[R.O. 2003 § 405.480; CC 1997 § 20-101; Ord. No. 829-95 § 20-101, 3-27-1995]
A proposed change in a zoning district classification may be initiated by a letter of request by one (1) or more owners of property within the area to be changed, by the Planning and Zoning Commission, or by the Board of Aldermen. Such a letter shall be addressed to the Planning and Zoning Commission and shall be filed with the Secretary of the Planning and Zoning Commission not less than forty-eight (48) hours prior to a regular monthly meeting.
The applicant for the change shall file an application for change in zoning classification on forms provided by the Planning and Zoning Commission who shall schedule same for a public hearing before the Commission not less than thirty (30) days and not more than ninety (90) days from date of filing. The Commission shall publish a notice of the time and place of the public hearing on the proposed change in zoning district classification, which notice shall be published at least once not less than fifteen (15) days preceding the date of such hearing in an official paper or paper of general circulation in Gallatin; said notice shall contain description of property and change proposed. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall give or cause to be given such additional notice of such hearing to interested persons and organizations as it shall deem feasible and practical.
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall conduct the public hearing on the proposed change in zoning classification.
Following the public hearing, the proposed change in zoning classification may be approved as presented or in modified form by a majority vote of the Planning and Zoning Commission and recommended for adoption by the Board of Aldermen, with reasons for such recommendations stated in writing.
In case, however, of a protest against such change duly signed and acknowledged by the owners of thirty percent (30%) or more, either of the areas of the land (exclusive of streets and alleys) included in such proposed change or within an area determined by lines drawn parallel to and one hundred eighty-five (185) feet distant from the boundaries of the district proposed to be changed, such amendment shall not become effective except by the favorable vote of two-thirds (2/3) of all the members of the Board of Aldermen.
If the Planning and Zoning Commission disapproves a proposed change in zoning classification, notice of disapproval with the reasons for such disapproval shall be given in writing to the petitioner within fifteen (15) days from the date of decision.
Following disapproval of a proposed change in zoning classification by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the petitioner may appeal such disapproval to the Board of Aldermen, provided that the petitioner states specifically in writing to the City Clerk why he/she considers the Planning and Zoning Commission's findings and decision to be in error. Such appeals shall be filed with the City Clerk within fifteen (15) days of receipt of notice of Planning and Zoning Commission action.
[R.O. 2003 § 405.490; CC 1997 § 20-102; Ord. No. 829-95 § 20-102, 3-27-1995]
No application for change of zoning for a given property may be resubmitted within twelve (12) months from date of action by the Planning and Zoning Commission, unless the Planning and Zoning Commission finds that a substantial reason exists for waiving this limitation.
[R.O. 2003 § 405.500; CC 1997 § 20-103; Ord. No. 829-95 § 20-103, 3-27-1995]
Applications shall be accompanied by a filing fee, to be set by the Board of Aldermen by separate ordinance, to assist in defraying general expenses in connection with the application for a change in zoning.