[R.O. 2003 § 205.250; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.290, 4-12-1999]
It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or harbor within the City of Gallatin any vicious or dangerous dog or dangerous dog that runs at large anywhere within the City of Gallatin. If any vicious dog, whether licensed or unlicensed, be found running at large in the City, any Animal Control Officer or Police Officer may use any force necessary, including killing, to subdue said dog in order to protect the citizens of Gallatin and their property. "Vicious or dangerous dog" is generally construed to mean any dog that has attacked or attempted to attack any human being, or which has bitten or attempted to bite any human being, or which attacks other dogs or domestic animals, or kills domestic fowl, but the term "vicious or dangerous dog" is intentionally not defined specifically and it shall rest upon the Animal Control Officer or Police Officer's judgment.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.260; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.300, 4-12-1999]
If the Animal Control Officer or Police Officer has cause to believe that a dog is vicious or dangerous, he/she may find and declare that dog a vicious or dangerous dog.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.270; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.310, 4-12-1999]
Within ten (10) days of declaring a dog vicious or dangerous, the Animal Control Officer or Police Officer shall notify and make a written declaration of such, forward the declaration to the dog's owner, if the owner is known, and forward a copy of such notice immediately to the Chief of Police. If the officer is the Chief of Police, the notice shall be forwarded to the City's Prosecuting Attorney. The notice shall identify the requirements and conditions for maintaining a vicious or dangerous dog as set forth in this Chapter. If the owner cannot be located, the dog may be immediately impounded and notice shall be posted on the owner's property, if the owner is known, or sent by certified mail to the owner's last known address, if such an address is known.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.280; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.315, 4-12-1999]
The owner of a dog declared vicious shall have the right to file with the Chief of Police, within ten (10) days after receiving notice, a written request for a hearing to contest the vicious or dangerous dog declaration. The Chief of Police will forward the request to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen and will set a hearing at the next regular Board of Aldermen meeting.
The hearing shall be informal and strict rules of evidence shall not apply. The owner may be represented by counsel, present oral and written evidence and cross-examine witnesses.
The Board of Aldermen shall issue a decision within five (5) days after the close of the hearing and shall notify the owner in writing of the decision.
If the Board of Aldermen upholds the vicious dog declaration, the owner shall comply with all of the requirements and conditions for maintaining a vicious or dangerous dog within the City as set forth in this Chapter.
The decision of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen is final.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.290; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.320, 4-12-1999]
The owner of a vicious or dangerous dog shall be subject to the following requirements in order to keep said dog within the City of Gallatin:
Confinement. All vicious or dangerous dogs shall be securely indoors or in an enclosed and locked pen or structure upon the premises of the owner. The pen or structure must have minimum dimensions of five (5) feet by ten (10) feet and must have secure sides and a secure top attached to the sides. If no bottom is secured to the sides, the sides must be embedded into the ground no less than two (2) feet. All pens or structures must be adequately lighted and kept clean and sanitary. The enclosure must also protect the dog from the elements.
Leash And Muzzle. The owner of a vicious or dangerous dog shall not allow the dog to go outside its kennel, pen or structure unless the dog is muzzled, restrained by a chain or leash not more than four (4) feet in length, and under the physical control of a person. The muzzle must not cause injury to the dog or interfere with its vision or respiration but must prevent the dog from biting any human or animal.
Signs. The owner of a vicious or dangerous dog shall display in a prominent place on the owner's premises a clearly visible warning sign indicating that there is a vicious or dangerous dog on the premises. The sign must be readable from the public highways or thoroughfare. The owner shall also display a sign with a symbol warning children of the presence of a vicious or dangerous dog. Similar signs shall be posted on the dog's kennel, pen or enclosed structure.
Insurance. The owner of a vicious or dangerous dog must provide proof to the City or Police or any of its officers that the owner has procured public liability insurance of at least one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) insuring the owner for any damage or personal injury which may be caused by the vicious or dangerous dog.
In case the owner or keeper of such dog is a minor who is under the age of eighteen (18), the duty of complying with this Section shall fall upon the adult person in whose family the minor lives or who is in charge of the premises where the dog is kept.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.300; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.340, 4-12-1999]
The Animal Control Officer or Police Officer may order the impoundment and destruction of a dog where:
The dog has attacked, bitten or injured a human being or domestic animal; or
The dog is a vicious or dangerous dog as defined in Section 205.260 and the owner has failed to comply with the requirements and conditions for keeping a vicious or dangerous dog as defined in Section 205.300; or
The dog poses a threat of serious harm to the public health or safety.
[R.O. 2003 § 205.310; Ord. No. 921-99 § 73.350, 4-12-1999]
This Chapter shall not apply to dogs used by a Police Department or Law Enforcement Agency.
No dog may be declared vicious or dangerous for injury or damage sustained by a person who was committing a willful trespass or other tort upon the premises of the dog's owner.
No dog may be declared vicious or dangerous for injury or damage sustained by a person who was teasing, tormenting, abusing or assaulting the dog.