[R.O. 2003 § 615.010; CC 1997 § 116.010]
Statement Of Intent And Purpose. The City of Gallatin intends by the adoption of this Chapter to bring about the continued development and operation of cable communications services for the City. Such a development can contribute significantly to the communication needs and desires of citizens of the City of Gallatin. Further, by the continued development and operation of a system, the City may help achieve better utilization and improvement of public services.
Franchise Processing Fee. Any applicant for a franchise to own, operate and maintain a system within the City shall be required to reimburse City for all costs incurred, including attorney's fees in soliciting and evaluating the application, and processing the franchise award, and any other ongoing expenses connected with the franchise award.
Franchise Agreement. The City and grantee are hereby authorized to, at the time of acceptance, enter into an agreement, consistent with this Chapter, governing the relationship between the City and grantee; providing for regulation and use of system; and prescribing liquidated damages for the violation of its provisions.
[R.O. 2003 § 615.020; CC 1997 § 116.020]
For the purposes of this Chapter, the following terms shall be deemed to have the meanings indicated below:
A six (6) megahertz (MHz) frequency band, which is capable of carrying either one (1) standard video signal, a number of audio, digital or other non-video signals, or some combination of such signals.
The City of Gallatin and all of the territory within its present and future boundaries.
A signaling path provided by system to transmit signals of any type from a subscriber terminal to another point in the system.
The Federal Communications Commission or a designated representative.
The rights and obligations extended by the City to grantee to own, operate and maintain a system within the City of Gallatin and manifested by the following:
Ordinance No. 712-87, adopted by the City on the fifth day of October, 1987;
The ordinance granting a franchise to any person, firm or corporation authorized to do business in the State of Missouri; and
A franchise agreement entered into between the City and grantee based on the authority and grant of a cable communications franchise extended by Ordinance No. 712-87.
An agreement entitled "Franchise Agreement" entered into between the City and grantee which is enforceable by the City and grantee and which sets forth the rights and obligations between the City and grantee arising out of the franchise.
The holder of any franchise to operate and maintain a system, its agents, employees, lawful successors, transferees or assignees.
Ordinance No. 712-87 of the City of Gallatin, Missouri.
Any corporation, partnership, proprietorship, individual or organization authorized to do business in the State of Missouri or any natural person.
Any real property owned by the City or any other governmental unit, other than a street.
The surface of and the space above and below any public street, road, cartway, highway, freeway, lane, path, public way, alley, court, sidewalk, boulevard, parkway, drive or any easement or right-of-way now or hereafter held by the City which shall, within its proper use and meaning in the sole opinion of the City, entitle grantee to the use thereof for the purpose of installing or transmitting over poles, wires, cables, conductors, ducts, conduits, vaults, manholes, amplifiers, appliances, attachments and other property as may be ordinarily necessary and pertinent to system.
Any person or entity who lawfully subscribes to a service provided by grantee by means of or in connection with the system and pays a fee unless such fee is lawfully waived.
A facility, consisting of a set of closed transmission paths and associated signal generation, reception and control equipment that is designed to provide cable service which includes video programming and which is provided to multiple subscribers within the City, but the term "system" does not include:
A facility that serves only to retransmit the television signals of one (1) or more television broadcast stations;
A facility that serves only subscribers in one (1) or more multiple-unit dwellings under common ownership, control or management, unless such facility or facilities uses any public right-of-way;
A facility of a common carrier which is subject, in whole or in part, to the provisions of Title II of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, except that such facility shall be considered a system to the extent such facility is used in the transmission of video programming directly to subscribers; or
Any facilities of any electric utility used solely for operating its electric utilities system.
[R.O. 2003 § 615.030; CC 1997 § 116.030]
Grant Of Franchise. A franchise shall be granted pursuant to the terms and conditions contained herein. A franchise may include accompanying agreements. Such terms and conditions shall be subordinate to all applicable provisions of local, State and Federal laws, rules and regulations.
Authority For Use Of Streets.
For the purposes of operating and maintaining system in the City, the franchise shall provide that grantee may erect, install, construct, repair, replace, reconstruct and retain in, on, over, under, across and along the streets within the City such lines, cables, conductors, ducts, conduits, vaults, manholes, amplifiers, appliances, pedestals, attachments and other property and equipment as are necessary and appurtenant to the operation of the system, provided that all applicable permits are applied for and granted, all fees paid, and all other City codes and ordinances are otherwise complied with.
Prior to construction or alteration, grantee shall in each case file plans with all appropriate City agencies and utility companies and receive written approval of such plans. Grantee shall provide a monthly progress report to the City through the completion of construction or alteration. For purposes of this Section, construction or alteration shall refer to major improvements or changes to grantee's system which involve one (1) or more of the following:
Interruption of service to more than one (1) subscriber;
Work over, under or upon any street;
Work requiring digging, trenching, or other disturbance of the streets, public rights-of-way or easements; or
Changes or additions to system components, including, but not limited to, antennas, towers, earth stations, satellite receivers, microwave receivers, broadcasters and repeaters, and related fixtures and appurtenances located within the City.
Grantee shall construct and maintain system so as not to interfere with other uses of streets. Grantee shall make use of existing poles and other facilities available to grantee. Grantee shall individually notify all residents affected by proposed construction prior to the commencement of that work in the same fashion as provided herein.
Notwithstanding the above grant to use streets, no street shall be used by grantee if the City, in its sole discretion, determines that such use is inconsistent with the terms, conditions or provisions by which such street was created or dedicated, or presently used.
The grantee shall provide service and connection with the system to any person or entity who requests to become a subscriber when the location of such connection is not more than two thousand (2,000) feet from any customer service feeder line within the City.
Franchise Term. A franchise shall commence upon the effective date of its adoption by the Board of Aldermen and shall expire no more than fifteen (15) years thereafter, unless renewed or terminated sooner as hereinafter provided.
Franchise Non-Exclusive.
Any franchise granted in accordance with this Chapter is non-exclusive. The City specifically reserves the right to grant, at any time, additional franchises for a system as it deems appropriate. The City also reserves the right to grant one (1) or more franchises for the provision of specifically defined services, including, but not limited to, institutional communications services and interactive residential services.
Grantees of franchises granted in accordance with this Chapter shall make available a channel for government access and use by the City of Gallatin. When not used by the City, such channel may be used by grantee for other purposes or programming.
Within six (6) months after the adoption of this Chapter, the City and the holders of franchises granted under this Chapter shall meet and begin work on a plan for effecting an interconnection of the facilities of all grantees for the purposes of cablecasting a common signal for the purposes of government access and use. Within two (2) years of the initial meeting, the plan for interconnection shall be submitted to the Board of Aldermen for approval and adoption. The plan for interconnection shall include, but need not be limited to, a technical description for the proposed interconnection, a timetable for implementation, guidelines for use of the interconnection, and allowance for interconnection with future grantees. The costs of the construction and operation of the interconnection shall be shared equitably by all grantees.
Cable Communications Franchise Required. No system shall be allowed to occupy the public right-of-way or use the streets or other public property of the City or be allowed to operate within the City without a cable communications franchise.
Police Powers. Grantee's rights hereunder are subject to the police power of the City to adopt and enforce general ordinances necessary to the safety and welfare of the public. Grantee shall comply with all applicable general laws and ordinances enacted by the City pursuant to that power. Any conflict between the provisions of this franchise and any other present or future lawful exercise of the City's police powers shall be resolved in favor of the most restrictive provision contained therein.
[R.O. 2003 § 615.040; CC 1997 § 116.040]
Permits. Grantee shall obtain a permit from the proper City authority before commencing construction or alteration of system, including the opening or disturbance of any street, sidewalk, driveway or public place. Any and all streets which are disturbed or damaged during the construction, alteration, operation, maintenance or reconstruction of system shall be promptly repaired by grantee at its expense and to the satisfaction of the City. There shall be imposed on grantee a daily penalty of fifty dollars ($50.00) per incident should grantee not obtain or meet the conditions of any applicable City permit with respect to disturbance of a street.
Construction Codes. All wires, conduits, cable and other property and facilities of grantee shall be located, constructed, installed and maintained in compliance with applicable codes. Grantee shall keep and maintain all of its property so as not to unnecessarily interfere with the usual and customary trade, traffic or travel upon the streets and public places of the City or endanger the lives or property of any person. In the event of such interference, the City may require the removal of grantee's lines, cables and appurtenances from the street or property in question. The City shall have the right to inspect all construction or installation work performed subject to the provisions of the franchise and to make such tests as it shall find necessary to ensure compliance with the terms of the franchise and pertinent provisions of law and ordinances that are applicable.
Reservation Of Street Rights.
Nothing in the franchise shall be construed to prevent the City from constructing sewers, grading, paving, repairing and/or altering any street, or laying down, repairing or removing water mains, or constructing or establishing any other public work. All such work shall be done, insofar as practicable, in such manner as not to obstruct, injure or prevent the free use and operation of the poles, wires, conduits, conductors, pipes or appurtenances of grantee.
Except in an emergency, if any such property of grantee herein shall interfere with the construction or repair of any street or improvement, thirty (30) days' written notice shall be given to grantee by the City and all such poles, wires, conduits or other appliances and facilities shall be removed or replaced by grantee in such manner as shall be directed by the City so that the same shall not interfere with the said public work of the City, and such removal or replacement shall be at the expense of the grantee herein. In case of emergency, grantee shall respond immediately to a request to remove or replace such facilities and shall do so at its own expense.
Repair Of Streets And Property. In constructing, operating, maintaining and testing system, grantee shall refill and compact, at its own expense, any excavation that shall be made and shall leave all streets and property, whether it be public or private, in as good a condition as that prevailing prior to the said work and without affecting, altering or disturbing, in any way, electric, telephone or utility cables, wires or attachments. The City shall have the right to inspect and approve the condition of its streets and property after said work.
Undergrounding Of Cable. The placement of cables underground is encouraged. In any event, cables passing under any street shall be installed in underground conduit. Previously installed aerial cable shall be placed underground in concert with all other utilities when all other utilities may convert from aerial to underground construction. The City shall notify grantee of all pending changes from aerial to underground utility installations. Grantee shall place cable underground in newly platted areas where all other utilities are underground as soon as practicable.
Trimming Of Trees. Grantee shall have the authority to trim trees upon and overhanging streets, alleys, sidewalks and public places of the City so as to prevent the branches of such trees from coming in contact with the wires and cables of grantee. Grantee shall give a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours' advance notice to affected residents and the City. Upon request of the City, all trimming shall be done with the approval and under the supervision and direction of the City and shall be in accordance with generally accepted pruning practice.
Street Vacation Or Abandonment. In the event any street or portion thereof used by grantee shall be vacated by the City or the use thereof discontinued by grantee during the term of the franchise, grantee shall forthwith remove its facilities therefrom unless specifically permitted to continue the same and on the removal thereof restore, repair or reconstruct the street area where such removal has occurred and place the street area where such removal has occurred in such condition as may be required by the City. In the event of failure, neglect or refusal of grantee after thirty (30) days' notice by the City to repair, improve or maintain such street portion, the City may do such work or cause it to be done, and the cost thereof as found and declared by the City shall be paid by grantee as directed by the City and collection may be made by court action or otherwise.
Movement Of Facilities. In the event it is necessary temporarily to move or remove any of grantee's wires, cables, poles or other facilities placed pursuant to the franchise in order to lawfully move a large object, building or other structure over the streets of the City, grantee, upon reasonable notice, shall move at the expense of the person requesting the temporary removal of such grantee's facilities as may be required to facilitate such movements. Grantee shall have the right to require payment in advance for such moving services. Additionally, any service disruption sections of the franchise agreement shall not apply in the event that the removal of grantee's wires, cables, poles or other facilities results in temporary service disruptions; however, grantee shall give notice to subscribers by providing notice for five (5) days, each day between 7:00 P.M. and 9:00 P.M. on one (1) channel if such removal will result in temporary service disruption of more than two (2) hours. Where such temporary service disruption shall affect only a portion of the grantee's subscribers, grantee may, with the approval of the City, use another method of notifying subscribers.
Erection Of Poles Prohibited. Grantee shall not erect, for any reason, any pole on or along any street in an existing aerial utility system. If additional poles in an existing aerial route are required, grantee shall arrange with the applicable utility for the installation of the needed poles. Any such additional poles shall require the advance written approval of the City. Any poles erected and used by the grantee, prior to the date of this agreement, shall not be subject to the provisions of this Subsection.
Pole Rental. The grantee shall pay to the City the sum of two dollars ($2.00) per pole per year for rental of each of the City's utility poles to which lines for cable television service are attached during all or any part of a calendar year. Said rent shall be paid by grantee to the City on or before January 15 of the following year for which rent is due. The grantee shall keep accurate records of pole usage during each year and provide an accurate copy of such records to the City at the time rent is paid or at such other times as the City may request.
[R.O. 2003 § 615.050; CC 1997 § 116.050]
Annual Reports. The City shall have the authority to collect a franchise fee and to audit grantee's accounting and financial records upon reasonable notice as set forth in the franchise agreement. Grantee shall file with the City annually reports of gross revenues and other information as set forth in the franchise agreement.
Maintenance And Complaints. A toll-free or collect telephone number or local telephone number for the reception of complaints shall be provided to subscribers and grantee shall maintain a repair service capable of responding to subscriber complaints or requests for service within twenty-four (24) hours after receipt of the complaint or request. Grantee shall investigate and resolve all complaints regarding quality of service, equipment malfunction, billing disputes and other matters pursuant to the procedure set forth in the franchise agreement. Grantee will bear the costs included in making such repairs necessary due to neglect or abuse of subscriber. All costs for repairs necessary due to neglect or abuse of subscriber shall be borne by the subscriber. For purposes of this Section, "responding" means repairing the service or resolving the complaint. If the company is unable to repair the service or resolve the complaint within twenty-four (24) hours because of an emergency or reasons beyond its control, grantee shall notify subscriber of reason for delay and when service will be restored. Service requests for maintenance or repair of system shall be performed at no charge to a subscriber. If such maintenance or repair is required as a result of damage caused by subscriber, grantee may charge according to its actual cost for time and material.
Rates And Other Charges.
Rates and charges charged by grantee for monthly service and installation and all other charges hereunder shall be uniform, except that grantee may offer both its initial and additional installation services to subscribers at uniformly applied reduced rates.
Grantee shall file all rates and charges with the City before the franchise is granted. Prior to implementing any rate increase for any service not subject to local rate regulation, other than pay cable services, grantee shall give the following notice:
At least sixty (60) days' advance written notice to the City;
At least thirty (30) days' advance written notice to subscribers of that service; and
Publication in a newspaper published in the City and qualified to publish legal notice of the rate increase and the effective date of the new rate at least once per week for two (2) consecutive weeks.
[R.O. 2003 § 615.060; CC 1997 § 116.060]
Letter Of Credit. At the time the franchise is granted and at all times thereafter until grantee has completed all of its obligations with the City, grantee shall furnish a letter of credit or cash security fund approved by the City in such amount as the City deems to be adequate compensation for damages resulting from grantee's non-performance. The City may, from year to year, in its sole discretion, reduce the amount of the letter of credit or security fund as set forth in the franchise agreement.
Liability Insurance And Indemnification. Grantee shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the City at all times during the term of the franchise, and maintain throughout the term of the franchise liability insurance in such amount as the City may require insuring both the City and grantee with regard to all damages and penalties which they may legally be required to pay as a result of the exercise of the franchise. Grantee shall initially maintain insurance in such reasonable amounts as set forth in the franchise agreement.
Duty To Grantee. Nothing contained in the franchise shall relieve any person from liability arising out of the failure to exercise reasonable care to avoid injuring grantee's facilities while performing any work connected with grading or changing the line of any street or public place or with the construction or reconstruction of any electric, sewer or water system.
[R.O. 2003 § 615.070; CC 1997 § 116.070]
City's Right To Revoke.
The City reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate and cancel the franchise and all rights and privileges of the franchise in the event:
Grantee substantially violates any provision of the ordinance, franchise or franchise agreement;
Grantee practices any fraud or deceit upon the City;
Grantee becomes insolvent, unable or unwilling to pay its debts;
Grantee is adjudged bankrupt;
Grantee materially misrepresents a fact in the application for, negotiation of, or administration of the franchise or franchise agreement;
Upon conviction of any director, officer, employee or agent of grantee of the offense of bribery, fraud or extortion in connection with or resulting from the awarding of the franchise or franchise agreement.
Nothing in the franchise shall preclude termination of it at any time by mutual agreement of both the City and grantee.
The City shall provide grantee with a written notice of the cause for termination and its intention to terminate the franchise and shall allow the grantee a minimum of thirty (30) days after service of the notice in which to correct the violation.
Grantee shall be provided with an opportunity to be heard at a public hearing before City prior to the termination of the franchise. The City shall hear any persons interested therein and shall determine, in its discretion, whether or not there was a failure, refusal or neglect without just cause by the grantee.
If such failure, refusal or neglect by grantee to comply within such time and manner and upon such terms and conditions as are reasonable.
If the City shall determine such failure, refusal, or neglect by grantee was without just cause, then the City may, by resolution, declare that the franchise of grantee shall be terminated.
Removal Of System. Upon termination, forfeiture or expiration of the franchise, if not renewed, grantee shall remove its cables, wires and appliances from the streets and other public and private property within the City if the City so requests, and the City shall follow procedures set forth in the franchise agreement in the event grantee fails to remove its cable, wires and appliances from the streets and other public and private property within the City.
Purchase. When system or the franchise is offered for sale or at the termination of the franchise, the City shall have the right to purchase system in the manner set forth in the franchise agreement.
Abandonment. Grantee may not abandon any cable communications service or any portion thereof without having given three (3) months' prior written notice to the City. Further, grantee may not abandon any cable communications service or any portion thereof without compensating the City for damages resulting from the abandonment. The amount of damages resulting from abandonment shall be determined by the City.
[R.O. 2003 § 615.080; CC 1997 § 116.080]
Monitoring Subscriber Viewing. No signals of a Class IV Cable Communications Channel may be transmitted from a subscriber terminal for purposes of monitoring individual viewing patterns or practices without the express written permission of the subscriber. Request for such permission shall be contained in a separate document with a prominent statement that the subscriber is authorizing the permission with full knowledge of its provisions. Such written permission shall be for a limited period of time not to exceed one (1) year, which may be renewed only at the option of the subscriber. No penalty shall be invoked for the subscriber's failure to provide or renew such authorization. The authorization shall be revocable at any time by the subscriber upon written notice to grantee without penalty of any kind whatsoever. Such permission shall be required for each type or classification of Class IV cable communications activity planned for this purpose.
Sale Of Subscriber Lists Prohibited. No information or data obtained by monitoring transmission of a signal from a subscriber terminal or by any other means, including, but not limited to, lists of the names and addresses of such subscribers of any lists that identify the viewing habits of subscribers shall be sold or otherwise made available to any party other than to grantee and its employees for internal business use, or agents only in connection with grantee's business, and also to the subscriber who is a subject of that information, unless grantee has received specific written authorization from subscriber to make such data available. The sale of any subscriber list, however generated, other than herein provided is also prohibited.
Protection Of System Integrity. Written permission from the subscriber shall not be required from the conducting of system-wide or individually addressed electronic sweeps for the purpose of verifying system integrity or monitoring for the purpose of billings. Confidentiality of such information shall be subject to the provision set forth above in Subsection (B).
Discrimination Prohibited. Grantee shall not deny service, deny access, or otherwise discriminate against subscribers, channel users or general citizens on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age or sex. Grantee shall comply at all times with all other applicable Federal, State and local laws and regulations and all executive and administrative orders relating to non-discrimination which are hereby incorporated and made part of this Chapter by reference.
Program Selection.
All programs of broadcasting stations carried by the grantee shall be carried in the entirety as received, with announcements and advertisements, and without additions.
Upon the request of a subscriber, a cable operator shall provide, by sale or lease, a device by which the subscriber can prohibit viewing of a particular cable service during periods selected by that subscriber.
[R.O. 2003 § 615.090; CC 1997 § 116.090]
Foreclosure. Upon foreclosure or other judicial sale of all or a part of system, or upon the termination of any lease covering all or part of system, grantee shall notify the City of such fact and such notification shall be treated as a notification that a change in control of grantee has taken place, and the provisions of the franchise governing the consent to transfer or change in ownership shall apply without regard to how such transfer or change in ownership occurred.
The City shall have the right to cancel this franchise one hundred twenty (120) days after the appointment of a receiver or trustee to take over and conduct the business of grantee, whether in receivership, reorganization, bankruptcy or other action or proceeding, unless such receivership or trusteeship shall have been vacated prior to the expiration of said one hundred twenty (120) days, or unless:
Within one hundred twenty (120) days after his/her election or appointment, such receiver or trustee shall have fully complied with all the provisions of the franchise and remedied all defaults thereunder; and
Such receiver or trustee, within said one hundred twenty (120) days, shall have executed an agreement, duly approved by the court having jurisdiction in the premises, whereby such receiver or trustee assumes and agrees to be bound by each and every provision of the franchise.
In the case of a foreclosure or other judicial sale of the plant, property and equipment of the grantee, or any part thereof, the City may serve notice of termination upon the grantee and the successful bidder at such sale, in which event the franchise herein granted and all rights and privileges of the grantee hereunder shall cease and terminate thirty (30) days after service of such notice, unless:
The City shall have approved the transfer of this franchise; and
Such successful bidder shall have covenanted and agreed with the City to assume and be bound by all the terms and conditions of this franchise.
[R.O. 2003 § 615.100; CC 1997 § 116.100]
Compliance With Laws. Grantee shall conform with all the State laws and rules regarding cable communications pursuant to the effective date of such laws and rules. Grantee shall conform with all Federal laws and regulations regarding cable communications as they become effective. Grantee shall also conform with all City ordinances, resolutions heretofore or hereafter adopted or established during the entire term of the franchise.
Sale Or Transfer Of Franchise. The sale or transfer of the franchise or sale of stock so as to create a new controlling interest is prohibited, except with the approval of the City, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld, and such sale or transfer is completed as set forth in the franchise agreement.
Franchise Renewal. Any franchise granted in accordance with this Chapter may be renewed by the City upon application of grantee and in accordance with the then applicable State and Federal law.
Administration Of Franchise.
The City shall have continuing regulatory jurisdiction and supervision over system and grantee's operation under the franchise. The City may issue such reasonable rules and regulations concerning the construction, operation and maintenance of system as are consistent with the provisions of the franchise.
Grantee shall construct, operate and maintain the system subject to the supervision of the City and in strict compliance with all laws, ordinances, departmental rules and regulations affecting system.
System and all parts thereof shall be subject to the right of periodic inspection by the City.
Penalties. Exclusive of contractual damages or other rights in law or equity, a violation of any provision of this Chapter is enforceable by the City and punishable as provided in Section 100.220 of the City's Code.
From and after the effective date of this Chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person to establish, operate or to carry on the business of distributing to any persons in the City any television signals or radio signals by means of a system unless a franchise therefor has first been obtained pursuant to the provisions of the ordinance and unless such franchise is in full force and effect.
From and after the effective date of this Chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person to construct, install or maintain within any public street in the City, or within any other public property of the City, or within any privately owned area within the City which has not yet become a public street but is designated or delineated as a proposed public street on any tentative subdivision map approved by the City any equipment or facilities for distributing any television signals or radio signals through a system unless a franchise authorizing such use of such street or property or area has first been obtained and unless such franchise is in full force and effect.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make any unauthorized connection, whether physically, electrically, acoustically, inductively or otherwise, with any part of a franchised system within the City for the purpose of taking or receiving television signals, radio signals, pictures, programs, sound, or data transmission.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to make any unauthorized connection, whether physically, electrically, acoustically, inductively or otherwise, with any part of a franchised system within the City for the purpose of enabling himself/herself or others to receive any television signal, radio signal, picture, program, sound, or data transmission without payment to the owner of said system.
It shall be unlawful for any person, without the consent of the owner, to willfully tamper with, remove or injure any cables, wires or equipment used for distribution of television signals, radio signals, pictures, programs, sound, or data transmissions.
Continuity Of Service. Upon either the expiration or revocation of a franchise, the City may require grantee to continue to operate the system for an extended period of time not to exceed six (6) months from the date of such expirations or revocation unless extended by City resolution. Grantee shall, as trustee for its successor in interest, continue to operate the system under the terms and conditions of this Chapter and the franchise, to provide the regular subscriber service and any and all of the services that may be provided at that time, and to collect all revenues due and pay all fees and charges due as a result of such operation. In the event grantee does not so operate the system, the City may take such steps as it, in its sole discretion, deems necessary to assure continued service to the subscribers.
Work Performed By Others.
Grantee shall give notice to the City specifying the names and addresses of any other entity, other than grantee, which performs service pursuant to the franchise; provided, however, that all provisions of the franchise remain the responsibility of grantee.
All provisions of the franchise shall apply to any subcontractor or others performing any work or services pursuant to the provisions of the franchise.
No Recourse Against The City. Grantee shall have no recourse whatsoever against the City or its officials, agents or employees for any loss, costs, expense or damage arising out of any provision or requirement of the franchise or because of the enforcement of the franchise.
Separability — Non-Material Provisions. If any provision of this Chapter is held by any court or by any Federal, State or County agency of competent jurisdiction to be invalid as conflicting with any Federal, State or County law, rule or regulation now or hereafter in effect, or is held by such court or agency to be modified in any way in order to conform to the requirements of any such law, rule or regulation is subsequently repealed, rescinded, amended or otherwise changed, so that the provision hereof or thereof which had been held invalid or modified is no longer in conflict with the law, rules and regulations then in effect, said provision shall thereupon return to full force and effect and shall thereafter be binding on grantee and the City hereto, provided that the City shall give grantee thirty (30) days' written notice of such change before requiring compliance with said provision.
Separability — Material Provisions. If any material Section of this Chapter, as determined by the City, is held to be invalid or preempted by Federal or State regulations or laws, the City shall negotiate with grantee appropriate modifications to the ordinance to provide reasonable relief from such invalidity or preemption, including the payment of liquidated damages. If the City and grantee are unable to reach agreement on such modifications, then the dispute will be submitted to a mutually agreeable arbitrator, in accordance with the franchise agreement, who will determine what modifications and/or liquidated damages are appropriate. The arbitrator's decision shall be binding on the parties, provided that no decision of the arbitrator shall require City or grantee to be in violation of any Federal or State law or regulation and subject to appeal provisions of the Uniform Arbitration Act.[1]
Editor's Note: See § 435.350 et seq., RSMo.
[R.O. 2003 § 615.110; CC 1997 § 116.110]
Request For Initial Franchise. Any person desiring to establish or operate a system shall request in writing a franchise for the system from the Board of Aldermen. Such request shall include:
Identification of applicant and ownership information and qualifications and proof of authorization to do business in Missouri;
Financial resources and commitments;
A detailed description of proposed services, service area, public access, government access, programming and rates;
A detailed construction schedule for serving the proposed service area;
System design and technical standards, including performance tests and maintenance procedures;
Experience in cable operations;
Projections of revenue and expenses by specific source and use, anticipated capital expenditures, and depreciation schedule and justification;
A description of how the proposed system will respond to local needs, how the system will contribute to public and community service institutions, and how the system will contribute to local economic development; and
Acceptance of the provisions and requirements of this Chapter.
Franchise Procedure.
If the Board of Aldermen determines the request for a franchise meets the following minimum criteria, it shall issue the franchise:
The request is complete and includes all necessary and required information;
The financial resources and commitments are sufficient to reasonably assure the proposed system will be constructed and operated;
The applicant is legally qualified to own, construct and operate a system within the City;
The needs and desires of the citizens of the City will be met by the granting of the request;
The franchise will not adversely affect the public health, safety and welfare taking into account, but not limited to, any burden, nuisance or other adverse effect such franchise will have on the streets and public property of the City.
Grantee shall accept the franchise and franchise agreement in form and substance acceptable to the City. Upon acceptance of the franchise and franchise agreement, grantee shall be bound by all its terms and provisions.
Grantee shall have continuing responsibility for the franchise and franchise agreement, and if grantee be a subsidiary or wholly-owned corporate entity of a parent corporation, performance of the franchise and franchise agreement shall be secured by a guaranty of the parent corporation in form and substance acceptable to the City, which shall be delivered at time of, and as part of, acceptance of the franchise.
With its acceptance, grantee shall deliver to the City true and correct copies of documents creating grantee and evidencing its power and authority to accept the franchise. Further, such documents shall describe officers authorized to execute the franchise on behalf of grantee.
With its acceptance, grantee shall also pay all costs and expenses incurred by the City incidental with the renewal or award of the franchise. The City shall provide an itemized statement to grantee. Costs or expenses of the City not identified at that time shall be paid promptly by grantee upon receipt of an itemized statement from the City. It is the intent of the City and grantee that the City be reimbursed for all costs and expenses incidental with the granting of the franchise including any subsequent expenses due to delays or litigation pertaining to the grant of the franchise.
All letters of credit, insurance contracts, bonds and guarantees required of grantee by the franchise shall be delivered with the acceptance.
Upon the delivery of the above-described documents and within sixty (60) days of acceptance of the franchise, the City and grantee shall execute the franchise agreement.
Grantee's specific understandings, agreements and commitments, offers, promises, representations and inducements to the City shall be embodied in and incorporated into the franchise agreement to be entered into between the City and grantee based upon the authority granted pursuant to this Chapter. In the event of conflict or discrepancies between any parts of the agreement entered into between the City and grantee or this Chapter, those provisions which provide the greatest benefit to the City, in the opinion of the City, shall prevail; in the event the agreement is not entered into and executed by both the City and grantee or for any other failure to complete the acceptance as provided for in this Section, the proposed franchise shall be void, and the City shall have no further obligations to grantee and grantee shall have no claim in law or equity against the City.
The franchise may be modified or amended by the mutual agreement of the City and grantee and any such modification or amendment must be in writing in order to be binding upon the parties and shall not be in conflict with any of the terms hereof.
The City, from time to time, reserves the right to amend this Chapter. Grantee, by acceptance of the franchise, consents to and agrees to be bound by any such amendment upon receipt of notifications of such change.
[R.O. 2003 § 615.120; CC 1997 § 116.120]
This agreement shall repeal all existing cable ordinances and any ordinances in conflict herewith.