The provisions of this section apply to buildings, structures, signs, lands and uses which would not be permitted as the result of the application of this chapter to their location or use in Sharpsburg Borough, or as a result of the reclassification of the lot containing them or of the adoption of other amendments to this chapter after the initial passage. This article is concerned with properties of inadequate area and/or frontage, uses of land and/or structures for activities not permitted in the zone and structures placed on a lot too close to lot boundary lines for compliance with standards of the zone in which they are located.
Nonconforming lots of record.
Existing lots of record. Any lot of record existing at the effective date of this chapter and held in separate ownership different from the ownership of adjoining lots may be used for the erection of a structure conforming to the use regulations of the zone in which it is located, even though its dimensions are less than the minimum requirements of this chapter. Where two or more adjacent lots of record with less than the required area and width are held by one owner on or before the date of enactment of this chapter, the request for a permit will be referred to the Zoning Hearing Board, which may require replatting to fewer lots which would comply with the minimum requirements of this chapter.
No provision of this chapter relating to side and rear yard requirements will prevent the reasonable use of a nonconforming lot of record. The Zoning Officer may grant a reduction in the requirement for side yards and rear yards for lots of record which lack required lot width or depth. However, such yard dimensions may not be reduced by more than 40% of that required without the approval of the Zoning Hearing Board.
Nonconforming uses of land and structures.
Where at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this chapter lawful use of land or land and the structure or structures on it exists and is made no longer permissible under the requirements of this chapter, as adopted or amended, such use may be continued indefinitely, so long as it remains otherwise lawful, provided the following conditions are applied:
No nonconforming use of land can be extended by acquisition of additional land to occupy a greater land area than was occupied at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this chapter.
No structure containing a nonconforming use but capable of being enlarged without violating setback or height requirements in the zone where it is located may be increased in volume more than 50% over the volume of such structure at the time of adoption of this chapter or subsequent amendments that made the use nonconforming. A nonconforming use which occupies part of a structure may be extended throughout the structure it occupied at the time of adoption of this chapter or subsequent amendment that made the use nonconforming, but the expansion under such circumstances may not be extended to occupy land outside the original structure.
If any such nonconforming use of land or use of land and structures in combination ceases or is abandoned for any reason, including destruction of buildings, for a period of at least one year, any subsequent use of such land or land and structures in combination must conform to the regulations for the zone where such land is located, except that, where a hardship to the operator of the nonconforming use clearly exists as a result of financial, health or other calamity, the Zoning Hearing Board may grant an extension of the one-year limit consistent with the hardship, but not more than one additional year.
The nonconforming use of a structure or a lot may be changed only to a conforming use unless:
The applicant demonstrates a hardship in converting the use to a conforming use; or
The new use will be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood in which it is located and will have an equal or lesser impact on the neighborhood than the existing nonconforming use. However, this requirement does not preclude an owner from selling a nonconforming use to a succeeding owner to operate as it was operated prior to the sale. Each succeeding owner of a nonconforming use must secure a zoning certificate of compliance from the Zoning Officer, who may ask the Zoning Hearing Board for a decision if the owner has reason to doubt that the nonconforming use will be continued in the same manner as formerly.
The nonconforming use of a structure and/or land or combination of structure and land may be superseded by a use permitted in the zone where the lot is located, and the use of the premises must conform to the regulations of the zone.
Where a nonconforming use of structure and premises exists in combination, removal of the structure and/or use in the structure terminates the nonconforming use of the premises.
The maintaining or strengthening to a safe condition of any nonconforming structure may not be interpreted as being denied by any portion of this article.
Nonconforming structures. A structure that exists on a lot at the effective date of this chapter or any amendment to it and does not conform to the requirements regarding height or minimum setbacks from adjacent streets or lot lines, such structure may remain indefinitely, subject to the following provisions:
Any replacement of a nonconforming structure must be made in compliance with the regulations governing development for the zone in which the lot is located, except that, if a hardship is alleged by the owner, the owner may request a special exception of the Zoning Hearing Board, which may approve replacement on the same foundation that supported the structure to be replaced, but in no case a location that was less conforming than the original location.
If a nonconforming structure is moved, it must conform to requirements of this chapter regarding location on the lot.
Record of nonconforming uses.
The Zoning Officer must keep the data current by the addition of nonconforming uses as amendments to this chapter are adopted and by the deletion of nonconforming uses as they are eliminated.
The record may be kept by map or written documentation.