In all buildings of a public character, such as hotels, churches, theaters, restaurants, railroad depots, public halls and other buildings used or intended to be used for purposes of public assembly, amusement or instruction, and including department stores and other business and manufacturing buildings where large numbers of people are congregated, the halls, doors, stairways, seats, passageways and aisles, and all lighting and heating appliances and apparatus shall be arranged as the Fire Commissioner shall direct, to facilitate egress in cases of fire or accident and to afford the requisite and proper accommodation for the public protection in such cases.
All aisles and passageways in said buildings shall be kept free from camp stools, chairs, sofas and other obstructions, and no person shall be allowed to stand in or occupy any of said aisles or passageways during any performance, service, exhibition, lecture, concert, hall or any public assemblage.
The Superintendent of Buildings may at any time serve a written or printed notice upon the owner, lessee or manager of any said buildings, directing any act or thing to be done or provided in or about the buildings and the several appliances therewith connected, such as halls, doors, stairs, windows, seats, aisles, fire walls, fire apparatus and fire escapes, as he may deem necessary.