An application for subdivision or land development plan approval shall be considered filed with the Township on the date of submission of an application that meets the following requirements, as determined by the designated municipal official (DMO) or other staff as shall be designated by the Township. The Township shall make such determination within five business days of the application submittal date and, if the following requirements are met, the application will be considered filed as of the date the application was submitted to the Township:
Submittal of the required application to the Township offices, during normal business hours, at least 20 days prior to the date of the next regularly scheduled Township Planning Commission Workshop meeting;
Correct required application form, fully completed and executed by a person with authority to do so, including such information as may be necessary to verify said authority;
Correct application fee, in the correct amount, as set by Township resolution, and as may be amended from time to time;
Twelve complete sets of application materials, as required by this section;
Application drawings shall be clearly and legibly drawn to a scale of one inch equals 50 feet or one inch equals 100 feet or larger;
All submitted plan drawings should be on sheets 24 inches by 36 inches in size.
The preliminary plan drawings shall include the following information and, if more than one plan sheet is required, a key diagram illustrating the relative location of the several sections shall be drawn on each sheet. These processes are not needed for modified review procedures.
Application information and plan sheet information:
Name, address, and phone number of record owner;
Name, address, and phone number of developer, if different than owner;
Name of the proposed subdivision or development plan;
Name of the municipality or municipalities within which plan is proposed;
Names of all adjoining properties and recorded subdivision or land development plans;
Name, address, license number, and seal of a registered engineer or surveyor responsible for the application plans;
North point, graphic scale, written scale, and date, including the month, day and year that the original drawing was completed and the month, day and year that the original drawing was revised, for each revision;
A location map, for the purpose of locating the property being subdivided or developed, drawn at a scale not smaller than one inch equals 2,000 feet and showing the relation of the property to adjoining property and to all streets, roads, and Township boundaries within one mile of any part of the property;
The current total tract boundary lines of the parent lot, parcel of land and/or property (tract) being subdivided or developed boundaries of the adjacent parcels which intersect the boundaries of the plan or subdivision shall be shown but are not required to be field surveyed;
In the case of a subdivided parcel, a statement of the total area of the resulting tract(s) shall also be on the plat or plan;
Tax Map sheet, block, and lot numbers within the proposed subdivision or land development;
The zoning district or districts within which the proposed subdivision or development is located.
Existing features:
All existing buildings or other structures;
All existing streets, including streets recorded but not constructed, on or adjoining the subject property, including street names, rights-of-way widths, pavement widths and approximate grades;
All existing sewer lines, stormwater lines, water lines, fire hydrants, utility transmission lines, culverts, bridges, railways, or other man-made features within the proposed subdivision or development and those features within 200 feet of the boundaries of the proposed subdivision or development;
Location, width and purpose of existing easements and utility rights-of-way within 200 feet of the boundaries of the proposed subdivision or development;
Contour intervals, except for subdivision applications, of not more than two feet for land with average natural slope of 5% or less, and at intervals of not more than five feet for land with average natural slope exceeding 5%. Location and elevation of the datum to which contour elevations refer shall be the closest United State Geologic Survey established benchmark, where available.
Proposed features:
Location and width of all streets and rights-of-way, with a statement of any conditions governing their use;
Proposed street names;
Utility easement locations;
Building setback lines along each street and property line, as required by Chapter 425, Zoning;
Lot lines, with approximate dimensions;
A statement of the intended use of all lots and parcels;
Lot numbers, a statement of total number of lots and parcels, and lot size in square feet and acres for each lot;
Sanitary and stormwater facilities with the size and material of each indicated, and any proposed connections to existing facilities;
Parks, playgrounds, and other areas to be dedicated or reserved for public or common use, with any conditions governing such use;
Location, width and purpose of proposed easements and utility rights-of-way;
Copies of any proposed deed restrictions and protective and restrictive covenants or rights-of-way; and
In the case of subdivision or land development plans to be developed in stages, sections, or phases, over a period of time, a map delineating each phase of the proposed subdivision or land development, consecutively numbered so as to illustrate phasing and a schedule indicating the approximate time for which the application for final approval of each phase is intended to be filed.
Additional application materials:
Preliminary profiles, typical cross sections, and specifications for proposed street, sanitary sewer, water system improvements, and storm drainage;
A completed planning module for land development, including soil and representative percolation tests, where applicable, and information necessary for the Township to make a determination as to revising or supplementing the plan for sewage facilities;
A stormwater management plan that conforms to the Township design requirements as outlined in Chapter 340, Stormwater Management;
A landscape plan, where necessary to illustrate requirements of Chapter 340, Stormwater Management, and Chapter 425, Zoning;
Preliminary designs of any bridges or culverts that may be required. Such designs shall meet all applicable federal, state and local requirements;
Written statement requesting any modifications or waivers to any applicable ordinance provision; and
Data clearly showing all distances and bearings and any other information required to accurately describe the subdivision.
Application for final plan approval. The following information shall be submitted with an application for final subdivision or land development approval, in addition to any information as required for preliminary approval:
The latest source of title to the land as shown by the deed, page number and book of the County Recorder of Deeds.
The current total tract boundary lines of the parent lot, parcel of land and/or property (tract) being subdivided or developed with accurate distances to hundredths of a foot and bearings to 1/4 of a minute. The lengths and bearings of all the parent parcel boundary lines shall be determined by an accurate field survey performed by a professional surveyor licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The field survey shall be balanced and closed with an error of closure not less than a one foot in 10,000 feet. The licensed professional surveyor shall certify to the accuracy of the survey and the drawn plat. The drawn plat shall clearly show all surveyed distances and bearing and any other information required to accurately define the parcel. A statement of the total surveyed areas of the parent parcel shall be on the plan. Boundaries of the adjacent parcels which intersect the boundaries of the plan or subdivision shall be shown but are not required to be field surveyed.
In the case of a subdivided parcel, a statement of the total area of the resulting tract(s) shall also be on the plat or plan; the resulting tract(s) shall be defined by accurate bearings and distances and closed with an error of closure not less than one foot in 10,000 feet. Also, in the case of a subdivision, the licensed professional surveyor shall certify to the accuracy of the bearings and distances and error of closure, as well as the location and elevation of the plan monuments.
All lot lines shall be completely dimensioned in feet, if straight, and by designating length of arc and radius (in feet) and central angle (in degrees, minutes, and seconds) if curved. All internal angles within the lots shall be designated to within 15 seconds.
The proposed building setback and the proposed placement of each building.
All easements or rights-of-way where provided for or owned by public services and any limitations on such easements or rights-of-way. Rights-of-way shall be shown and accurately identified on the plan. Easements shall either be shown or specifically described on the plan. Easements shall be located in cooperation with the appropriate utility companies.
Such private deed restrictions, including covenants, as may be imposed upon the property as a condition to sale, together with a statement of any restrictions previously imposed that may affect the title to the land being subdivided or developed.
If the plan includes a proposed new access point to a state legislative route, the application for highway occupancy permit and associated materials shall be submitted.
A certification of ownership, acknowledgement of plan and offer of dedication shall be lettered on the plan, and shall be duly acknowledged and signed by the owner of the property and notarized.
A signature block for certification of review of the plan by the Washington County Planning Commission, which shall read as follows: "Reviewed by the Washington County Planning Commission on this _____ day of _____, 20 _____" and signed by the Executive Director and Chairperson of the Commission.
Signature block should include endorsements from the following:
Planning Commission.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Subsection E(11)(a), Township Secretary, which immediately preceded this subsection, was repealed at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I); see now Subsection E(11)(c).
Washington County Planning Commission.
Township Secretary, with date of delivery.
In addition to the required endorsements above, signature block shall state the following:
"In accordance with Section 513 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, the fully executed plat is released this _____ day of _____, 20 _____.
Nottingham Township Secretary"
Space shall be left, along the lower edge of the sheet, in order that the County Recorder of Deeds may acknowledge receipt and recording of the plan when it is presented.
If the final plan requires more than one sheet, a key diagram showing the relative location of the several sections shall be drawn on each sheet.
Additional application materials.
Location, size, and invert elevation of all sanitary sewer, water distribution, and storm drainage systems and the location of all manholes, inlets and culverts.
Final profiles, cross sections, and specifications for proposed streets, sanitary sewers, water distribution systems, and storm drainage systems shall be shown.
Evidence of a sewage planning module approval from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
Homeowner association bylaws and management plan, if applicable.
Documentation from the Sewage Enforcement Officer that each lot has been tested for on-lot sewage systems (where applicable).
An erosion and sedimentation control plan developed in accordance with Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection standards.
A legal description of all areas offered for dedication.
Performance guarantee. A performance guarantee in the amount of 110% of the costs of all required improvements as required by this chapter, based upon an estimate of probable costs as reviewed and approved by the Township Engineer, in a form and with surety approved by the Township Solicitor, guaranteeing the construction and installation of all such improvements within a stated period. Where the final plan is submitted and approved in phases, the amount of the guarantee may also be provided in stages that are commensurate with the phases.
Maintenance guarantee. A maintenance guarantee in the amount of not less than 15% of the Township's estimate of the cost of all required improvements as required by this chapter. This guarantee assures that the developer shall maintain all such improvements in good condition for a period of 18 months after completion of the construction and installation of all such improvements and acceptance of all such improvements by the Township.
Revised application materials for applications that are already under consideration by the Township Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors must be submitted seven days prior to the Planning Commission or Board of Supervisors meeting at which the revised application materials are to be considered.