The Board of Selectmen shall appoint the following by majority vote of its membership.
A Board of Appeals — consisting of three members, appointed for three-year overlapping terms and not more than five (5) associate members.
A Capital Budget Committee — consisting of seven (7) members appointed for three year overlapping terms. One member shall be appointed from the Planning Board and one member shall be appointed from the Advisory Board.
A Town Counsel for an indefinite term.
A Chief of the Police Department — for an indefinite term.
A Chief of the Fire Department — for an indefinite term. The chief shall have all of the powers and duties that a Chief of the Fire Department may have under Sections 42 to 44, inclusive of chapter 48 of the General Laws, which may from time to time be amended, which are substantially as follows: the chief shall have charge of extinguishing fires in the Town and the protection of life and property in case of fire. The chief shall purchase, subject to the approval of the Selectmen, and keep in repair all property and apparatus used for and by the Fire Department. The chief shall have all the powers and duties conferred by statute on fire engineers, and shall appoint a deputy chief and such other officers and fireman as the chief may think necessary, and may remove the same at any time for cause and after a hearing. The chief shall have full authority in the administration of the department and shall make all rules and regulations for its operation. Subject to approval of the Selectmen, the chief shall fix the compensation for the members of the department and the expenditure of money shall be subject to such further limitations as the Town may prescribe. The chief shall act as forest warden and shall have the authority to appoint deputy wardens and fix the compensation, of the deputy wardens, subject to the approval of the Selectmen.
A Conservation Commission — consisting of seven (7) members appointed for three-year overlapping terms. Such Commission shall be responsible for the promotion and development of the natural resources and for the protection of watershed resources of the Town. The Commission shall conduct research into its local land area and shall seek to coordinate the activities of other bodies organized for similar purposes. It may receive gifts of property, both real and personal, in the name of the Town, subject to approval of the Selectmen. It may acquire by purchase or otherwise any interest in land or water rights consistent with this Charter or in the General laws, and shall manage and control the same.
Such other offices, boards, committees and commissions as may be provided by the laws of the Commonwealth or by vote of the Town.
Composition, Term of Office: There shall be a Government Study Commission consisting of five (5) members appointed by the Moderator. Initially one member appointed for one (1) year, two for two (2) years, and two for three (3) years. One member shall be appointed for each election district of the Town, and the remaining members, if any, shall be appointed at large. A member shall not hold any other elected or appointed Town government position during the period he serves on this commission.
Powers and Duties in General: The Commission shall study the structure and functioning of the Town government, and may make such investigations with respect thereto as it deems appropriate. It may recommend and initiate action for the improvement of Town government through Charter amendment and revision, by-law amendment and revision, or otherwise. The Commission shall meet at regular intervals, and each year it shall hold at least one public hearing and shall submit a report for publication in the Town report.
Composition: There shall be an Advisory Board consisting of nine (9) members with three (3) members appointed each year for a term of three (3) years each. Members shall hold no other elected or appointed office in town government while on the Advisory Board, unless otherwise provided by this Charter, town by-laws or by vote of Town meeting and shall serve without pay. Members of the Board shall choose from among its membership a chair, a vice chair and a clerk.
Nomination Process for Advisory Board: Members of the Advisory Board shall be appointed by a majority vote of a nominating committee consisting of three (3) members; each duly authorized to represent their respective board or office. i) The Town Moderator, who shall serve as chair; ii) One (1) member of the Board of Selectmen; and iii) one (1) member of the Advisory Board, except that no member of the Advisory Board shall serve on a nominating committee if that member seeks reappointment to the Advisory Board and the re-appointment would be the subject of that nominating committee. The nominating committee shall consider only education, skills and experience of individual candidates as they relate to the function of the Advisory Board.
Responsibilities of the Advisory Board: The Advisory Board shall investigate and consider all articles in the warrant to be brought before the Town and shall report and advise on such articles at Town meeting. The Advisory Board shall consider short and long-range financial impacts, including both revenue and expenses to ensure financial stability.
Unless otherwise provided by this Charter or by vote of the Town subsequent to the approval of this Charter, no appointed official shall serve for an indefinite term or for a fixed term in excess of three (3) years. No officials appointed for a fixed term shall be limited in the number of such terms that they may serve.