The purpose of this bylaw is to provide standards for the placement, design, construction, operation, monitoring, modification and removal of wind facilities that address public safety, minimize impacts on scenic, natural and historic resources and to provide adequate financial assurance for the eventual decommissioning of such facilities.
The provisions set forth in this bylaw shall take precedence over all other bylaws when considering applications related to the construction, operation, and/or repair of land-based wind facilities.
No wind facilities shall be placed, constructed or modified within the Town without first obtaining approval from the special permit granting authority (SPGA). The Planning Board shall be the special permit granting authority for the issuance of a special permit to allow the placement, construction and modification of wind facilities within the Town. This bylaw is intended to be used in conjunction with other regulations adopted by the Town, and other zoning and general bylaws designed to encourage appropriate land use, environmental protection, preservation of the rural character, and the provision of adequate infrastructure development in North Andover.
This Part 10 applies to all utility-scale and on-site wind facilities proposed to be constructed after the effective date of this Part 10. This Part 10 also pertains to physical modifications to existing wind facilities that materially alter the type, configuration, location or size of such facilities or related equipment.
As used in this Part 10, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Electric utility transmission and distribution infrastructure, including but not limited to substations, transmission towers, transmission and distribution poles, supporting structures, guy wires, cables, lines and conductors operating at voltages of 13.8 kV and above and associated telecommunications infrastructure. CEI also includes all infrastructure defined by any federal regulatory agency or body as transmission facilities on which faults or disturbances can have a significant adverse impact outside of the local area, and transmission lines and associated equipment generally operated at voltages of 100 kV or higher, and transmission facilities which are deemed critical for nuclear generating facilities.
The height of a wind facility measured from natural grade to the tip of the rotor blade at its highest point, or blade-tip height. This measure is also commonly referred to as the "maximum tip height" (MTH).
All of the equipment, machinery and structures together utilized to convert wind to electricity. This includes, but is not limited to, developer-owned electrical equipment, storage, collection and supply equipment, service and access roads, and one or more wind facilities.
A temporary tower equipped with devices to measure wind speed and direction, to determine how much electricity a wind facility can be expected to generate.
The construction and operation of all such proposed wind facilities shall be consistent with all applicable local, state and federal requirements, including but not limited to all applicable safety, construction, environmental, electrical, communications and aviation requirements.
A special permit for the construction of wind facilities designed to service the principal use may be granted by the Planning Board in all zoning districts, subject to the following requirements and the special permit provisions of § 195-10.7.
All plans and maps shall be prepared, stamped and signed by a professional engineer licensed to practice in Massachusetts.
The application shall contain the following documents:
A site plan showing the following information:
Property lines and physical dimensions of the site parcel and adjacent parcels within 500 feet of the site parcel;
Outline of all existing buildings, including purpose (e.g., residence, garage, etc.), on the site parcel and all adjacent parcels within 500 feet of the site parcel, including distances from the wind facility to each building shown;
Location of the proposed tower, foundations, guy anchors, access roads, and associated equipment;
Zoning designation for the parcel;
Location of all existing and proposed roads, both public and private, and including temporary roads or driveways, on the site parcel and adjacent parcels within 500 feet of the site parcel;
Location of all existing above-ground or overhead gas or electric infrastructure, including critical electric infrastructure, and utility rights-of-way (ROW) and easements, whether fully cleared of vegetation or only partially cleared, within 500 feet of the site parcel;
Existing areas of tree cover, including average height of trees, on the site parcel and any adjacent parcels within a distance, measured from the wind facility foundation, of 3.0 times the MTH;
Location of all wetlands on the parcel;
Proposed changes to the landscape of the site, grading, vegetation clearing and planting, exterior lighting (other than FAA lights), screening vegetation or structures;
Documentation of the wind facility's manufacturer and model, rotor diameter, tower height, tower type (freestanding or guyed), and foundation type/dimensions;
Name, address, phone number and signature of the applicant, as well as all co-applicants or property owners, if any;
The name, contact information and signature of any agents representing the applicant;
An operations and maintenance plan for the wind facility;
A construction plan indicating manufacturer's specifications for the tower materials, construction details and details for footing and guying;
A statement that evidences the wind facility's conformance with § 195-8.69C, listing existing ambient sound levels at the site and maximum projected sound levels from the wind facility.
Documentation requirements may be waived at the discretion of the Planning Board.
The applicant shall submit documentation of actual or prospective access and control of the project site sufficient to allow for installation and operation of the proposed wind facility. Control shall include the legal authority to prevent the use or construction of any structure for human habitation, or inconsistent or interfering use, within the setback areas.
A building permit shall be required for stand-alone temporary MET towers. A special permit shall not be required for MET towers. MET towers shall not be located within the setback distance from the side line of any utility ROW.
No tower, inclusive of its appurtenant device(s), shall exceed 150 feet in height or be erected nearer to any property line than a distance equal to 10 times the blade diameter, unless the Board determines such restriction to be unnecessary due to the shape, topography, use or ownership of the abutting property and the Board determines that a reduction to this setback requirement will not substantially derogate from the intent or purpose of this section.
Wind facilities shall be lighted only if required by the FAA. Lighting of other parts of the wind facility, such as appurtenant structures, shall be limited to that required for safety and operational purposes, and shall be reasonably shielded from abutting properties. Except as required by the FAA, lighting of the wind facility shall be directed downward and shall incorporate full cut-off fixtures to reduce light pollution.
Signs on wind facilities shall comply with the Town's sign bylaw.[1] The following signs shall be required:
Those necessary to identify the owner, provide a twenty-four-hour emergency contact phone number, and warn of any danger.
Educational signs providing information about the facility and the benefits of renewable energy.
Editor's Note: See Art. 6, Signs and Sign Lighting Requirements.
Wind facilities shall be erected in such a manner as to inhibit unauthorized access, either in the form of a suitable locked gate and fence surrounding the base of the tower, a nonclimbable section of tower to a height of 10 feet above the ground or other means determined suitable by the Board.
Reasonable efforts, as determined by the special permit granting authority, shall be made to place all developer-owned utility connections from the wind facility underground, depending on appropriate soil conditions, shape, and topography of the site and any requirements of the utility provider. Utility-owned electrical equipment required for utility interconnections may be above ground, if required by the utility provider.
All appurtenant structures to wind facilities shall be subject to applicable regulations concerning the bulk and height of structures, lot area, setbacks, open space, parking and building coverage requirements. All such appurtenant structures, including, but not limited to, equipment shelters, storage facilities, transformers, and substations, shall be architecturally compatible with each other and contained within the wind facility tower whenever technically and economically feasible. Whenever reasonable, structures should be shaded from view by vegetation and/or located in an underground vault and joined or clustered to avoid adverse visual impacts.
A wind facility may not be sited within:
A distance equal to 10 times the blade diameter of the wind facility from buildings, critical infrastructure, including critical electric infrastructure and above-ground natural gas distribution infrastructure, or private or public ways that are not part of the wind facility;
A distance equal to 10 times the blade diameter of the wind facility from the nearest existing residential or commercial structure.
Wind facilities shall be sited in a manner that minimizes shadowing or flicker impacts. The applicant has the burden of proving that this effect does not have significant adverse impact on neighboring or adjacent uses.
The applicant shall maintain the wind facility in good condition. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, painting, structural repairs, emergency braking (stopping) and integrity of security measures. Site access shall be maintained to a level acceptable to the local Fire Chief and Emergency Medical Services. The project owner shall be responsible for the cost of maintaining the wind facility and any access road(s), unless accepted as a public way.
The operation of any facility authorized by the Board shall not cause interference to neighboring television and radio reception, and, if such occurs any time after installation, the applicant shall, in a timely manner and at his expense, correct the cause of the interference as determined by a qualified engineer/technician.
The operation of the wind facility shall not exceed 30 dB as measured at the applicant's property lines, and, if such excess noise occurs any time after installation, the applicant shall, in a timely manner and at his expense, correct the cause of the noise as determined by a qualified engineer/technician.
The applicant shall maintain the facility and all devices authorized by the Board in a manner that ensures its continued performance and safety. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant to annually inform (in writing) the Inspector of Buildings that the tower and all devices are in good operating condition and in continued use.
The applicant shall provide a copy of the project summary, electrical schematic, and site plan to the Police and Fire Departments, and/or the local emergency services entity designated by the local government, as well as the local electrical utility company. Upon request, the applicant shall cooperate with local emergency services in developing an emergency response plan. All means of disconnecting the wind facility shall be clearly marked. The applicant or facility owner shall identify a responsible person for public inquiries or complaints throughout the life of the project.
Wind facilities shall be designed to prevent unauthorized access. For instance, the tower shall be designed and installed so that step bolts or other climbing features are not readily accessible to the public and so that step bolts or other climbing features are not installed below the level of eight feet above the ground. Electrical equipment shall be locked where possible.
Clearing of natural vegetation shall be limited to that which is necessary for the construction, operation and maintenance of the wind facility or otherwise prescribed by applicable laws, regulations, and bylaws, and subject to existing easements, restrictions and conditions of record.
All material modifications to a wind facility made after issuance of the required building permit shall require approval by the special permit granting authority.
Any wind facility which has reached the end of its useful life or has been abandoned shall be removed. The owner/operator shall physically remove the facility no more than 150 days after the date of discontinued operations. The applicant shall notify the site plan review authority by certified mail of the proposed date of discontinued operations and plans for removal. Decommissioning shall consist of:
Physical removal of all wind facilities, structures, equipment, security barriers and transmission lines from the site.
Disposal of all solid and hazardous waste in accordance with local, state, and federal waste disposal regulations.
Stabilization or revegetation of the site as necessary to minimize erosion. The special permit granting authority may allow the owner to leave landscaping or designated below-grade foundations in order to minimize erosion and disruption to vegetation.
Applicants for utility-scale wind facilities shall provide a form of surety, either through escrow account, bond or otherwise, to cover the cost of removal or failure to maintain, in the event the Town must maintain or remove the facility and remediate the landscape, in an amount and form determined to be reasonable by the special permit granting authority, but in no event to exceed more than 125% of the cost of removal and compliance with the additional requirements set forth herein, as determined by the applicant. Such surety will not be required for municipally or state-owned facilities. The applicant shall submit a fully inclusive estimate of the costs associated with removal, prepared by a qualified engineer. The amount shall include a mechanism for calculating increased removal costs due to inflation.
Absent notice of a proposed date of decommissioning or written note of extenuating circumstances, the wind facility shall be considered abandoned when the facility fails to operate for more than one year without the written consent of the special permit granting authority. If the applicant fails to remove the facility in accordance with the requirements of this Part 10 within 150 days of abandonment or the proposed date of decommissioning, the Town may enter the property and physically remove the facility.