[Ord. 1973-1, 2/5/1973, § 1000; as amended by Ord. 1990-5, 8/6/1990, § 3]
For the administration of this chapter, a Zoning Officer, who shall not hold any elective office in the Borough, shall be appointed.
The Zoning Officer shall meet the qualifications established by the Borough and shall be able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Borough a working knowledge of municipal zoning.
The Zoning Officer shall administer this chapter in accordance with its literal terms, and shall not have the power to permit any construction or any use or change of use which does not conform to this chapter.
The Zoning Officer is hereby authorized to institute civil enforcement proceedings as a means of enforcement when acting within the scope of his employment.
It shall be the duty of the Zoning Officer and he shall have the power to:
Receive all applications for zoning permits; issue permits when there is compliance with the provisions of this chapter, other municipal ordinances and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Receive applications for special exceptions and refer these applications to the Zoning Hearing Board for action thereon.
Following refusal of a permit, receive applications for appeals from alleged error of the Zoning Officer and variances and forward these applications to the Zoning Hearing Board for action thereon.
Conduct investigations to determine compliance or noncompliance with the terms of this chapter.
Order, in writing, correction of all conditions found to be in violation of the provisions of this chapter. Such written orders shall be served personally or by registered mail upon persons, firms or corporations deemed by the Zoning Officer to be violating the terms of this chapter.
Institute, with the approval of the applicable governing body, proceedings in courts of proper jurisdiction for the enforcement of this chapter.
Keep a permanent record of all plans and applications for permits and all permits issued, with a notation as to conditional uses attached thereto.
Maintain a map or maps showing the current zoning classification of all land in the area.
Upon the request of the Planning Commission, Zoning Hearing Board or any governing body, present to such body facts, records or any similar information to assist such body in reaching a decision.
Limits of Authority.
The Zoning Officer shall have authority to issue permits only for construction and uses which are in accordance with the requirements of this chapter. Construction and uses which require special exception or variance shall be issued zoning permits only upon order of the Zoning Hearing Board. Construction or uses subject to conditional use approval shall be issued zoning permits only upon order of the applicable governing body.
The Zoning Officer shall issue no permits for the construction or use of any land and buildings unless it conforms to all municipal ordinances and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
[Ord. 1973-1, 2/5/1973, § 1010; as amended by Ord. 1988-1, 8/1/1988]
Permits Required.
Hereafter, no structure shall be erected, constructed, reconstructed, extended, moved or razed until a building permit has been secured from the Zoning Officer. Permit requirements for signs are governed by § 27-602, Subsection 8. Nothing herein shall be construed to abrogate the requirements of the Existing Structures Code.
Upon completion of changes in use or construction, reconstruction, extension or moving of structures, the applicant shall notify the Zoning Officer of such completion. No permit shall be considered complete or permanently effective until the Zoning Officer has noted on the permit that the work or occupancy and use have been inspected and approved as being in conformity with the provisions of this chapter.
Permit Approval.
If the specifications set forth by the applicant in his application are in conformity with the provisions of this chapter, the municipal building code (if any) and the applicable statutes, the Zoning Officer shall issue a permit. If a building permit is refused, the Zoning Officer shall state such refusal in writing, with the cause, and shall immediately thereupon mail notice of such refusal to the applicant at the address indicated on the application. The Zoning Officer shall grant or deny the permit not later than 10 days following application, except in cases of special exception or conditional usage where further proceedings are necessary.
Except upon written order of the Zoning Hearing Board authorizing a variance, no building permit shall be issued for any structure where said erection, construction, reconstruction, extension, moving, razing or use thereof would be in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter. Moreover, any permit issued in error shall in no case be construed as waiving any provisions of this chapter.
Application Requirements. All applications for zoning permits shall be made in writing by the owner or authorized agent on a form supplied by the Zoning Officer and shall be filed with the Zoning Officer. The application shall include:
A statement as to the proposed use of the building or land.
A site layout showing the location, dimensions and height of proposed structures or uses and any existing buildings in relation to property and street lines.
The number, location and design of parking and loading spaces, if applicable.
Life of a Permit. Any construction requiring a building permit under this Part 9 shall be completed within one year from date of issuance of the permit. However, the right to proceed with construction may be extended annually without payment of additional fees for an aggregate period of not more than three years, provided that the construction or change pursuant to said permit has commenced within the first one-year period.
[Ord. 1973-1, 2/5/1973, § 1020; as amended by Ord. 1988-1, 8/1/1988]
Permit Required. No land or buildings shall be used or changed in use and no building hereafter erected, constructed, altered or extended shall be occupied until an occupancy permit shall have been issued by the Zoning Officer stating that the buildings or proposed uses fully comply with the provisions of this chapter. Nothing herein shall relieve the applicant from the requirements of the Existing Structures Code.
Permit Approval.
In cases where a building permit is required, all occupancy permits shall be applied for coincident with the application for the building permit. The permit shall be retained by the Zoning Officer until such time as the building in question shall have been approved as complying with the provisions of this chapter; issuance shall not exceed 10 days following approved compliance.
In cases involving establishment of a use upon land or a change of use upon land or within structures, application for an occupancy permit alone shall suffice. The Zoning Officer shall grant or deny such use within 10 days following application, except in cases of special exception or conditional usage where further proceedings are necessary. If a permit is denied, the Zoning Officer shall state in writing the cause for such denial and shall immediately thereupon mail notice of such denial to the applicant.
Application Requirements. All applications for occupancy permits shall be made in writing by the owner or authorized agent on a form supplied by the Zoning Officer, setting forth information listed in § 27-902(3) and other data the Zoning Officer may require.
Life of a Permit. An occupancy permit shall become void 90 days from the date of issuance unless occupancy, use or change of use is commenced.
[Ord. 1973-1, 2/5/1973, § 1040; as amended by Ord. 1988-1, 8/1/1988]
The following fees that are established from time to time by the Borough Council shall be paid at the office of the Zoning Officer upon the filing of an application.