There is hereby established within and for the City a Planning and Zoning Commission which shall consist of not more than fifteen (15) nor fewer than seven (7) members, including the Mayor, if the Mayor chooses to be a member; a member of the Board of Aldermen selected by the Board of Aldermen, if the Board of Aldermen chooses to have a member serve on the Commission; and not more than fifteen (15) nor fewer than five (5) citizens appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Board of Aldermen. The term of each of the citizen members shall be for four (4) years, except that the terms of the citizen members first appointed shall be for varying periods so that succeeding terms will be staggered. Any vacancy in a membership shall be filled for the unexpired term by appointment as aforesaid. The Board of Aldermen may remove any citizen member for cause stated in writing and after public hearing.
[R.O. 2003 § 400.040; CC 1997 § 16-101; Ord. No. 829-95 § 16-101, 3-27-1995]
The name of this organization shall be the "Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Gallatin, Missouri."
[R.O. 2003 § 400.030; CC 1997 § 28.030; Ord. No. 823-93 § 28.030, 1-3-1994]
The organization, powers and duties of said City Planning and Zoning Commission shall be as set out in Sections 80.300 to 89.470, RSMo., inclusive.
[R.O. 2003 § 400.050; CC 1997 § 16-102; Ord. No. 829-95 § 16-102, 3-27-1995]
The authorization for the establishment of this Planning and Zoning Commission is set forth in Sections 89.300 through 89.470, RSMo., and any acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto. Powers and duties were delegated to the Planning and Zoning Commission by the Board of Aldermen of the City of Gallatin on the third day of January 1994 in accordance with the above-mentioned enabling law.
[R.O. 2003 § 400.060; CC 1997 § 16-103; Ord. No. 829-95 § 16-103, 3-27-1995; Ord. No. 964-01 § 3, 7-23-2001]
Annual Meeting. The annual meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be the first regular meeting in the month of January of each year. Such meeting shall be devoted to the election of officers for the ensuing year and such other business as shall be scheduled by the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Regular Meeting. Regular meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be held in the City Hall at 7:00 P.M. on the second Thursday of January, April, July and October. At such meetings, the Commission shall consider all matters properly brought before the Commission without the necessity of prior notice thereof given to any members. A regular meeting may be cancelled or rescheduled by the Commission at a prior meeting.
Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be held at a time and place designated by the officer calling the same and shall be called by the Chairman or Vice Chairman. Written notice thereof shall be given to all the members not less than twenty-four (24) hours in advance thereof.
Quorum. At any meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, a quorum shall consist of a majority of the seated members of the Commission, or four (4) members if there are no vacancies on the Commission. No action shall be taken in the absence of a quorum, except to adjourn the meeting at a subsequent date.
Voting. At all meetings of the Planning and Zoning Commission, each member attending shall be entitled to cast one (1) vote. Voting shall be by voice. In the event that any member shall have a personal interest of any kind in a matter then before the Commission, he/she shall disclose his/her interest and be disqualified from voting upon the matter, and the Secretary shall so record in the minutes that no vote was cast by such member. The affirmative vote of at least four (4) members shall be necessary for the adoption of any resolution or other voting matter.
At any regular meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the following shall be the regular order of business:
Roll call.
Minutes of the preceding meeting.
Public hearings.
Old and new business.
Communications and bills.
Report of the officers and committees.
Each formal action of the Planning and Zoning Commission required by law, Statute, rule or regulation shall be embodied in a formal resolution duly entered in full upon the minute book after an affirmative vote as provided in Subsection (E) hereof.
[R.O. 2003 § 400.070; CC 1997 § 16-104; Ord. No. 829-95 § 16-104, 3-27-1995]
The duties and powers of the officers of the Planning and Zoning Commission shall be as follows:
To preside at all meetings of the Commission.
To call special meetings of the Commission in accordance with these bylaws.
To sign documents of the Commission.
To see that all actions of the Commission are properly taken.
Vice Chairman. During the absence, disability or disqualification of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman shall exercise or perform all the duties and be subject to all the responsibilities of the Chairman.
To keep the minutes of all meetings of the Commission in an appropriate minute book.
To give or serve all notices required by law or by these bylaws.
To prepare the agenda for all meetings of the Commission.
To be custodian of Commission records.
To inform the Commission of correspondence relating to business of the Commission and to attend to such correspondence.
To handle funds allocated to the Commission in accordance with its directives, the law and City regulations.
To sign official documents of the Commission.
[R.O. 2003 § 400.080]
The Commission shall elect its Chairman and Secretary from among the citizen members. The term of Chairman and Secretary shall be for one (1) year with eligibility for reelection. The Commission shall hold regular meetings and special meetings as they provided by rule, and shall adopt rules for the transaction of business and keep a record of its proceedings. These records shall be public records. The Commission shall appoint the employees and staff necessary for its work, and may contract with City planners and other professional persons for the services that it requires. The expenditures of the Commission, exclusive of grants and gifts, shall be within the amounts appropriated for the purpose by the Board of Aldermen.
[R.O. 2003 § 400.090; CC 1997 § 16-107; Ord. No. 829-95 § 16-107, 3-27-1995]
These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission provided that notice of said proposed amendment is given to each member in writing at least five (5) days prior to said meeting.