As authorized by and in accordance with Sections 335.020 and 335.030 of this Title, when signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall stop at every intersection or other location, designated herein, before proceeding.
Off Of/On To
J.P. Crowley Avenue/Hwy A
Branch Street /Hwy V
Bryan Avenue/Hwy A
County Road 239/U.S. 60 East
County Road 255/256
County Road 256/U.S. 60 East
County Road 341/Hwy V
East Arnold Avenue/Hwy A
East Broadway Street/Hwy V
East Boadway Street/North Elizabeth Avenue
East Cleveland Avenue/Hwy V
Elm Street/Hwy DD
Grand Avenue/Hwy A
Grand Avenue West/North Stone Avenue
Grand Avenue East/North Stone Avenue
Hwy A/U.S. 60 West
Hwy DD/Hwy A
Hwy N/Hwy V
Hwy V/Hwy A
Hwy V/Hwy A/West North Avenue
4-way stop
Hwy V/U.S. 60 West
(Justin's house)/Hwy V
Long Avenue/Hwy V
Maple Street/Hwy A
Medical Drive/West Cleveland Avenue
Mineral Street/Hwy V
Noble Street/Hwy V
North Cane Street/West Broadway Street
4-way stop
North Elizabeth Avenue/Hwy A
North Outer Road 60 East/Hwy V
South Cane Street/West Cleveland Avenue
South Elizabeth Avenue/East Cleveland Avenue
South Elizabeth Avenue/Hwy A
South Stone Avenue/Hwy A
South Herren Avenue/Hwy V
(Road across from South Stone Avenue)/Hwy A
U.S. 60 East/U.S. 60 West
U.S. 60 West/U.S. 60 East
Walnut Street/Hwy V
West Arnold Avenue/Hwy A
West Broadway Street/Hwy V
West Cleveland Avenue/Hwy V
West Cleveland Avenue/South Cane Street
As authorized by and in accordance with Sections 335.020 and 335.030 of this Title, when signs are erected giving notice thereof, drivers of vehicles shall yield at the following intersections before proceeding.
Hwy A/U.S. 60 West, yield into slow lane
Hwy V/U.S. 60 West, yield into slow lane
South Herren Avenue/Hwy A
U.S. 60 East/U.S. 60 West
U.S. 60 West/U.S. 60 East