[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town of Barkhamsted Special Town Meeting 9-28-1982 by Ord. No. 36. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Whenever any person damages any property owned by or in the custody of the Town of Barkhamsted, the First Selectman is authorized to pursue restitution on behalf of the town by whatever lawful means said First Selectman deems appropriate.
[Amended STM 2-13-1992 by Ord. No. 59]
The Board of Selectmen is authorized to set a schedule of values for items which are damaged.
[Added STM 12-17-2015]
It shall be unlawful to deposit, throw or place waste materials, paper or litter upon the roads or public areas of the Town of Barkhamsted, including property owned by the State of Connecticut or the Metropolitan District Commission.
Any person or persons throwing trash on these areas may be punished by a fine not exceeding $50.
[Added ATM 5-9-2017]
Definitions. As used in this section, the followings terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Any printed or written matter, including handbills and signs, or otherwise reproduced originals or copies of any matter or literature, except a newspaper as defined in this section, which advertises for sale any merchandise, product, commodity or thing, or which directs attention to any business or commercial establishment or other activity for the purpose of either directly or indirectly promoting the interest thereof by sales, or which, while containing reading matter other than advertising matter, is predominantly and essentially an advertisement, and is distributed or circulated for advertising purposes, or for the private benefit and gain of any person so engaged as an advertiser or distributor.
Any newspaper of general circulation as defined by general law, any newspaper duly entered with the Post Office Department of the United States, in accordance with federal statute or regulation, any newspaper filed and recorded with any recording officer as provided by general law, or any printed matter of general circulation published for the dissemination of local, regional, state, national or international news or information of a general character.
Distribution of advertising matter and newspapers on unimproved or vacant private premises. No person shall deposit, distribute, or place any advertising matter or newspaper, or cause the same to be done, in or upon any private premises which are unimproved or which are vacant, without first obtaining the permission of the owner or other person in control of such premises.
Distribution of advertising matter or newspapers on private property. No person shall deposit, distribute, or place any advertising matter or newspaper, or cause the same to be done, in or upon any private premises within the Town when the owner or occupant of said private premises has notified the distributor or disseminator of such advertising matter or newspaper that he or she does not wish to receive said advertising matter or newspaper. Said notice shall be:
By written communication to the distributor or disseminator of such advertising matter or newspaper; or
By placing on said premises in a conspicuous place near the entrance thereof a sign bearing the words "No Advertising," or any similar notice indicating that no such advertising matter or newspaper is to be left upon said premises.
Exemptions. The provisions of this section shall not apply to the distribution of material through the United States Mail, nor to the distribution of material if such distribution is required by federal, state or local regulation.
Penalty for violation. Each violation of this section shall be considered a separate municipal offense, and each separate offense shall be subject to a fine of $75 payable to the Town of Barkhamsted.
Enforcement. This section is specifically designated for enforcement by citations issued by designated municipal officers or employees, and the citation hearing procedure established by "An Ordinance Establishing The Citation Hearing Procedure"[1] shall be followed.
Editor's Note: See § 150-5, Citation hearing procedure.
[Added ATM 5-9-2017]
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish a citation hearing procedure in accordance with C.G.S. §§ 7-148(c)(10)(A) and 7-152c to be followed in all instances when citations are issued by the Town of Barkhamsted municipal officials.
Issuance of citation.
Regulations and ordinances of the Town may be enforced by citations issued by designated municipal officers or employees, provided that the regulation or ordinance has been designed specifically by the Town for enforcement by citation.
Any person receiving a citation issued under any regulation or ordinance of the Town shall be allowed a period of 30 calendar days from his/her receipt of the citation to make an uncontested payment of the fine specified in the citation to the Town. If the citation is mailed by regular or certified mail, the day of receipt of the citation shall be deemed to be three business days after the day of mailing of the citation.
If a person who has been issued a citation does not make payment of the fine specified in the citation to the Town within the time allowed under Subsection B above, the Town shall send notice to the alleged violator no later than 12 months after the expiration of the final period for the payment of the fine for any citation issued under any regulation or ordinance of the Town for an alleged violation, informing the violator and any other persons cited of the following:
The allegations against the violator and other persons cited and the amount of the fines due;
The alleged violator or other person cited may contest his/her liability by delivering in person or by mail written notice within 10 days of the date of the original notice to said violator that he/she desires to contest his/her liability before a citation hearing officer;
If the alleged violator does not demand such a hearing, a judgment and fine shall be entered against him/her; and
Such judgment may issue without further notice.
If the alleged violator or the other person or persons to whom notice has been sent pursuant to Subsection C above wishes to admit liability for any alleged violation, he/she may, without requesting a hearing, pay the full amount of the fines in person or by mail to the official designated by the Town. Any alleged violator or other person who does not deliver or mail a written demand for a hearing within 10 days of the date of the first notice provided in Subsection C above shall be deemed to have admitted liability, and the designated municipal official shall certify such person’s failure to respond to the hearing officer. The hearing officer shall thereupon enter and assess the fines provided for by law and shall follow the procedures set forth in Subsection C below.
In those instances where there is time to do so and where a continuing violation is not causing immediate or significant harm, a written warning providing notice of the specific violation shall be sent prior to issuing the citation.
Hearing procedure.
Any person who requests a hearing shall be given written notice of the date, time and place for the hearing. Such hearing shall be held not less than 15 days nor more than 30 days from the date of the mailing of such notice, provided that the hearing officer shall grant, upon good cause shown, any reasonable request by an interested party for postponement or continuance. An original or certified copy of the initial notice of violation issued by the issuing officer shall be filed and retained by the Town, shall be deemed to be a business record within the scope of C.G.S. § 52-180 and evidence of the facts contained therein. The presence of the issuing officer shall be required at the hearing if such person so requests. The alleged violator or other person wishing to contest liability shall appear at the hearing and may present evidence in his/her behalf. A designated Town official, other than the hearing officer, may present evidence on behalf of the Town. If the alleged violator fails to appear, the hearing officer may enter a fine by default against him/her upon a finding of proper notice and liability under the applicable ordinance. The hearing officer may accept from such alleged violator copies of documents by mail and may determine thereby that the appearance of such person is unnecessary. The hearing officer shall conduct the hearing in the order and form and with such methods of proof as he/she deems fair and appropriate. The rules regarding the admissibility of evidence shall not be strictly applied, but all testimony shall be given under oath or affirmation. The hearing officer shall announce his/her decision at the end of the hearing. If he/she determines that the alleged violator or other person is not liable, he/she shall dismiss the matter and enter his/her determination, in writing, accordingly. If he/she determines that the person is liable for the violation, he/she shall forthwith enter and assess the fines against such person as provided by this section.
If such fine is not paid on the date of its entry, the hearing officer shall send by first-class mail a notice of the assessment to the person found liable and shall file, not less than 30 days nor more than 12 months after such mailing, a certified copy of the notice of assessment with the clerk of the superior court for the geographical area in which the Town is located, together with an entry fee. The certified copy of the notice of the fine shall constitute a record of the fine. Within such twelve-month period, fines against the same person may be accrued and filed as one record. The clerk of the court shall enter judgment in the amount of such record of fines and court costs against such person in favor of the Town. Notwithstanding any other provision of the General Statutes, the hearing officer’s assessment, when so entered as a judgment, shall have the effect of a civil money judgment, and a levy of execution of such judgment may issue without further notice to such person.
The person against whom a fine has been levied pursuant to this section is entitled to judicial review by way of appeal. An appeal shall be instituted within 30 days of the mailing of notice of such assessment by filing a petition to reopen the levy of such fine, together with an entry fee in an amount equal to the entry fee for a small claims case pursuant to C.G.S. § 52-259, in the superior court for the geographical area in which the Town is located, which shall entitle such person to a hearing in accordance with the rules of the judges of the superior court.
The First Selectman shall appoint one or more citation hearing officers, who shall be other than police officers or employees or persons who issue citations, to conduct the hearings authorized by this section. All such officers shall serve for a term of two years.
Disposition of money received. All moneys received pursuant to the procedure set forth above shall be remitted to the office of the Town Tax Collector.