[Code 1974 § 22-1; Code 1985 § 2-2; Code 2005 § 2-1]
The City shall consist of only one ward.
[Code 1974 §§ 10-9, 10-10; Code 1985 § 2-1; Code 2005 § 2-2]
The City seal shall be made of brass, or other substantial metal, of circular form. The superscription shall be engraved thereon as follows:
The words "The City of Cushing, Oklahoma" shall be engraved in a circular lane formed by two concentric circles, one of which is the circumference of the seal.
The word "Seal" shall be engraved within the circular lane and inside the inner circle of the circular lane.
The City seal shall be used for the authentication of all documents required by law or the City Charter to be sealed with the seal of the City.