[Ord. No. 1103-12 § 1, 1-9-2012]
The following rules and regulations are hereby adopted to regulate tree trimming by the City within public rights-of-way and aboveground electric utility easements:
Trees will be trimmed to a minimum clearance of ten (10) feet from the closest utility line.
The City will make all efforts to trim trees rather than remove trees completely.
In the case a tree has to be removed, the property owner will be notified in person in advance, and the City at its option may provide a replacement tree.
Routine trimming will be conducted on a five-year cycle.
Trees causing power interruptions will be trimmed before other trimming work is conducted. Trees determined to not to be an immediate threat to electrical distribution or public safety will be trimmed during scheduled routine trimming.
Trees located outside the right-of-way or utility easement will not be trimmed unless the tree encroaches on an existing right-of-way. Trees outside the right-of-way or utility easement will not be removed except with appropriate order or consent of the property owner.
The City is not responsible for tree trimming to protect service lines on private property. Upon reasonable notice, the Electric Department will disconnect the private service line at the request of the property owner so they can have the trees trimmed which are located near private service lines.
In order to preserve the health of the tree, when practical, the trimming will be done at appropriate branch points or the trunk. These points may be more than ten (10) feet from the closest line, but all trimming will be within the right-of-way or utility easement except with the consent of the property owner.
Brush and debris from City-conducted trimming will be cleaned up and removed by the City. Tree stumps that remain from a removed tree will be treated to prevent re-growth.
[Ord. No. 1103-12 § 2, 1-9-2012]
No person other than the City may trim trees within the public right-of-way or on aboveground electric utility easements without the prior written permission from the City.