[Ord. 79, 7/1/1941, § 1]
Wherever the roadway of any public street in the Borough of Liberty has been paved and set with curbing, or whenever any such roadway of any public street shall hereafter be paved and set with curbing, there is hereby ordained and laid out along each side of the roadway of such streets a sidewalk or footway, the widths of which, measured from the property line to the outer edge of such curbing, are hereby established as follows, via:
On all streets 50 feet wide and less than 60 feet wide, 10 feet wide.
On all streets 40 feet wide and less than 50 feet wide, eight feet wide.
On all streets 30 feet wide and less than 40 feet wide, six feet wide.
On all streets less than 30 feet wide, four feet wide.
and all sidewalks (except in front of public or semi-public buildings and business houses, and except in streets less than 30 feet wide) shall be constructed or laid so that the center line of the pavement thereof shall coincide with the center line of the space allotted to such footway or sidewalk.
[Ord. 79, 7/1/1941, § 2]
It shall be the duty of the owner of any lot in front of which or along which a sidewalk or footway has been ordained and laid out under § 21-101 of this Part to cause the subgrade thereof to be property prepared, as hereinafter provided, and immediately thereafter to construct and cause to be laid thereon a pavement of well-mixed concrete, as hereinafter specified, of not less than four feet in width and of not less than four inches in thickness and such pavements in front of public or semi-public buildings, such as the Borough municipal building, fire stations, and churches, and in front of business houses, such as stores and filling stations, shall be laid to the full width of such sidewalk.
[Ord. 79, 7/1/1941, § 3]
Subgrade. The part of portion of all sidewalks which are to be paved shall be subgraded to a sound hard base and all soft or spongy places shall be removed and all depressions filled with suitable material, after which there shall be placed thereon four inches of well-tamped cinders. The subgrade, when completed, shall not be less than four inches below the finished surface of the walk and the finished surface shall be one inch above the curb elevation at the curb, and shall have a slope toward the curb of not less than 1/4 inch per foot.
Concrete. Upon the proper subgrade there shall be placed a four-inch monolithic layer of well-tamped and well-mixed concrete, mixed in the proportions by volume of one part of Portland cement of a reputable brand, two parts of clean sharp river sand, and four parts of clean river gravel, with sufficient clean water to produce a consistency which shall be uniform and such that the mortar will cling to the coarse aggregate. Retampering, that is, remixing mortar or concrete that has partially hardened with additional water, will not be permitted, and all concrete must be well spaded and tamped along the forms, and all finished so that no coarse aggregate shows and left rough but not uneven.
Expansion Joints. The slab or flag divisions shall be formed in separate blocks with 1/4 inch open joints. These slabs shall not exceed 36 square feet in area and the open joints shall be packed with fine sharp river sand. An extra expansion joint, consisting of prepared strips of fiber matrix and bitumen (or other similar material of approved quality) must be provided in each 50 feet of walk, and on all return curbs. The extra expansion joints on walks shall be 1/2-inch in thickness and on return curbs shall be one-inch in thickness, and shall extend to the depth of the concrete.
[Ord. 79, 7/1/1941, § 4]
Upon the neglect of any owner of lots to comply with the requirements as provided in the preceding sections of this Part, the Borough of Liberty may, after 15 days' notice, as may be directed to be given from time to time by Council, to such owner, cause the grading, paving and repairing of such sidewalk to be done at the cost of such owner, and may collect the cost thereof and 10% additional, together with all charges and expenses, from such owner, and may file a municipal claim therefor or collect the same by action in assumpsit.
[Ord. 79, 7/1/1941, § 5; as amended by Ord. 423, 9/9/1987, § 21-105; and by A.O.]
The pavement of any sidewalk which has not been laid in conformity with the provisions of this Part and the established grade of the street on which it is constructed, is hereby declared to be nuisances and must be taken up and relaid according to the provisions of this Part within 30 days after notice by Council to the owner of the lot fronting thereon; and upon failure of said owner to regrade and/or to repave said sidewalk within the time stipulated herein, such owner who shall violate any provision of this Part, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a magisterial district judge in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs, to be collected for the use of the Borough, and which shall be paid into the Borough Treasury; and the Borough shall cause said sidewalk to be regraded and/or repaved in the manner herein and hereby required and shall collect the cost thereof, together with all charges and expenses, from the owner of said lot, as aforesaid, according to law and this Part and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. 79, 7/1/1941, § 6]
No pavement of any sidewalk heretofore laid with material which is not in conformity with that prescribed by this Part shall be permitted to be repaired, and whenever in the opinion of the Council of the Borough of Liberty such pavement becomes in such condition that it should not be repaired but should be replaced, then the owner of the lot fronting thereon shall cause such sidewalk to be repaved in accordance with the provisions of this Part within 30 days after notice of the Borough Council; and, upon the neglect of any owner of lots to repave such sidewalk in accordance with the requirements of this Part within said thirty-day period, the Borough shall cause said walk to be repaved, and the cost thereof and 10% additional, together with all charges and expenses, shall be collected by the Borough from the owner according to law and this Part.
[Ord. 2011-03, 4/20/2011, § 1]
As used in this subpart, "sidewalk" shall mean the portion of a street located outside the cartway, and shall include paved footway, unpaved grass plot, curb and gutter.
[Ord. 2011-03, 4/20/2011, § 2]
The Borough of Liberty hereby requires owners of property abutting on any street in the Borough of Liberty, including state highways, to grade, construct, drain, pave, repave, maintain and repair the sidewalk, curb and gutter along such property, at such grades and under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Borough Engineer.
[Ord. 2011-03, 4/20/2011, § 3]
Where sidewalks or curbs are to be constructed, paved, repaved or repaired over coal cellars or other excavations, such sidewalks shall be supported by iron or steel beams, girders, stone or concrete arches. Any support of wood or perishable material shall be prohibited.
[Ord. 2011-03, 4/20/2011, § 4]
All sidewalks, curbs and gutters shall be constructed, paved, repaved or repaired, upon the line and grade obtained by the property owner from the Borough Engineer.
[Ord. 2011-03, 4/20/2011, § 5]
Notice to construct, pave, repave and repair sidewalks, curbs or gutters shall be given by registered or certified mail to abutting property owners, and such owners shall have 60 days to comply with said notice in conformity with any construction specifications prescribed by the Borough Engineer.
[Ord. 2011-03, 4/20/2011, § 6]
At anytime during the performance of the required work, the Borough Engineer may inspect the work to determine whether construction specifications are being observed.
[Ord. 2011-03, 4/20/2011, § 7]
Consistent with maintaining sidewalks in safe and usable condition for pedestrian passage, the Borough of Liberty hereby requires owners of property abutting on any street in the Borough of Liberty, including state highways, to clear and remove all snow and/or ice from such sidewalks within 48 hours of any snow and/or ice fall.
[Ord. 2011-03, 4/20/2011, § 8]
Upon the neglect or failure of any property owner to grade, construct, drain, pave, repave or maintain any sidewalk, curb or gutter in compliance with notice to do so, the Borough may do the same or cause the same to be done, and may levy the cost of its work, plus 10% additional together with all charges and expenses, on such owner as a municipal lien and may file a municipal claim therefore or collect the same in the manner provided by law.
[Ord. 2011-03, 4/20/2011, § 9]
In addition to the remedies now vested in the Borough of Liberty to make repairs to sidewalks, the Borough shall have the power to make emergency repairs to any sidewalks thereon, where, in the opinion of the Borough Engineer, a dangerous condition exists that can be repaired by an expenditure of not more than $500. Before any such repairs are made, a notice to make the repairs within 48 hours shall be served upon the owner of the said property. If the owner cannot be served within the county, notice may be served upon the agent of the owner or the party in possession, or if there is no agent or party in possession, the notice maybe served by posting the same upon such premises.
Upon the completion of the work, the cost thereof shall be a charge against the owner of the property, and shall be a lien, until paid, upon the abutting property, provided a claim is filed therefore in accordance with the law providing for the filing and collection of municipal claims. Any such charge may also be collected by action of assumpsit. This section is intended to provide an additional remedy for the Borough of Liberty in connection with emergency repairs, where the actual cost of doing the work does not exceed $500, and the opinion and/or certificate of the Borough Engineer shall be conclusive evidence of the existence of the emergency justifying the repair under the terms of this section.
[Ord. 2011-03, 4/20/2011, § 10]
Any property owner not required by notice to construct, pave, repave or keep in repair sidewalks, curbs or gutters, may construct, pave, repave or repair the sidewalk, curb and gutter abutting his property; provided, such owner shall make application to the Borough Engineer before commencing work; shall conform to the provisions of this subpart and other regulations as to specifications for construction and repair work; and shall notify the Borough Engineer within two days after completion of his work.
[Ord. 2011-03, 4/20/2011, § 11]
Neither the issuance of a permit by the Borough of Liberty under the provisions of this subpart, nor compliance with the provisions of this subpart by the owners of property abutting on any street in the Borough of Liberty, including state highways, with any condition imposed by the Borough of Liberty hereunder, shall relieve any person from any responsibility for damage to persons or property resulting thereof, or as otherwise imposed by law, nor impose any liability upon the Borough of Liberty or its agents for damages to persons or property. Additionally, on any claim presented for bodily injury or property damages on the sidewalk, curb and/or gutter covered by this subpart, the adjoining/abutting property owner shall be held liable in tort for such damages to another. Alternatively, should the Borough of Liberty be called upon to make such payment to a third party, the Borough of Liberty will look to the adjoining/abutting property owner for contribution and/or indemnity.
[Ord. 2011-03, 4/20/2011, § 12; as amended by A.O.]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of this Part, upon conviction thereof in an action brought before a magisterial district judge in the manner provided for the enforcement of summary offenses under the Pennsylvania Rules of Criminal Procedure, shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $1,000 plus costs and, in default of payment of said fine and costs, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this Part continues or each section of this Part which shall be found to have been violated shall constitute a separate offense.