Before submission of any application for subdivision or land development, the applicant is encouraged to meet with the Township staff and Planning Commission to determine the feasibility, suitability and timing of the application. The intent of the preapplication conference is for the applicant to obtain information and guidance from the Township with regard to the proposed preliminary plan, prior to entering into any commitments or incurring substantial expenses with regard to the site and the plan preparation. The preapplication conference is voluntary and no formal application or fee is required.
All preapplication conferences shall be scheduled with the Township staff. The request for a preapplication conference with the Planning Commission shall be received and accepted by the Township staff at least 20 days prior to the date of the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission workshop meeting.
The submission of a preapplication conference request and any plans, documents, or information related thereto that are presented at the conference shall not be deemed by the Township to be the submission or filing of an application for subdivision or land development approval with the Township, nor shall it be the start of any statutorily prescribed Township review period. The preapplication conference shall not protect the application from subsequent amendments to any applicable Township ordinance provision made prior to the date of the filing of a complete application. The preapplication conferences are intended to be advisory only and shall not bind the Township to take any action on any application subsequently submitted.
Applications and required application materials for approval of preliminary subdivision or land development plans in the Township shall be submitted to the Township for review and consideration of approval or denial of the application. All reviews shall be submitted to the Township Planning Commission which shall review the application and recommend action to the Township Board of Supervisors. All applications shall also be submitted to the Washington County Planning Commission which shall review the application. The Township Board of Supervisors shall take action on the application and advise the applicant of such action in the manner as prescribed by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. Preliminary approval must be granted prior to submission of an application for final approval, except as otherwise permitted by this chapter.
Applications and required application materials for approval of final subdivision or land development plans in the Township shall be submitted to the Township for review and consideration of approval or denial of the application. All reviews shall be submitted to the Township Planning Commission which shall review the application and recommend action to the Township Board of Supervisors. All applications shall also be submitted to the Washington County Planning Commission which shall review the application. The Township Board of Supervisors shall take action on the application and advise the applicant of such action in the manner as prescribed by the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code. As a condition of approval, the applicant shall enter into improvement and maintenance agreements with the Township, when applicable as determine at the sole discretion of the Township. No Township permits shall be issued until said agreements are executed and secured to the satisfaction of the Township and until the approved final plan has been recorded in the County Recorder of Deeds office.
Minor subdivisions. In the case of any proposed residential subdivision that involves no more than two lots and does not involve the provisions of any new street or easement for access, the preliminary application review process is not required and any such application shall be reviewed and approved pursuant to the requirements for a final application, including review and recommendation by the Township Planning Commission and review and decision by the Board of Supervisors.
Modification of minor subdivisions. In the case of adjustments to any existing lot lines, lot dimensions, easement descriptions and/or survey corrections on no more than three lots in a plat previously approved by the Township, the preliminary and final application requirements shall be waived and approval of the revised plat for recording shall be reviewed and approved by the Board of Supervisors, provided all lots in the revised plat comply with all other requirements of this chapter and the requirements of Chapter 425, Zoning. For such applications, six copies of the application materials shall be provided to the Township, notwithstanding any other requirements of this chapter with respect to the number of required copies.
Minor land development. In the case of a minor land development, the preliminary and final plan review processes can be combined and submitted to the Township as one combined application for review and the requirements and process for final land development procedures shall apply.
The Township Board of Supervisors shall render a decision on an application for preliminary or final approval no later than 90 days after the date of the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting following the filing of the application. However, if the next scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission occurs more than 30 days after the application is filed, the ninety-day decision period shall be measured from the 30th day following the date the application is filed. An application is considered filed pursuant to the requirements of this chapter. Applicants may appeal the decision of the Township Board of Supervisors, as outlined in § 360-9 above.
Following approval of a final plan pursuant to the requirements of this chapter, three paper copies of the final plan (full size, 24 inches by 36 inches) shall be endorsed by the Township Supervisors and Township Planning Commission. The signature of the Washington County Planning Commission shall also be placed on the plans indicating the Commission's review. The signature block shall state the following -
"Submitted to Washington County on _____ and reviewed by Washington County on this _____ day of _____, 20_____."
The record plan shall be a clear and legible print of a type and material required by the Washington County Recorder of Deeds.
After the required endorsements are completed, the applicant shall file the record plan with the Washington County Recorder of Deeds within 90 days of the date of final approval or 90 days after the date of delivery of an approved plat signed by the governing body, following completion of conditions imposed for such approval, whichever is later. The signature blocks shall include endorsements from the following:
Township Supervisors.
Planning Commission.
Washington County Planning Commission.
Township Secretary, with date of delivery to applicant.
In addition to the required endorsements in the above signature block, the signature block for land development plans shall state the following:
"In accordance with Section 513 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, the fully executed plat is released this _____ day of _____, 20_____.
Nottingham Township Secretary"