The Board of Selectmen may create or eliminate such administrative offices and departments as it from time to time may deem appropriate and necessary for the best interests of the Town, except as provided by law. Except as specified in this Section 801, administrative employees shall be appointed and removed by the Board of Selectmen. Except as specifically provided for in this Charter or the General Statutes, administrative employees need not be Electors of the Town. Each administrative employee described in this Section 801 shall have all the powers and duties conferred upon him by law, and such other powers and duties as may be established by ordinance or by order or instruction of the Board of Selectmen or the First Selectmen not inconsistent with law.
There shall be the following Administrative Employees:
Assessor. An Assessor who shall be certified by the State of Connecticut shall be appointed to perform such duties and functions as are provided by the General Statutes for Assessors.
Assistant Town Clerks. One (1) or more Assistant Town Clerks and Assistant Registrars of Vital Statistics may be appointed by the Town Clerk, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen to perform such duties and functions as may be delegated by the Town Clerk. Such Assistants shall have the powers and perform the duties of the Town Clerk in the absence or disability of the Town Clerk until the Town Clerk returns or a successor Town Clerk is selected and qualifies as provided in Chapter III of this Charter.
Building Official. A Building Official having the qualifications required by Sections 29-261 and 29-262 of the General Statutes shall be appointed to perform such duties and functions as are provided in Part I of Chapter 541 of the General Statutes and the State Building Code.
Assistant Building Official. An Assistant Building Official having the qualifications required by Section 29-261 and Section 29-262 of the General Statutes may be appointed by the Building Official, with the approval of the Board of Selectmen, to perform such duties and functions as may be delegated by the Building Official. The Assistant Building Official shall perform the duties of the Building Official in the absence or disability of the Building Official until the Building Official returns or a successor Building Official is appointed.
Town Treasurer/Chief Fiscal Officer. An individual having training and experience in public or private finance shall be appointed to serve as the Town Treasurer/Chief Fiscal Officer of the Town and shall have all the powers and duties as are provided in Section 7-79 et seq. of the General Statutes. The Town Treasurer/Chief Fiscal Officer has a dual reporting relationship to the Board of Selectmen for operations and to the Board of Finance for budget performance and financial policies. The Town Treasurer/Chief Fiscal Officer shall supervise the Accounting Department and provide staff support to the Retirement and Pension Board and the Trustees of Town Funds. The Board of Finance may interview and make recommendations to the Board of Selectmen for appointment to the position of the Town Treasurer/Chief Fiscal Officer.
Police Protection.
Provided that funds are authorized in the annual budget, the Board of Selectmen may contract with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Safety for the services of one or more resident troopers.
Provided that funds are authorized in the annual budget, the First Selectman shall appoint such Special Constables pursuant to Section 7-92 of the General Statutes as are necessary for public safety. At least one constable shall be an Elector of the Town.
Pursuant to Section 9-185 of the General Statutes, no Special Constables shall be elected.
The Board of Selectmen may prescribe regulations for the administration and operation of the Special Constables who shall be under the direction and control of the First Selectmen or his designee.
Director of Emergency Management. A Director of Emergency Management shall be appointed by the First Selectman.
Director of Public Works. A Director of Public Works shall be appointed. The Director of Public Works shall, in accordance with the Town personnel policies, recommend to the Board of Selectmen the appointment and removal of all assistants or employees in the Department.
Animal Control Officer. An Animal Control Officer and Assistant Animal Control Officer(s) shall be appointed.
Fire Marshal. A local Fire Marshal who is certified as being qualified and eligible for such appointment by the State Fire Marshal and the State Codes and Standards Committee shall be appointed by the Board of Fire Commissioners. In addition to the powers and duties described in Section 801(A) of this Charter, the Fire Marshal shall have such powers and duties as may be established by the Board of Fire Commissioners not inconsistent with law. The Board of Selectmen may appoint such Deputy Fire Marshals who are certified as being qualified and eligible for such appointment by the State Fire Marshal and the State Codes and Standards Committee as it shall deem necessary. The Fire Marshal and Deputy Fire Marshals may be removed for cause pursuant to Sections 29-297, 29-298, 29-299, and 29-300 of the General Statutes.
Land Use Enforcement Officer(s).
A Zoning Enforcement Officer shall be appointed to exercise the powers and perform the duties described in Section 801(A) of this Charter and to perform such other duties and functions as may be established by regulations of the Zoning Commission or by order or instruction of the Commission not inconsistent with applicable law.
A Planning Enforcement Officer shall be appointed to exercise the powers and perform the duties described in Section 801(A) of this Charter and to perform such other duties and functions as may be established by regulations of the Planning Commission or by order or instruction of the Commission not inconsistent with applicable law.
An Inland-Wetlands Enforcement Officer shall be appointed to exercise the powers and perform the duties described in Section 801(A) of this Charter and to perform such other duties and functions as may be established by regulations of the Inland-Wetlands Agency or by order or instruction of the Commission not inconsistent with applicable law.
An Historic District Enforcement Officer shall be appointed to exercise the powers and perform the duties described in Section 801(A) of this Charter and to perform such other duties and functions as may be established by regulations of the Historic District Commission or by order or instruction of the Commission not inconsistent with applicable law.
The same person may be appointed to one, or more, or all of the enforcement positions described in subsections (a) through (d) above.
Library Director. The Board of Selectmen, giving consideration to the candidates recommended by the Board of Trustees of the library pursuant to Section 602(J), shall appoint a Library Director who shall have library science training and experience as specified in the job description on file with the Town Clerk.
Town Counsel.
Town Counsel, who shall be an attorney admitted to practice in the State of Connecticut, shall be appointed to provide legal services to the Town. If the Town Counsel is a member of a law firm, other members of the firm may, with the approval of the First Selectman and under the Town Counsel's direction and control, perform any legal services for the Town. The Board of Selectmen shall, at least once in every three (3) years, solicit proposals from qualified attorneys or firms of attorneys to serve as Town Counsel.
The duties and responsibilities of Town Counsel shall include the following:
To direct and be responsible for appearing and protecting the rights of the Town in all actions, suits or proceedings brought by or against it or any of its departments, officers, boards or commissions.
With the approval of the Board of Selectmen, to compromise or settle any claims by or against the Town.
To serve as the legal advisor to the Town Meeting, Board of Selectmen, the First Selectman, and all other Town officers, board(s) and commissions in all matters affecting the Town.
To furnish the Town Meeting or any Town officer, board or commission with a written opinion on any question of law involving their respective powers and duties.
To assist the Town Meeting or any Town officer, board or commission in the preparation of ordinances, resolutions or regulations as the case may be.
To prepare or approve the form and legal sufficiency of contracts or other instruments to which the Town is a party or in which it has an interest.
If so instructed by the Board of Selectmen, or in order to protect the Town's right to appeal when no instructions have been received from the Board of Selectmen, to appeal from orders, decisions and judgments involving or affecting the Town.
Any officer, board or commission, before requesting an opinion, ruling or other service from Town Counsel, including without limitation the services specifically described herein, shall secure the approval of the First Selectman or the Board of Selectmen to do so. If the Town Counsel deems it advisable, Town Counsel may request that the Board of Selectmen engage other attorneys in temporary employment to handle any particular matter. Notwithstanding the above, any board or commission of the Town of Woodbury may apply to, and the Board of Selectmen may appoint, special counsel to represent such board or commission.
Town Planner. The Board of Selectmen shall appoint a Town Planner who is professionally qualified by education and experience. The Town Planner shall assist and advise the First Selectman and the Town's land use boards and commissions concerning planning, land use and the Town's Plan of Conservation and Development. The Town Planner also shall advise any department's commission or agency concerning the effect on the plan of any action the department, commission or agency may take. In addition to the powers and duties described in Section 801(A) of this Charter, the Town Planner shall have such other powers and duties as provided by the regulations of the Planning, Zoning, the Historic District Commissions and the Inland Wetlands Agency and as may be established by order or instruction of the Zoning Commission, the Planning Commission, the Historic District Commission or the Inland Wetlands Agency not inconsistent with law.
Tree Warden. A Tree Warden shall be appointed to perform such duties and functions as are provided in the General Statutes.
Director of Parks and Recreation. The Board of Selectmen, giving consideration to the candidates recommended by the Parks and Recreation Commission pursuant to Section 602(H) of this Charter, shall appoint a Director of Parks and Recreation to oversee the management and use of Town park property including structures on such property, and Town greens as designated by the Board of Selectmen.
Director of Senior Services. The Board of Selectmen giving consideration to the candidates recommended by the Commission for Seniors pursuant to Section 602(I) of this Charter, shall appoint a Director of Senior Services who is professionally qualified by education and experience as specified in the job description on file with the Town Clerk, to oversee the management and use of the Senior Community Center and programs for the senior population of the Town of Woodbury.
Director of Social Services and Municipal Agent. The Board of Selectmen shall appoint a Director of Services and Municipal Agent who is professionally qualified by education and experience as specified in the job description on file with the Town Clerk. The Director of Social Services and Municipal Agent assists Town residents in utilizing social services and other government assistance programs and is an advocate for the residents of the Town of Woodbury.