As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Includes any parabolic dish, antenna or other devices or equipment of whatever nature or kind, the primary purpose of which is to receive television, radio, microwave or other electronic signals from space satellites.
Devices of this nature described above with a diameter of 24 inches or less, whether roof-mounted or ground-mounted, in the rear yard and satisfying all setback requirements shall be excluded from the provisions of Articles I through V of Chapter 273, Towers and Antennas.
[Added 4-12-1995 by L.L. No. 1-1995]
No person shall cause, suffer or permit the erection and/or maintenance of any satellite antenna upon any lands owned by them within the Town of Ogden, unless in conformity with the provisions herein set forth.
Size. No satellite antenna erected or maintained within the Town of Ogden shall exceed, in any dimension, 12 feet in height, width or depth. All measurements of height shall be taken from the base at ground level. All measurements shall include all attachments, supports, guy wires and other equipment attached to or being a part of the satellite antenna. No part of the satellite antenna (except for footings or foundations or buried wire) shall be located below ground level.
No more than one satellite antenna shall be located on any lot, and it shall be located in the rear yard at ground level.
No satellite antenna shall be constructed, erected or maintained except as an accessory structure to an existing one-family dwelling on the same lot.
All satellite antennas shall be located at least 10 feet from the side and rear lot lines or at a distance equal to the height of the antenna plus six feet, whichever is greater. When measuring side and rear setbacks, all cables, guy wires or other supports shall constitute a part of the antenna.
No satellite antenna shall be installed unless approval of the same has been granted by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Ogden, as hereinafter provided, and a building permit obtained therefor.
[Amended 12-13-1995 by L.L. No. 9-1995]