[Added 9-11-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-13]
The following requirements shall be applied to the review of applications for development in the RBF District. Where a special use permit application is being reviewed, the Zoning Board shall consider these criteria as part of their approval and may condition their approval on the applicant adequately addressing them.
Convertible spaces are subject to the following development standards:
First-floor convertible spaces shall have a minimum floor-to-floor height of 13 feet.
Any convertible space must demonstrate through the special use permit process how the following issues will be addressed:
Building codes for fire separation between uses on the first floor and elsewhere in the building shall be met.
Structures allow first-floor spans appropriate for commercial uses.
Mechanical and plumbing systems shall have enough room to allow changes, as needed, for commercial or residential uses without disrupting the occupied spaces in the building.
A transition space shall be designed from the street to the building to provide privacy for people living on the first floor while still being usable for commercial purposes in the future.
First-floor convertible space shall be accessible to individuals who may be mobility impaired, including those using wheelchairs and walkers.
Front windows may be of a residential scale, and do not have to comply with § 200-86, Performance standards, of the Town's land development and subdivision regulations (related to window placement and transparency).
For existing buildings that would like to be considered as convertible spaces and that front on interior driveways or parking areas, up to 100% of first-floor area may be used strictly for residential purposes.
For existing buildings that would like to be considered as convertible spaces and that front on a public street, at least 50% of the first-floor area must be redeveloped as convertible space.
All electrical systems must meet the standards for commercial development.
All HVAC systems should be capable of serving commercial development with minimal alteration.
Live-work spaces located on the first floor are subject to the development standards for first-floor business establishments as follows, and to any additional standards for first-floor business establishments provided in this zoning chapter:
First-floor live-work spaces shall have a minimum floor-to-floor height of 13 feet for new construction. This shall not apply to those buildings existing as of the date this section is adopted, including residential homes converting to live-work space.
Individual live-work units shall not exceed 1,500 square feet gross floor area for the combined commercial and accessory residential space.
Open Space. Areas not covered by buildings, driveways, parking, utilities, and other essential development features shall be landscaped and designed to accommodate pedestrians and/or bicyclists. Pedestrian connections between properties, bicycle amenities, sitting areas, gathering spaces, art installations, shade trees, and other features that will increase streetside activity are highly encouraged.