For all Commercial and Industrial Districts, the following minimum screening and landscaping requirements shall apply for all off-street lots with more than six parking spaces, or in any instance when a commercial or industrial off-street parking area of any size abuts a residential district.
A strip of land at least six feet wide (may be part of required yard setbacks) with trees or shrubs densely planted, to create at least an impervious screen, at least four feet high at the time of planting and which are of a type that may be commonly expected to form a year-round impervious screen at least five feet high within three years.
If a natural screen as described in Subsection A above cannot be attained, a wall or fence of uniform appearance at least five feet high above finished grade will be allowed. Such a wall and/or fence may be perforated, provided that not more than 25% of the face is open.
All required screening, as described in Subsections A and B above, shall be maintained in good condition at all times. Such screening may be interrupted by entrances or exits, and shall have no signs attached thereto other than those permitted in the district.
For all off-street parking areas of 20 or more spaces the following criteria shall also apply:
On at least three sides of the perimeter of an outdoor parking lot, there shall be planted at least one tree for every 30 linear feet. In the interior part of an outdoor parking lot where two rows of parking spaces containing a total of 10 or more parking spaces face each other, a landscaped open space not less than six feet in width shall be provided. The landscaped strip may be provided either: 1) between the rows of parking spaces parallel to the aisle or 2) in two or more strips parallel to the spaces and extending from the aisle serving one row of spaces to the aisle serving the other row of spaces, as illustrated below. Trees required by this subsection shall be at least 3.5 inches in diameter at a height four feet above the ground at time of planting and shall be of a species characterized by suitability and hardiness for location in a parking lot. To the extent practicable, existing trees shall be retained and used to satisfy this subsection. The following graphics are intended as illustrations and examples only and have not been incorporated into the requirements of this bylaw. (See graphic after tables and footnotes at end of bylaw.)
195 Outdoor Parking Lot Diagram.tif
All artificial lighting used to illuminate any commercial or industrial parking lot, loading bay or driveway shall have underground wiring and shall be so arranged that all direct rays from such lighting fall entirely within the parking, loading or driveway area, and shall be shielded or recessed so as not to shine upon abutting properties or streets.
In the Village Commercial Zoning District the following requirements shall be adhered to. The following requirements are only to be placed upon the Village Commercial Zoning District and shall take the place of the preceding regulations found in § 195-8.18A through D.
Screening. Due to the high aesthetic standards to which the architecture shall be made to conform, the main purpose of the screening shall be to screen the parking and other accessory structures which may be a part of the development; the Planning Board may require any additional screening as may be reasonably required.
All buffer zones must be designed by a registered landscape architect, or other professional as approved by the Planning Board.
The Planning Board recommends that materials to be used in the buffer include but not limited to the following material: natural/existing vegetation, natural topography, berms, stone walls, fences, deciduous and coniferous shrubs/trees, perennials, annuals, pedestrian-scale walkways, gazebos and other landscape material as it addresses the aesthetic quality of the site. The final approval of all material used within the buffer zone shall be at the discretion of the Planning Board.
Parking lots containing 10 or more spaces shall be required to provide one tree for every five spaces. All trees shall be a deciduous mix of at least 2.5 inch caliper when planted. Native trees and shrubs shall be planted wherever possible, in order to capture the "spirit of the locale" through indigenous species (such as lilac, viburnum, day lilies, ferns, red twig dogwood, oak, maple, sycamore, linden, hawthorne, birch, shadbush, etc.). In instances where healthy plant material exists on the site prior to its development, in part or in whole, for purposes of off-street parking or other vehicular use areas, the Planning Board may adjust the application of the above-mentioned standards to allow credit for such plant material if, in its opinion, such an adjustment is in keeping with and will preserve the intent of these standards.
To produce parking which is aesthetically pleasing, well screened, accessible and broken into smaller parcels that may directly and adequately service adjacent structures, a minimum of 5% landscaping and green space must be provided for all parking areas. This 5% is not intended to include the buffer zones, but shall include all internal landscaped islands in the parking areas. In all instances where natural topography lends itself to the screening of these parking areas, it shall be left in its natural state. The Planning Board may at its discretion require additional screening at the owner's expense.
Commercial vehicles in excess of one-ton capacity shall be garaged or screened from view of residential uses within 300 feet by either:
A strip at least four feet wide, densely planted with trees or shrubs which are at least four feet high at the time of planting and which are of a type that may be expected to form a year-round dense screen at least six feet high within three years; or
An opaque wall, barrier, or fence of uniform appearance at least five feet high, but not more than seven feet above finished grade. Such screening shall be maintained in good condition at all times, and shall not be permitted to exceed seven feet in height within required side yards. Such screening or barriers may be interrupted by normal entrances or exits and shall not be required within 10 feet of a street lot line.
Garaging or off-street parking of an additional two commercial vehicles may be allowed by special permit. When it is deemed to be in the public good, parking for additional pleasure vehicles may be allowed by special permit.