In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1972 Code have been included in the 2017 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. II.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1972 Code
Location in 2017 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Art. I, Adoption of Code
NLP; see Ch. 1, Art. I
Ch. 1A, Alarm Systems
Ch. 194
Ch. 2A, Amusement Centers
Ch. 208
Ch. 3, Animals
Art. I, Keeping of Certain Animals
Ch. 215, Art. I
Art. II, Dogs
Ch. 215, Art. II
Ch. 5, Brush and Trash Burning: Open Fires
Ch. 6, Building Code
Ch. 265
Ch. 10, Compensation of Officers
Ch. 165, Art. I
Ch. 11, Disorderly Conduct
§ 1-11H, Loitering
Ch. 399
Ch. 12, Enforcement of Code
Ch. 1, Art. III
Ch. 12, Regulation of Public Places
Ch. 200, Art. I
Ch. 13, Establishment of Emergency Management Commission
Sec. I, Established
Ch. 68, Art. I
Sec. II, Continuity of Government
Ch. 68, Art. II
Ch. 14, Stormwater Management and Erosion Control
Ch. 507
Ch. 16, Fees for Permits and Applications for Permits
Ch. 301
Ch. 17, Fire Department
Ch. 74, Art. I
Ch. 17B, Volunteer Ambulance Worker Service Award Program
Ch. 7, Art. I
Ch. 18, Fire Prevention Bureau
Ch. 79
Ch. 19, Garage Sales
Ch. 322
Ch. 20, Garbage, Refuse and Littering
Ch. 500, Art. I
Ch. 20-A, Property Maintenance Code
Ch. 460
Ch. 22, Graffiti
Ch. 330
Ch. 23, Hawkers, Peddlers and Soliciting
Art. I, Hawkers and Peddlers
Ch. 443, Art. I
Art. II, Solicitation of Orders and Distribution of Handbills
Ch. 443, Art. II
Ch. 25, High-Tension Lines
Ch. 455
Ch. 28, Oil-Burning and Gas Heating Equipment
Ch. 29, Ordinances: Publication, Proof and Effective Date
Ch. 29A, Parks
Ch. 434
Ch. 30, Police Department
Art. I, Special Policemen
Ch. 138, Art. I
Art. II, Retirement
Ch. 138, Art. II
Ch. 30A, Public Assembly, Parades and Other Recreational Type Assemblies of Persons on Outside Public Spaces
Ch. 229
Ch. 31, Public Hearing on Local Laws
Ch. 120
Ch. 32, Records Management
Ch. 154
Ch. 33, Recycling
Ch. 500, Art. II
Ch. 35, Shade Trees
Ch. 540, Art. I
Ch. 36, Signs
Art. I, Signs, Banners, Etc.
Ch. 491, Art. I
Art. II, Advertising Signs or Signboards
Ch. 491, Art. II
Ch. 38, Streets and Sidewalks
Art. I, General Provisions
Ch. 512, Art. I
Art. II, Enforcement, Penalties, When Effective
Ch. 512, Art. I
Art. III, Standard Specifications for Portland Cement Concrete Sidewalks, Curbs, Gutters, Driveways
Ch. 512, Art. I
Art. IV, Cleaning and Repair
Ch. 512, Art. II
Art. V, Awnings
Ch. 512, Art. III
Ch. 39, Streets: Openings and Excavations
Ch. 512, Art. IV
Ch. 40, Sunday Bowling and Motion-Picture Exhibitions
Ch. 41, Taxation
Art. I, Utility Service Tax
Ch. 523, Art. I
Art. II, Partial Exemption from Real Property Taxes
Ch. 523, Art. III
Art. III, Business Investment Exemption
Ch. 523, Art. II
Art. IV, Tax Lien Sales
Ch. 523, Art. IV
Art. V, Exemption for Improvements to Accommodate Disabled
Ch. 523, Art. V
Art. V, Partial Property Tax Exemption for Qualified Members of Malverne Volunteer Ambulance Corps and Malverne Volunteer Fire Department
Ch. 523, Art. VI
Art. VII, Alternative Exemption for Veterans
Ch. 523, Art. VII
Ch. 42, Trees
Repealed by L.L. No. 2-2003
Ch. 42A, Tree Preservation
Ch. 540, Art. III
Ch. 42B, Infested and Infected Trees and Shrubs
Ch. 540, Art. IV
Ch. 43, Taxicabs
Ch. 528
Ch. 43A, Vandalism
Ch. 564
Ch. 44, Vehicle and Traffic Laws
Ch. 44
Art. II, § 44-8.1, Helmet Requirements
Ch. 258, Art. I
Ch. 45, Village Liability
Ch. 411
Ch. 47, Wells
Ch. 586, Art. I
Ch. 48, General Penalty
Ch. 1, Art. II
Ch. 49, Zoning
Ch. 600
Ch. 49-A, Actions of Real Estate Brokers, Agents and/or Salespersons
Ch. 466
Ch. 49-B, Illegal Occupancies