the maximum lot coverage and building height in B Districts shall
be as follows:
A. Residential uses are not permitted in B Districts.
B. For nonresidential uses:
(1) Lot area shall be a minimum of 10,000 square feet.
(2) Lot width shall be a minimum of 100 feet.
C. For all uses:
(1) Yard depth:
Front yard depth shall be a minimum of 35 feet.
Side yard depth shall be a minimum of 20 feet.
Rear yard depth shall be a minimum of 20 feet.
(2) Lot coverage shall be a maximum of 50%.
(3) Building height shall be a maximum of:
The minimum permitted lot area, lot width and yard depth and
the maximum lot coverage and building height in I Districts shall
be as follows:
A. Residential uses are not permitted in I Districts.
B. For nonresidential uses:
(1) Lot area shall be a minimum of 30,000 square feet.
(2) Lot width shall be a minimum of 200 feet.
C. For all uses:
(1) Yard depth:
Front yard depth shall be a minimum of 50 feet.
Side yard depth shall be a minimum of 25 feet.
Rear yard depth shall be a minimum of 50 feet.
(2) Lot coverage shall be a maximum of 35%.
(3) Building height shall be a maximum of:
The minimum permitted lot area, lot width and yard depth and
the maximum lot coverage in F Districts shall be as follows:
A. Residential uses are not permitted in F Districts.
B. For nonresidential uses:
(1) Lot area shall be a minimum of one acre.
(2) Lot width shall be a minimum of 150 feet.
C. For all uses:
(1) Yard depth:
Front yard depth shall be a minimum of 50 feet.
Side yard depth shall be a minimum of 25 feet.
Rear yard depth shall be a minimum of 50 feet.
(2) Lot coverage shall be a maximum of 10%.