The Board of Selectmen shall establish a policy governing maintenance practices of Town highways accepted by the Town. This policy shall, amongst other things, consider:
A cost-benefit analysis of paving currently unpaved roads, recognizing maintenance costs of unpaved roads do in some cases exceed the cost of paving.
The Board of Selectmen is hereby empowered and directed to provide the following services on non-Town-owned roads to the extent necessary to provide residents of the Town of Newtown wherever situated with police, fire, ambulance and other emergency protection in cases where such services are required to maintain suitable access to such residents by emergency vehicles. The foregoing shall not be construed as authorizing such services for any non-Town-owned road on which there are fewer than three occupied residences or which is in such condition as to create a hazard to Town equipment; nor shall the Board of Selectmen be required to provide such services beyond the last inhabited house on any non-Town-owned road. Such services shall in no way adversely affect the clearing of accepted Town roads and shall be performed on a schedule to be established by the Board of Selectmen in its discretion.
Snow plowing and ice sanding;
Surface patching;
Oiling and incidental sanding;
Installation and maintenance of any official traffic-control devices and street signs as defined in C.G.S. § 14-297, which are approved by the traffic authority.
If the Town considers it necessary to public safety or otherwise desirable to provide additional work, services or improvements to non-Town-owned roads eligible for maintenance under § 185-81A of this chapter, such work, services or improvements may be provided by the Town or its designees, provided an agreement is executed between the Town and the owners of the land upon which the road rests, or which the road benefits, concerning the work, services or improvements. The Town may decline to provide additional work, service or improvements unless the agreement apportions costs among the parties.