Where any sidewalk has been or is in the future constructed on any existing street or where sidewalks are installed pursuant to the terms of this chapter, then it shall be the duty of the owner and the occupant of the land adjacent to said sidewalk to remove snow, ice, sleet, debris or any other obstruction therefrom and to keep it safe for use by all persons lawfully using it. In the event that neither the landowner nor the occupant removes the snow, ice, sleet, debris or other obstructions from said sidewalk, then the First Selectman or the Board of Selectmen may cause such removal and the First Selectman or the Board of Selectmen may charge the reasonable cost thereof to the landowner. In the event that such charges are not paid by the landowner, then the First Selectman or the Board of Selectmen shall, within 60 days from the date of the removal, cause a certificate of lien to be recorded in the Town Clerk's office in the name of such landowner and the cost thereof shall become a lien on the property pursuant to the General Statutes.
No driveway shall be constructed or created intersecting with a Town highway, street or non-Town-owned road until the person owning the land upon which said driveway is being constructed or created has obtained a driveway permit from the First Selectman or his agent and has filed a cash bond with the Board of Selectmen in the amount of $1,000 or an amount equal to the cost of the improvements required by § 185-57, whichever is greater. Where the person on whose land the driveway is being created or constructed and the First Selectman cannot agree on the amount of the bond, an estimate of the cost of the required improvements shall be obtained from the Town Engineer, and the cash bond filed shall be in that amount. Driveway permits will be issued for a period not to exceed 1 1/2 years from the date of issuance. The Board of Selectmen shall have the authority to extend the permit for additional periods of six months in the event of exceptional hardship demonstrated by the owner. In the event that the improvements are not completed within such time period, said bond shall be forfeited to the Town and a new application and fee must be filed and a permit issued and a new bond filed. Any person who fails to complete the improvements within 30 days of the expiration of the initial driveway permit shall be fined the sum of $100 per month until such improvements are completed. After completion of said improvements to the satisfaction of the First Selectman or his agent and upon recommendation of the First Selectman, the Board of Selectmen shall release said driveway bond.
Driveways shall enter streets only in locations where a sight distance of 150 feet in each direction can be obtained along the street or, if a one-hundred-fifty-foot line of sight cannot be obtained, due to the fact that the person constructing or creating the driveway does not own a sufficient amount of frontage, then said driveway shall enter said street at the point where the maximum sight distance can be obtained. Within the triangle formed by the curbline, the edge of the driveway, and a line from the point where the edge of the driveway and the street line intersects to the point in the curbline to which sight distance is required, the holder of the driveway permit shall regrade and/or remove trees, brush, stones and any other objects obstructing vision. Driveways, where they meet the roadway, shall flare to a sufficient width so that the vehicles entering and leaving said driveways under normal conditions may do so without crossing to the opposite side of the road, and they shall be paved with bituminous concrete or other equal all-weather surface to at least a point that lies 15 feet from the edge of the proposed edge of the pavement, if the roadway itself is paved or proposed to be paved.