Applications for on-site wastewater treatment system permits shall be made by the parcel owner or a duly authorized agent, accompanied by the appropriate fee, to the authority having jurisdiction. Applications shall include the following information:
The name, address and telephone number of the applicant;
Specific location of the parcel on which the on-site wastewater treatment system is located or proposed, including the tax map number for said parcel;
The number of bedroom and/or bedroom equivalents and the square footage of the building.
All plans shall be designed by a design professional showing the location of the proposed on-site wastewater treatment system and all wells, springs, other water supplies, buildings and watercourses within 200 feet of the proposed on-site wastewater treatment system, even if located on adjacent properties.
Evidence to demonstrate that there is no public sewer available into which the sewage can be discharged or that it is impractical to discharge sewage into a community sewerage system;
Evidence to demonstrate that the design complies with Article III of this chapter.
Documentation of substantiating date relating to site conditions, percolation tests, deep hole data, and topography of land; and
The authority having jurisdiction may conduct such investigations, examinations, tests and site evaluations to verify information contained in the application following the procedures identified in Article VI of this chapter.
The authority having jurisdiction shall not issue an on-site wastewater treatment system permit unless:
A plan is submitted by a design professional as required by this chapter; all permit fees have been paid; that the plan complies with all specifications of state and local laws; and within the Canandaigua Lake Watershed, a letter of approval has been obtained from the Watershed Inspector.
When the authority having jurisdiction shall deny the application for an on-site wastewater treatment system permit, within seven working days after taking such action, the authority having jurisdiction shall furnish the applicant with a written notice of denial setting forth in detail the reason for such action.
The fees for any permit or inspection performed pursuant to this chapter shall be determined by resolution from time to time by the authority having jurisdiction.
In addition to approvals required herein, a review and approval by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) or the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Inspector may be required.