The Osgood Smart Growth Overlay District, hereafter referred to as the "OSGOD," is an overlay district having a land area of approximately 169 acres in size that is superimposed over all Underlying Zoning districts, including without limitation all other overlay districts, established by the Zoning Bylaw now or hereafter applicable to the properties known as 1600 Osgood Street, and is shown on the Zoning Map as set forth on the map entitled "1600 Osgood Street Smart Growth Overlay District," dated March 2007, prepared by the North Andover Division of Community Development. This map is hereby made a part of the Zoning Bylaw and is on file in the office of the Town Clerk (the "OSGOD Zoning Map"). The OSGOD contains all of the real property described in a deed from Lucent Technologies, Inc. to 1600 Osgood Street, LLC dated August 21, 2003, recorded with the Essex North District Registry of Deeds in Book 8213, Page 272 as more particularly shown on the OSGOD Zoning Map.
The OSGOD is an overlay district superimposed on all Underlying Zoning districts. As required by the Enabling Laws, the regulations for use, dimension, and all other provisions of the Zoning Bylaw governing the Underlying Zoning district(s) shall remain in full force, except for those sites undergoing development pursuant to this Article 17. Within the boundaries of the OSGOD, a developer may elect to either develop a site in accordance with the requirements of this Article 17, or to develop a site in accordance with the requirements of the regulations for use, dimension and all other provisions of the Zoning Bylaw governing the Underlying Zoning district(s).
The OSGOD contains three Subdistricts, all hereby established and all in the locations shown on the OSGOD Zoning Map, including: (a) the Residential Mixed-Use Zone, containing approximately 31.65 acres; (b) the Mixed-Use Development Zone, containing approximately 10.15 acres; and (c) the Business Opportunity Zone, containing approximately 125.94 acres. For purposes of the application of this Article 17, and for a proposed Development which is located within a Subdistrict identified as the Mixed-Use Zone and/or the Business Opportunity Zone, the Uses permitted and the dimensional and other controls applicable in a Subdistrict may be extended into the adjacent Subdistrict described above to the extent of 150 feet as long as the limit of said extension is reflected on the site plan for a proposed Development for which Plan Approval is required under this Article 17. Moreover, a Residential Use may be accessed via a commercially zoned and/or mixed-use Subdistrict, and in turn, a nonresidential Use may be accessed via a residentially zoned and/or mixed-use Subdistrict.