[Amended 10-19-1993 by Ord. No. 93-08; 7-18-1995 by Ord. No. 95-15; 7-18-1995 by Ord. No. 95-16; 2-6-1996 by Ord. No. 96-03; 12-18-1996 by Ord. No. 96-34; 6-3-1998 by Ord. No. 98-05; 4-11-2007 by Ord. No. 07-09; 4-24-2012 by Ord. No. 12-14; 6-13-2017 by Ord. No. 17-05]
This article regulates all signs within the City of Englewood visible from public rights-of-way and those that are visible from adjacent properties to ensure that they are appropriate for their respective uses in keeping with the appearance of the affected property and surrounding environment and protective of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The purposes of this chapter with respect to signs are to:
Ensure public safety by providing for the proper maintenance of signs, sign materials, and supporting structures.
Ensure public safety by preventing hindrances and distractions to pedestrians and drivers of motor vehicles.
Encourage quality in sign design and construction and to promote a desirable visual environment.
Promote and encourage signs that reflect the appropriate scale, character, and architectural features of Englewood.
Ensure readability of signs and relative consistency among signs within zoning districts.
If any word, sentence, section, chapter or any other provision or portion of this article or rules adopted hereunder is invalidated by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining words, sentences, sections, chapters, provisions, or portions will not be affected and will continue in full force and effect.
Words and terms used in this article have the following meanings given. Unless expressly stated otherwise, any pertinent word or term not part of this listing but vital to the interpretation of this ordinance shall be construed to have their legal definition, or, in absence of a legal definition, their meaning as commonly accepted by practitioners including civil engineers, surveyors, architects, landscape architects, and planners.
A double-faced portable sign with an A-shaped frame composed of a sign board on each face that is attached at the top and separated at the bottom.
Any sign that remains on a building or front yard 20 or more days after the signed business has vacated the premises.
A light roof-like structure, supported entirely by the exterior wall of a building, that consists of a fixed or movable frame covered with cloth, plastic or metal and extends over doors and/or windows with the purpose of providing protection from sun and rain and/or embellishment of the facade.
A type of sign applied to an awning.
An awning comprised of translucent covering material that contains a lighting source within its framework.
A sign made of cloth, paper, plastic, canvas or other fabric or flexible material.
Any source of electric light, whether portable or fixed, the primary purpose of which is to cast a concentrated beam of light generally skyward as a means of attracting attention to its location rather than to illuminate any particular sign, structure, or other object.
A sign that directs attention to a business, commodity, service, entertainment or attraction that is sold, offered or existing elsewhere than upon the same lot where such sign is displayed. Billboards offer space that is generally leased or rented by the owner thereof to others for the purpose of conveying a commercial or noncommercial message. For the purposes of these regulations, a billboard shall be considered an off-premises sign.
The linear width of a building measured in a single straight line parallel, or essentially parallel, with the abutting public street.
A type of sign that is attached onto a building wall or onto an awning, canopy, or marquee that is attached to or supported from a building wall.
A light, roof-like structure, other than an awning, made of fabric, metal, or other material that is supported by columns or posts affixed to the ground and may also be connected to a building.
A type of sign that is part of, or attached to, a canopy.
A type of wall-mounted sign consisting of fabricated or formed three-dimensional letters, applied to a wall, that may accommodate an internal light source.
The distance between the lowest edge of a sign, including any framework or other structural elements, and another specified surface below such as a sidewalk or the ground.
A type of wall sign consisting of letters and/or shapes that are individually attached to a wall or that are applied, printed, or etched, onto a panel that is then attached to a wall.
The portion of a sign message made up of internally illuminated components capable of changing the message periodically. Digital displays may include but are not limited to LCD, LED, or plasma displays.
A type of sign that provides direction to pedestrian and vehicular traffic into and out of, or within a site.
A type of sign mounted on a building that lists the names of tenants within a building containing multiple tenants.
The part of a roof that meets or overhangs the walls of a building.
A computer programmable part of a sign capable of displaying words, symbols, figures, or picture images that can be altered or rearranged on site or by remote means without altering the face or surface of the sign.
Artificial light generated from a source not integrated into a sign that lights a sign.
A type of illumination comprised of either a group of incandescent lightbulbs hung or strung overhead or on a building or other structure, or lightbulbs not shaded or hooded or otherwise screened to prevent direct rays of light from shining on adjacent properties or rights-of-way.
A unit of illumination equal to one lumen per square foot (10.764 lux), or the amount of light from a source of one candela directly thrown on a square foot of surface at a distance of one foot.
A coordinated, three-dimensional display placed inside a building behind a storefront window whose purpose is to showcase to passersby the types of merchandise available for purchase or the types of services offered within the building. Such displays may include associated graphics providing information on seasonal or other periodic sales.
A sign supported by structures or supports that are placed on, or anchored in, the ground, and that is independent and detached from any building or other structure.
A type of external illumination that produces a halo effect around an object that emanates from behind the object.
Signs or displays including lighting which are a nonpermanent installation celebrating national, state, and local holidays, religious or cultural holidays, or other holiday seasons.
A sign illuminated by lighting of any kind, including, but not limited to, lighting along the border of the sign, within the sign itself, behind the sign, on the ground, or on poles.
A source of any artificial or reflected light, either directly from a source of light incorporated in, or indirectly from an artificial source.
A light source that is concealed or contained within the sign and becomes visible in darkness through a translucent surface.
A word, abbreviation, initial, number, symbol, logo, or shape.
A type of freestanding sign with text and/or graphics affixed or etched onto a single side of a solid surface that serves as a landscape or retaining wall.
An illuminated sign that utilizes light-emitting diode technology.
A type of illuminated sign in which the light source is enclosed or encased within the interior of the sign structure.
A nonpermanent sign that is displayed on a property for more than 30 days, but not intended to be displayed for an indefinite period.
The use of visible or concealed light sources, including neon tubes, fluorescent tubing and other surface-mounted or recessed light sources which describe or outline the features of a structure such as the roofline; all or part of the perimeter, the facade, walls, soffit or other structural component; or a sign, which results in the attraction of attention to the feature or structure.
A pictorial symbol, device or other visual representation commonly utilized by, and associated with, a commercial business or commercial service entity as a means of identifying or advertising such entity.
A permanent structure, other than an awning or canopy, attached to, supported by, and projecting from a building and providing protection from the elements.
A type of sign attached to a marquee.
A type of sign that consists of either letters or words that are changed manually or digital messages and graphics that can be programmed by computer to change.
A type of freestanding sign permanently affixed to the ground at its base, supported entirely by a base structure, and not mounted on a pole or attached to any part of a building.
A hand-produced work of visual art that is tiled or painted by hand directly to an exterior wall of a building. A mural that contains the name or logo of a business or a specific brand of merchandise sold within the building on which the mural is applied is considered a sign.
A sign that identifies the resident of a house or the occupant of a building.
A sign illuminated by a neon tube, or other visible light-emanating gas tube, that is bent to form letters, symbols, and/or other graphics.
A photometric unit of measurement referring to luminance, where one nit is equal to one cd/m2.
A sign that remains on a building or front yard within 20 days from when the signed business vacated the premises.
A sign that directs attention to a business, commodity, service or entertainment conducted, sold, or offered elsewhere than on the premises upon which the sign is located.
A sign whose message and design relate to an individual business, profession, product, service, event, point of view, or other commercial or noncommercial activity sold, offered, or conducted on the same property where the sign is located.
A type of sign consisting of a lockable metal or wood framed cabinet with transparent windows, typically containing a menu, map, event poster, or other material, and mounted onto a building.
A type of sign drawn or applied directly onto a building or structure with paint, ink, or dyes.
A triangular or irregular piece of fabric or other material, commonly attached in strings or strands, or supported on small poles intended to flap in the wind.
A type of freestanding sign that is permanently supported in a fixed location by a structure of one pole, post, or upright from the ground and not supported by a building or a base structure.
A temporary sign intended to advance a political statement, cause, or candidate for office.
A type of sign designed to be transported or moved and not permanently attached to the ground, a building, or other structure.
A type of freestanding sign consisting of a sign panel supported along both sides by uprights or posts that are firmly attached to or staked into the ground.
The most prominent sign on a facade and/or property.
A type of building-mounted, double-sided sign with the two faces generally perpendicular to the building wall, not to include signs located on an awning, canopy, or marquee.
Any single-family, multiple-family or townhouse residential zoning district.
A type of channel letter sign comprised of individual letters that are independently mounted to a wall or other surface, with lights mounted behind the letters that face the wall behind. Lights illuminate the space around the channel letters rather than the channel letters themselves, creating a halo effect.
A sign erected, constructed, painted, or maintained on or above the roof of a building, including any sign the top of which extends above the roofline of a building to which it is attached.
Any sign on a facade and/or property other than the primary sign.
A sign cast, painted, or embedded on a sidewalk, or a sign consisting of messages and graphics projected onto the sidewalk using light.
A clear line of vision at an intersection provided by a sight triangle.
A triangle at an intersection, formed by the two roads or rights-of-way and a third line, which must be kept clear of obstructions so that motorists on one road can see cars approaching on the other road.
Any object, device, display, structure, or part thereof, situated outdoors or indoors, which is used to advertise, identify, display, direct or attract attention to an object, person, institution, organization, business, produce, service, event, or location by any means, including words, letters, figures, designs, symbols, fixtures, colors, illumination, or projected images. For the purposes of these regulations, formal window displays and works of art, including murals and sculptures, are not considered signs.
The flat, horizontal area on a building facade located above the storefront and below the second story window sills where signs are typically attached.
The physical sign message including any words, letters, numerals, figures, symbols, logos and graphic elements comprising the message of a sign.
The part of a sign on which sign copy is customarily placed.
A display made of lightweight, flexible materials, consisting of long, narrow, wavy strips hung individually or in a series, with or without a logo or advertising message printed or painted on them and typically designed to move in the wind.
A sign intended for a limited period of display, including a decorative display for a holiday or public demonstration.
A type of building-mounted sign attached parallel to an exterior wall surface of a building.
A double-faced portable sign composed of a vertical panel supported by a base structure that may be weighed down or configured so as to maintain its standing position.
A type of sign applied onto or attached to the inside or outside of a window or a transparent door. A sign within a building and visible through a window or door but not attached to the window or door is also considered a window sign.
A type of freestanding sign consisting of a sign panel supported by one upright or post firmly attached to or staked into the ground.
Permitting requirements.
No sign shall be erected, placed, altered, relocated or replaced except in accordance with this article and unless a permit has been issued or the sign is exempt as per Subsection D hereof.
Alterations to an existing conforming sign shall require a permit when the alterations are to the size, shape, and/or illumination of the sign or to the name of the business on the sign.
Permitting process.
Zoning Officer. An application for a sign permit shall be made to the Zoning Officer on forms provided for such purposes. The application shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the required fee and all information required on the application and attendant forms. Additionally and if not required on the forms, the application shall be accompanied with photographs of the subject property, illustrations of the proposed sign, written consent of the owner of the property on which the sign is to be placed (if not the applicant), insurance certifications, certificate of flame resistance for awnings and canopies, signed contractor's registration, and electrical permits for sign illumination.
Completeness determination. An application shall be reviewed for completeness by the Zoning Officer. The Zoning Officer shall advise the applicant in writing if the application is deficient within 45 days of submission. Resubmission shall initiate another 45 days for the Zoning Officer's review.
Issuance of sign permit. The Planning Board (or the Zoning Board of Adjustment under its ancillary power of granting site plan approval) shall have the ultimate authority to approve signs, alone or as part of site plan review of a development project, upon public notice and hearing.
Automatic approval. The failure of the Zoning Officer or Planning Board/Zoning Board to render a timely decision within the applicable time period shall be deemed to constitute an approval of the application, unless applicant has consented to an extension of such time period.
Site plan requirements; exemption from site plan review.
If no sign permit is required, site plan review is not required.
Notwithstanding the requirement of a sign permit, site plan review shall not be required with respect to alterations to or the replacement of existing signage in the D-1, D-2, SBD, N-C, L-I, RIM and RM-B Districts, so long as the alteration or replacement does not exceed or conflict with design criteria set forth herein, as determined by the Zoning Officer.
The foregoing exemption shall not apply if the building facade on which existing signage is placed undergoes a renovation or rehabilitation, and it is determined by the Zoning Officer that the proposed renovation or rehabilitation is tantamount to new construction that would not preserve existing nonconforming signs.
In all other instances, site plan review shall be required for signs.
Exempt signs. Subject to all applicable restrictions listed below or anywhere else in this article, the following signs may be erected on any premises within the City of Englewood without first obtaining a permit. Exempt signs shall not be included in the determination of the total allowable number of signs or total allowable sign area for a site or project. However, exempted signs shall be required to adhere to the regulations established for each sign type. Exemption from a sign permit shall not relieve the owner of the sign from the responsibility for its erection and maintenance in good and safe condition and for complete compliance with the requirements of this article.
Signs erected by a government agency.
Address signs and nameplates in residential districts, not exceeding two square feet in area.
Address signs in nonresidential districts, as per § 250-105.
Directional signs designating or calling attention to entrances, exits, parking areas, and loading areas. Building-mounted directional signs and the sign panels of any freestanding directional signs shall be no larger than two square feet in area. The height of any freestanding directional sign shall not exceed seven feet.
Flags and insignia of any government, except when displayed in connection with commercial promotion.
Historical markers and tablets.
Holiday and seasonal decorations.
Names of buildings and dates of erection when cut into any masonry surface or when constructed of wood, bronze, stainless steel or similar material.
Personal expression signs of any sign type, including flags, that do not exceed three square feet in area, are noncommercial in nature, and are not illuminated.
Security and warning signs.
In residential districts, such signs shall not exceed two square feet in area.
In nonresidential districts, one such sign is permitted per property, not to exceed four square feet in area. All other posted security and warning signs may not exceed two square feet in area.
Signs inside a building, or other enclosed facility, which are not meant to be viewed from the outside, and are located more than three feet from the window.
Temporary and limited-duration signs.
Prohibited signs and sign types. The following signs are prohibited anywhere within the City of Englewood:
Billboards, except in the Light Industrial (L-I) District as per § 250-105.
Signs carried or worn by a pedestrian that announces or calls attention to any service, event, product, or to any place of business and/or occupation.
Signs that contain lights that flash, blink, move, or that change in color or intensity.
Signs that contain mirrors.
Signs that emit smoke, visible vapors, particulate matter, sound, or odor or contain open flames.
Signs that exhibit statements, words, or pictures of obscene or pornographic subjects as determined by City Council.
Signs that imitate, resemble, interfere with, or obstruct official traffic lights, signs, or signals.
Signs mounted, attached, or painted on a trailer, boat, or motor vehicle when parked, stored, or displayed conspicuously on private premises in a manner intended to attract attention of the public for the purpose of advertising or identifying the business premises. This provision excludes signs indicating the name of the owner or business that are permanently painted or wrapped on the surface of the vehicle or to the interior or exterior surface of a vehicle window, or signs magnetically attached to vehicles or that are actively used in the daily conduct of the business.
Signs incorporating beacon, festoon, or strobe lighting.
Signs tacked, nailed, posted, pasted, glued, or otherwise attached to trees, poles, stakes, fences, public benches, streetlights, or other objects, or placed on any public property or in the public right-of-way or on any private property without the permission of the property owner.
Signs extending above the roofline of the building to which it is attached.
Inflatable signs.
Linear lights.
Pennants, spinners, and streamers.
Sidewalk signs.
Pylon signs.
Video displays.
Temporary signs. Temporary signs are exempt from standard permit requirements. Temporary signs that comply with the requirements in this subsection shall not be included in the determination of the type, number, or area of signs allowed on a property.
Duration. Temporary signs may be displayed up to a maximum of 30 days.
Labeling. Temporary signs shall have a sticker and/or label indicating, in permanent or weather-resistant ink, the date the sign was erected and the name, address, and phone number of the party responsible for posting the sign.
Construction and maintenance. All temporary signs must be made of durable materials and shall be well-maintained. Temporary signs that are frayed, torn, broken, or that are no longer legible will be deemed unmaintained and required to be removed.
Placement and limitations.
Temporary signs shall only be allowed on private property with permission of the property owner.
Temporary signs shall be limited to not more than one per private property tax parcel per activity or event. In multitenant commercial buildings, individual tenants may erect one temporary sign to be displayed on a building face or window that abuts a public street or designated access drive.
All prohibited signs and sign types as indicated in Subsection E apply to temporary signs.
D-1, D-2, N-C, RM-B Districts.
The area of any temporary sign shall not exceed five square feet.
The height of a temporary sign that is freestanding shall not exceed six feet.
A wall-mounted temporary sign on a multistory building shall not be placed higher than the ground floor height of the building.
SBD, L-I Districts.
The area of a temporary sign shall not exceed 12 square feet.
The height of a temporary sign that is freestanding shall not exceed seven feet.
A wall-mounted temporary sign on a multistory building shall not be placed higher than the ground floor height of the building.
RIM District.
The area of a temporary sign shall not exceed 16 square feet.
The height of a temporary sign that is freestanding shall not exceed eight feet.
A wall-mounted temporary sign on a multistory building shall not be placed higher than the ground floor height of the building.
Limited-duration signs. Limited-duration signs are exempt from standard permit requirements. Such signs that comply with the requirements in this subsection shall not be included in the determination of the type, number, or area of signs allowed on a property.
Duration. Limited-duration signs may be displayed up to a maximum of six months.
Labeling. Limited-duration signs shall have a sticker and/or label indicating, in permanent or weather-resistant ink, the date the sign was erected and the name, address, and phone number of the party responsible for posting the sign.
Construction and maintenance. All limited-duration signs must be made of durable materials and shall be well-maintained. Signs that are frayed, torn, broken, or that are no longer legible will be deemed unmaintained and required to be removed.
All prohibited signs and sign types as indicated in Subsection E apply to temporary "for sale" or "for lease" signs.
D-1, D-2, N-C, RM-B and all other multifamily residential and residential districts.
The area of the sign shall not exceed eight square feet.
The height of the sign, if it is freestanding, shall not exceed six feet.
If wall-mounted on a multistory building, the sign shall not be placed higher than the ground floor height of the building.
SBD, L-I Districts.
The area of the sign shall not exceed 12 square feet.
The height of the sign, if it is freestanding, shall not exceed seven feet.
If wall-mounted on a multistory building, the sign shall not be placed higher than the ground floor height of the building.
RIM District.
The area of the sign shall not exceed 16 square feet.
The height of the sign, if it is freestanding, shall not exceed eight feet.
If wall-mounted on a multistory building, the sign shall not be placed higher than the ground floor height of the building.
Sign construction, safety and maintenance standards. The following shall apply to all signs and sign structures.
Signs shall be constructed of durable materials and noncorrosive fastenings.
Signs shall be structurally safe and erected or installed in strict accordance with the applicable construction code.
Signs shall be maintained in safe condition and in good repair at all times, with all sign information being clearly legible. Signs of deterioration may include chipped or peeling surfaces; torn materials or broken or damaged lettering or material of any kind; illegible messages, whether by reason of fading or any other condition; and a faded, dirty, torn, broken, or otherwise damaged awning, canopy, or marquee.
Signs and their supporting structures shall not interfere with surface and underground utility and communications lines or equipment.
Signs shall not prevent free ingress or egress from any door, window, fire escape, or prevent free access from one part of a roof to any other part. No sign other than a safety sign shall be attached to a standpipe or fire escape.
Signs shall not be erected, constructed, painted, or maintained on or above the roof of a building. No part of any sign shall extend above the eave line of the building to which it is attached.
No sign or part thereof may interfere with sight triangles at the intersection of any combination of rights-of-way, alleys, or driveways.
Removal of unsafe or unlawful signs.
When a sign becomes insecure, in danger of falling, or otherwise unsafe, the owner of the sign or the person or firm maintaining the sign shall, upon written notice of the Zoning Officer, immediately remove it.
If a sign is unlawfully installed, erected, or maintained in violation of any of the provisions of this article, the owner of the sign or the person or firm maintaining the sign shall, upon written notice of the Zoning Officer, remove the sign within 10 days.
Written notice, as set forth above, shall be mailed by the Zoning Officer to the owner or lessee of the premises by certified mail, return receipt requested. If within 10 days following receipt of such letter, or in the case of emergencies within such shorter time as may be specified in the notice, the owner or lessee fails to comply with the order, the Zoning Officer may revoke the permit and remove or repair the sign at the expense of the owner as otherwise provided by law.
In case the Zoning Officer shall be required to remove any sign as herein provided, a record of the cost of such removal shall be kept, and the owner of such sign shall be liable therefor.
No act of the Zoning Officer in connection with the inspection and maintenance of signs shall relieve the owner of the premises or the sign owner from his own responsibility for maintaining signs in a safe condition or make the City of Englewood liable in case of damage or injury.
Obsolete and abandoned signs.
A sign shall be considered obsolete after the business occupying a property ceases to operate or vacates the property. Obsolete signs shall be removed from the property upon which the sign is located within 20 days of becoming obsolete. Removal of an obsolete sign shall include the removal of the entire sign including the sign face, supporting structure, and structural trim.
An obsolete sign shall be considered abandoned if has not been removed within 20 days of becoming obsolete. The City may remove an abandoned sign and charge the owner of the property for expenses directly incurred by the City to remove the sign. If the owner fails to reimburse the City for such expenses, the City may file a lien upon the property for the purpose of recovering all reasonable costs associated with the removal of the sign.
Enforcement, violations and penalties.
This article shall be enforced by the Property Maintenance Division of the Building Department of the City of Englewood.
Any person or entity found in violation of the provisions of this article shall be subject to a fine as per § 317-79.
Nonconforming signs.
Any sign that lawfully existed prior to the effective date of this chapter and that does not comply with the provisions of this chapter will be considered a nonconforming sign.
All nonconforming signs and sign structures shall be brought into conformance with the sign regulations when and if the following occurs:
The sign is removed, relocated, or significantly altered. Significant alterations include changes in the size or dimensions of the sign. Changes to the sign copy or the replacement of a sign face on a nonconforming sign shall not be considered a significant alteration.
If more than 50% of the sign area is damaged.
An alteration in the structure of a sign support.
A change in the mechanical facilities or type of illumination.
A change in the material of the sign face.
The property on which the nonconforming sign is located submits a subdivision or land development application requiring site plan review.
The property on which the nonconforming sign is located undergoes a change of land use requiring the issuance of either a use and occupancy permit or a change of use and occupancy permit.
Nonconforming signs shall be exempt from these provisions, under the following conditions:
The nonconforming sign possesses documented historic value.
The nonconforming sign is of a unique nature or type by virtue of its architectural value or design, as determined by the National Park Service, State of New Jersey Historic Preservation Office, or local historical commission.
When a nonconforming sign is required to be moved because of public right-of-way improvements.
Any nonconforming sign must always comply with all applicable provisions of the Uniform Construction Code and with Chapter 317, Property Maintenance, of the Code of the City of Englewood and with all provisions of this chapter pertaining to proper and safe maintenance, operation, and abandonment procedures.
Measurement of sign dimensions.
Measuring the area of a sign.
The area of a sign shall mean the area of all lettering, wording, and accompanying designs, logos, and symbols. The area of a sign shall not include any supporting framework, bracing or trim which is incidental to the display, provided that it does not contain any lettering, words, or symbols.
Where the sign consists of individual letters, designs, or symbols attached to a building, awning, wall, or window, the area shall be that of the smallest rectangle that encompasses all of the letters, designs, and symbols.
Two-sided signs. Only one side shall be considered when determining the sign area, provided that the faces are equal in size.
Signs that consist of, or have attached to them, one or more three-dimensional or irregularly shaped objects, shall have a sign area of the sum of two adjacent vertical sign faces of the smallest cube encompassing the sign or object.
Measuring the height of a sign. Sign height shall be measured as the vertical distance from the finished surface of the ground at the base of a sign to the highest point of the sign.
Illumination of signs. Signs may be illuminated, where permitted in § 250-105, in accordance with the following standards.
Externally illuminated signs.
External light sources for illuminating signs shall be directed at the signs.
External light sources for illuminating signs shall be shielded so that light is not visible from any public thoroughfare or residential use and so that light does not cause glare to pedestrians, drivers of motor vehicles, and occupants of adjacent properties through windows or within their outdoor areas.
The intensity of external light sources for signs shall not exceed that necessary to illuminate and make legible a sign from the adjacent travel way or closest right-of-way.
External light sources for illuminating signs shall not flash, blink, move, or change in color or intensity.
Internally illuminated signs.
The following types of internally illuminated signs are permitted:
Channel letters with translucent faces containing lighting elements inside each letter.
Reverse channel letters with halo lighting.
A cabinet sign, or light box sign, with an opaque background and translucent letters and symbols such that only the letters and symbols appear illuminated.
LED signs and neon signs as window signs, as per § 250-105.
Signs incorporating electronic message displays, as per § 250-105.
The light within internally illuminated signs shall not flash, blink, move, or change in color or intensity.
Permits. Permits for illuminated signs shall not be issued without an approved electrical permit. Applications for electrical permits shall be filed at the same time as the sign permit application.
All work shall be completed in full compliance with the applicable electrical and construction codes. Signs with electrical components shall be constructed, inspected, and approved by the Underwriters Laboratory (UL), or equal, and a label of approval from the laboratory shall be affixed to the sign.
The electrical supply to all exterior signs, whether to the sign itself or to lighting fixtures positioned to illuminate the sign, shall be provided by means of concealed electrical cables. Electrical supply to freestanding signs shall be provided by means of underground cables.
Sign composition, content, and language.
Signs shall not contain more than 10 items of information.
Signs shall not consist of more than four colors.
Signs with non-Latin/Roman letters, characters, or symbols. Signs containing copy in non-Latin/Roman letters, characters, or symbols shall include a generic description written in English, of the nature of such business, in order to address the health, safety, and welfare of vehicular and pedestrian customers trying to find the location of said premises, as well as all emergency services personnel responding to said premises.
Permitted sign types by zoning district.
The following table includes illustrations that are intended only to help the reader visualize the general characteristics of various sign types regulated within the sign regulations. The illustrations are provided for convenience and reference only. In case of any real or apparent difference between any illustration and the text of the sign regulations, the text prevails.
The following table indicates permitted sign types by zoning district. The letter "Y" indicates a permitted sign type, "N" indicates a sign type that is not permitted, and "YC" indicates a sign type that is permitted only under certain physical or other specified conditions.
Zoning District→
Neighbor-hood Center
Service Business District
Light Industrial
Research, Industry, Medical
Multi-family Res.
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
Wall sign
Projecting sign
Awning and awning sign
Canopy and canopy sign
Marquee and marquee sign
Painted sign
Primary Freestanding Signs
Monument sign
Landscape wall sign
Post and panel sign
Yard sign
Secondary Signs
Address sign
Directional sign4
Directory sign
Electronic message display
Outdoor display case
Portable sign
Y (in D-1b, D-2b and D-2c only)
Window sign
Permitted only on purpose-built office buildings with a flat roof as per § 250-105C.
Permitted only on properties where the principal structure has a front yard setback of at least 10 feet.
Permitted only on properties where the principal structure has a front yard setback of at least six feet.
Directional signs less than two square feet in area are exempt from permitting requirements, as per § 250-104. Directional signs larger than two square feet require permits and are subject to the standards in this article and in § 250-105C.
Permitted only on properties fronting roads on which the speed limit is 50 mph or greater.
Standards by sign type. The table below lists standards for each sign type. Additional standards for sign types within specific zoning districts are indicated in Subsection C. Where standards regulate illumination, the reader should also review the general illumination standards in § 250-104. For awnings, canopies, and marquees, the reader should first refer to Chapter 380, Article IV, for permitting requirements and standards. For the convenience of the reader of these sign regulations, some of the standards from Chapter 380, Article IV, are repeated in the table in Subsection B(1).
Primary building-mounted signs. The following table contains standards for primary building-mounted signs by sign type.
Sign Type
Wall sign
Types of wall signs. The following types of wall signs are permitted:
Flat panel sign. The sign copy is applied, printed, or etched onto a panel or board, which is then mounted to a wall.
Channel letters. The sign consists of three-dimensional letters and/or shapes that each may contain a lighting source. The letters and/or graphic elements are typically attached to a raceway that is then mounted to a wall. Reverse channel letters are also permitted. Open face channel letters are not permitted.
Cut out letters. The sign content consists of letters and/or shapes that are individually attached to a wall or that are applied, printed, or etched, onto a panel that is then attached to a wall.
Light box sign, or cabinet sign. The sign content is applied, printed, or etched onto the face of a box, or cabinet that contains a lighting source, which is then mounted to a wall. The face of a light box, or cabinet, shall be opaque and the sign content shall be translucent.
Wall signs shall be placed to coordinate with architectural features or elements of the facade. Wall signs shall not cover or interrupt prominent architectural features of a building, including, but not limited to, transoms, bays, pilasters, prismatic glass, and insignias.
Wall signs shall not interfere with the operation of doors or windows.
Clearance. Wall signs shall have a minimum clearance of eight feet from the ground.
Depth/projection. A wall sign, including any mounting panel or raceway, shall not extend more than 12 inches from a building facade.
Sign copy. Wall signs shall consist only of the business name and/or logo and any decorative trim.
Illumination. Wall signs may be externally or internally illuminated.
Buildings with multiple tenants with storefronts. Wall signs for each ground floor tenant of a multitenant building shall be coordinated in terms of dimensions, placement, materials, and type of wall sign.
Projecting sign
Placement. Projecting signs shall be on a single plane and project at a ninety-degree angle from the face of the building. Sign panels may be double-sided.
Projection. A projecting sign shall not extend more than four feet from the building on which it is attached.
Clearance. Projecting signs shall have a minimum clearance of eight feet above the ground.
Sign copy. Projecting signs shall consist only of the business name and/or logo.
Illumination. Projecting signs may be externally or internally illuminated.
Awning and awning sign
Projection. Awnings shall not project more than four feet from the building on which they are attached.
Clearance. Awnings shall have a minimum clearance of eight feet above the ground.
Sign copy. An awning sign shall contain only the business name, logo, and/or address number.
Illumination. Awnings and signs on awnings may be externally illuminated. Internally illuminated awnings, or back-lit awnings, are prohibited.
Multitenant buildings. Awnings and awning signs on a multitenant building with ground floor storefronts shall be similar in terms of dimensions, placement, materials, color, and shape across all tenants in the building.
Canopy and canopy sign
Projection. Canopies are prohibited from projecting over a public sidewalk.
Clearance. Canopies shall have a minimum clearance of eight feet above the ground.
Sign copy. Canopy signs shall consist only of the business name, logo, and/or address number.
Illumination. The canopy may contain lighting underneath the canopy to light the surface below. Internally illuminated canopies and canopy signs are not permitted.
Marquee and marquee sign
Construction. Marquees, including anchors, bolts, supporting rods, and braces thereof, shall be constructed of noncombustible materials and shall be designed by a structural engineer and approved by the Construction Code Official.
Placement. A marquee shall be located above the principal entrance of a building and shall be no wider than the entrance bay.
Clearance. A marquee shall have a minimum clearance of 10 feet above the ground.
Projection. A marquee shall not project more than four feet over a public sidewalk.
Sign copy. A marquee sign shall consist of the business name and/or address number only.
Painted sign
A painted sign on the front of a building shall only be applied to the sign band on the ground floor facade.
A painted sign on the side of a building shall only be applied to the wall of the ground floor.
Sign copy.
A painted sign on the front facade of a building shall consist only of the business name and/or logo, along with any decorative trim or patterns.
A painted sign on the side of a building shall consist of the business name and/or logo. Additional artwork related to the services provided or types of products sold by the business is permitted. Such artwork shall not consist of depictions of specific brands of products or services.
Illumination. Painted signs may be externally illuminated.
Primary freestanding signs. The following table contains standards for primary freestanding signs by sign type.
Sign Type
Monument sign
Monument signs shall be set back at least five feet from the edge of a public sidewalk and at least five feet from the edge of a driveway.
Monument signs shall be placed so as not to block sight lines.
Sign content. Monument signs shall only contain the business name and/or logo and the address number of the property.
The base of the sign shall be landscaped.
Landscaping shall not obscure any sign content.
Landscaping shall not block sight lines of the driveway or circulation aisles.
Multitenant buildings.
Sign copy. A monument sign on the property of a multitenant building may include the names of tenants.
Sign design. The information shall be presented in a clear and consistent manner. Letter heights should be coordinated across a monument sign.
Landscape wall sign
Sign copy. Landscape wall signs shall only contain the business name, logo, and/or address number.
Sign types.
Landscape wall signs shall consist of a wall-mounted sign, channel letters, or letters that are painted, applied, etched, or carved directly into the wall.
Light-box signs, or cabinet signs, are not permitted.
Illumination. Landscape wall signs may be externally or internally illuminated.
Post and panel sign
Post and panel signs shall be set back at least three feet from the edge of a public sidewalk and at least five feet from the edge of a driveway.
Post and panel signs shall be placed so as not to block sight lines.
Sign copy. Post and panel signs shall consist only of the business name and/or logo.
Multitenant commercial buildings. Post and panel signs are permitted to include names of building tenants.
Yard sign
Yard signs shall be set back at least two feet from the edge of a public sidewalk and at least five feet from the edge of a driveway.
Yard signs shall be placed so as not to block sight lines.
Sign copy. Yard signs shall consist of the business name and/or logo.
Multitenant commercial buildings. Yard signs are permitted to include names of building tenants.
Secondary signs. The following table contains standards for secondary signs by sign type.
Sign Type
Window sign
Definition of window sign. A sign applied onto or attached to the inside or outside of a window or a transparent door. A sign within a building that is visible through the front window or door, but not attached to the window or door, is also considered a window sign.
Additional provisions. Products, screening, or other objects that are located inside within three feet of the window, but that are not part of a formal window display, shall be considered window signs, subject to all provisions regulating window signs.
Address sign
Address signs shall be constructed of durable materials and affixed firmly onto a surface.
Address signs shall consist of a wall-mounted panel, channel letters and numbers, or cut out numbers and letters applied to a building face.
Address signs shall be visible and legible from the street on which the address is located.
Address signs shall be placed above or near the primary entrance of a building. If such location for the address sign is not visible and legible from the street, the address sign may be placed at one edge of the building.
Address signs shall not be placed higher than the ground floor of a building.
Properties with a freestanding sign shall include the address number on the top of the sign.
Illumination. Address signs may be externally illuminated.
Outdoor display case
Placement. Outdoor display cases shall not be attached to storefront windows.
Sign copy. The contents of outdoor display cases shall be maintained and kept current. Outdated content shall be replaced with up-to-date content.
Illumination. An outdoor display case may contain lighting only to illuminate the content within the case.
Directional sign
Placement and dimensions by sign type.
Wall-mounted directional signs shall have a minimum clearance of four feet from the ground.
Freestanding directional signs shall have a maximum height of four feet.
Projecting directional signs
Projecting directional signs are only permitted on the side and/or rear walls of buildings.
Projecting directional signs shall project no more than three feet from the building wall.
Projecting directional signs shall have a minimum clearance of eight feet.
Sign copy. Directional signs shall consist of copy necessary for on-site circulation, parking and other site information, such as, but not limited to, service entrances and loading docks. Directional signs may contain the business name if critical to providing circulation information.
Illumination. Directional signs may be externally illuminated.
Directory sign
Placement. Wall-mounted directory signs shall be attached to a wall within 10 feet of the building entrance.
Sign copy. Directory signs shall consist of business names and suite numbers or floor numbers.
Portable sign
Specifications. Portable signs shall consist of freestanding "A-frame" signs where each face of the sign consists of a surface for writing by hand a nonpermanent message to prospective customers.
Placement. The edge of a portable sign closest to the building shall be located no more than four inches from the building facade.
Duration of display. Portable signs shall be displayed only during business hours.
Adverse weather conditions. Portable signs shall not be displayed during high winds or other adverse weather conditions where the sign may become unsafe to the public.
Illumination. Portable signs shall not contain any illumination.
Standards by zoning district. This article identifies sign standards by zoning district. It is recommended that the reader review § 250-104, which contains rules on how signs are measured.
Downtown (D-1) Districts. Signs in D-1 Districts, which includes the D-1a and D-1b Districts, are subject to the following standards:
Quantity and/or area of signs allowed by sign type in the D-1 Districts. The quantity and/or area of signs allowed by sign type in the D-1 Districts is indicated in the table below.
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
The total area of all primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of a building shall not exceed 40 square feet
Primary Freestanding Signs
Freestanding signs are not permitted in D-1 Districts.
Secondary Signs
Address signs. One address sign is required.
Window signs.
Maximum coverages. The maximum coverage of window signs on any window shall not exceed 15% of the surface area of the window. The maximum coverage of window signs on any door shall not exceed 10% of the surface area of the door.
Illuminated window signs.
The total area of illuminated window signs on the windows and doors on the front facade of a building shall be a maximum of six square feet. The area of any illuminated window sign shall not exceed four square feet.
The area of illuminated window signs shall be included in the calculation of maximum coverage of window signs.
Illuminated window signs shall consist of white light only.
Flashing, blinking, intermittent, and/or moving lights are prohibited.
Outdoor display case. One outdoor display case is permitted per business.
Directional signs. One directional sign is permitted for properties with on-site parking.
Directory signs. See "Additional Signs Permitted" in this subsection.
Portable signs. One portable sign is permitted per business in the D-1b District only.
Additional signs permitted in the D-1 Districts. The following additional signs are permitted in D-1 Districts.
Corner properties. Corner properties are permitted an additional 40 square feet of primary building-mounted signs on the second facade that faces a public street. Windows signs may be placed on windows and doors on the second facade with a maximum coverage of 15% of the surface of any window and a maximum of 10% of the surface area of any door.
Second-floor commercial tenants.
Window signs. Commercial tenants on the second floor are permitted window signs on no more than two windows on the second floor.
Illuminated window signs are not permitted on or behind second-floor windows.
Window signs are not permitted above the second floor.
Directory signs. One directory sign is permitted on a building with second-floor commercial tenants.
Projecting signs.
One projecting sign is permitted on the second floor of a building with a second-floor commercial tenant. Such sign shall have a maximum projection of two feet from the building surface and a maximum height of four feet.
The area of such signs shall not be included in the calculation of the total area of primary building-mounted signs as per Subsection C(1)(b)[2] [a].
Projecting signs shall not extend below the second-floor windows.
Buildings with multiple ground-floor commercial tenants.
The storefront of each ground floor tenant in a building with multiple ground-floor commercial tenants is permitted a maximum total area of primary building-mounted signs of 40 square feet.
Signs for each ground-floor tenant in a building with multiple ground-floor tenants shall be coordinated in terms of dimensions, placement, and materials, and sign type.
Additional signs are permitted for corner properties and second floor commercial tenants as indicated in Subsection C(1)(b)[1] and hereof.
Dimensional standards by sign type in the D-1 Districts. Dimensional standards by sign type in the D-1 Districts are indicated in the table below.
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
The total area of all primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of a building shall not exceed 40 square feet.
Sign Type
Dimensional Standard
Wall sign
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Projecting sign
Area of sign face
Maximum 9 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Awning sign
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Marquee sign
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Primary Freestanding Sign Types
Freestanding signs are not permitted in D-1 Districts.
Secondary Signs
Address sign
Letter height
Minimum 3 inches
Window sign
Letter height
Maximum 6 inches on windows
Maximum 4 inches on doors
Outdoor display case
Maximum 6 square feet
Directional sign
Maximum 4 square feet
Directory sign
Maximum 4 square feet
Portable sign
Maximum 3 feet
Maximum 2 feet
Additional standards for signs in D-1 Districts.
Minimum letter height. The minimum height of letters on any primary sign shall be two inches.
Dimensions of wall signs with sign panels.
Sign panels shall have a maximum height of 24 inches.
A sign panel shall be the same width as the architectural sign band of the facade on which it is being placed.
Only the area of the sign content shall be included in the measurement of the area of a wall sign with a sign panel.
Wall signs on multistory buildings.
Wall signs shall not be placed above the ground floor.
Wall signs shall have a minimum clearance of four inches below second-story windows.
Downtown (D-2) Districts. Signs in D-2 Districts, which includes the D-2a, D-2b, D-2c, D-2d, and D-2e Districts, are subject to the following standards:
Quantity and/or areas of signs in the D-2 Districts. The quantity of signs allowed by sign type in the D-2 Districts is indicated in the table below.
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
The total area of all primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of a building shall not exceed 40 square feet.
Primary Freestanding Signs
Properties with a front yard setback of six feet or more are permitted one primary freestanding sign. An address sign shall be incorporated into the top of any primary freestanding sign.
Secondary Signs
Address signs. One address sign is required.
Window signs.
Maximum coverages. The coverage of window signs on any window shall not exceed 15% of the surface area of the window. The coverage of window signs on any door shall not exceed 10% of the surface area of the door.
Illuminated window signs.
The total area of illuminated window signs on the windows and doors on the front facade of a building shall be a maximum of six square feet. The area of any single illuminated window sign shall not exceed four square feet.
The area of illuminated window signs shall be included in the calculation of maximum coverage of window signs.
Illuminated window signs shall consist of white light only.
Flashing, blinking, intermittent, and/or moving lights are prohibited.
Outdoor display case. One outdoor display case is permitted per business.
Directional signs. One directional sign is permitted for properties with on-site parking.
Directory signs. See "Additional signs permitted" within this subsection.
Portable signs. One portable sign is permitted per business in the D-2b and D-2c Districts only.
Additional signs permitted in the D-2 Districts. The following additional signs are permitted in the D-2 Districts.
Corner properties. Corner properties are permitted an additional 40 square feet of primary building-mounted signs on the second facade that faces a public street. Window signs may be placed on windows and doors on the second facade with a maximum coverage of 15% of the surface of any window and a maximum of 10% of the surface area of any door.
Second-floor commercial tenants.
Window signs. Commercial tenants on the second floor are permitted window signs on no more than two windows on the second floor.
Illuminated window signs are not permitted on or behind second-floor windows.
Window signs are not permitted above the second floor.
Directory signs. One directory sign is permitted on a building with second-floor commercial tenants.
Projecting signs. One projecting sign is permitted per tenant on the second floor of a building with a second-floor commercial tenant. Such sign shall have a maximum projection of two feet from the building surface and a maximum height of four feet. Such signs shall not extend above the eaveline or below second story windows.
Buildings with multiple ground-floor commercial tenants.
The storefront of each ground floor tenant in a building with multiple ground-floor commercial tenants is permitted a maximum total area of primary building-mounted signs of 40 square feet.
Signs for each ground-floor tenant in a building with multiple ground-floor tenants shall be coordinated in terms of dimensions, placement, and materials, and sign type.
Additional signs are permitted for corner properties and second floor commercial tenants as indicated in Subsection C(2)(b)[1] and hereof.
Dimensional standards by sign type in the D-2 Districts. Dimensional standards by sign type in the D-2 Districts are indicated in the table below:
Sign Type
Dimensional Standard
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
The total area of all primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of a building shall not exceed 40 square feet.
Wall sign
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Projecting sign
Area of sign face
Maximum 9 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Awning sign
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Marquee sign
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Primary Freestanding Sign Types
Monument sign
Maximum 6 feet
Maximum 30 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 6 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Post and panel sign
Maximum 6 feet
Area of sign panel
Maximum 30 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 6 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Yard sign
Maximum 6 feet
Area of sign panel
Maximum 8 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 6 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Secondary Signs
Address sign
Letter height
Minimum 3 inches
Window sign
Letter height
Maximum 6 inches on windows
Maximum 4 inches on doors
Outdoor display case
Maximum 6 square feet
Directional sign
Maximum 4 square feet
Directory sign
Maximum 4 square feet
Portable sign
Maximum 3 feet
Maximum 2 feet
Additional standards for signs in D-2 Districts.
Minimum letter height. The height of letters on any primary building-mounted or freestanding sign shall be a minimum of two inches.
Dimensions of wall signs with sign panels.
Any sign panel shall have a maximum height of 24 inches.
Any sign panel shall be the same width as the architectural sign band of the facade on which it is being placed.
Only the area of the sign content shall be included in the measurement of the area of a wall sign with a sign panel.
Wall signs on multistory buildings.
Wall signs shall not be placed above the ground floor.
Wall signs shall have a minimum clearance of four inches below second-story windows.
Neighborhood Center (N-C) District. Signs in the N-C District are subject to the following standards:
Quantity and/or area of signs allowed by sign type in the N-C District. The quantity and/or area of signs allowed by sign type in the N-C District is indicated in the table below.
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
The total area of all primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of a building shall not exceed 40 square feet.
Primary Freestanding Signs
Primary freestanding signs are not permitted in the N-C District.
Secondary Signs
Address signs. One address sign is required.
Window signs.
Maximum coverages. The coverage of window signs on any window shall not exceed 15% of the surface area of the window. The coverage of window signs on any door shall not exceed 10% of the surface area of the door.
Illuminated window signs.
The total area of illuminated window signs on the windows and doors on the front facade of a building shall be a maximum of six square feet. The area of any single illuminated window sign shall not exceed four square feet.
The area of illuminated window signs shall be included in the calculation of maximum coverage of window signs.
Illuminated window signs shall consist of white light only.
Flashing, blinking, intermittent, and/or moving lights are prohibited.
Outdoor display case. One outdoor display case is permitted per business.
Directional signs. One directional sign is permitted for properties with on-site parking.
Directory signs. See "Additional signs permitted" section of this subsection.
Portable signs. One portable sign is permitted per business.
Additional signs permitted in the N-C District. The following additional signs are permitted in N-C Districts.
Corner properties. Corner properties are permitted an additional 40 square feet of primary building-mounted signs on the second facade that faces a public street. Window signs may be placed on windows and doors on the second facade with a maximum coverage of 15% of the surface of any window and a maximum of 10% of the surface area of any door.
Second-floor commercial tenants.
Window signs. Commercial tenants on the second floor are permitted window signs on no more than two windows on the second floor.
Illuminated window signs are not permitted on or behind second-floor windows.
Window signs are not permitted above the second floor.
Directory signs. One directory sign is permitted on a building with second-floor commercial tenants.
Projecting signs. One project sign is permitted on the second floor of a building with a second-floor commercial tenant. Such sign shall have a maximum projection of two feet from the building surface and a maximum height of four feet.
Buildings with multiple ground-floor commercial tenants.
The storefront of each ground floor tenant in a building with multiple ground-floor commercial tenants is permitted a maximum total area of primary building-mounted signs of 40 square feet.
Signs for each ground-floor tenant in a building with multiple ground-floor tenants shall be coordinated in terms of dimensions, placement, materials, and sign type.
Additional signs are permitted for corner properties and second floor commercial tenants as indicated in Subsection C(3)(b)[1] and hereof.
Dimensional standards by sign type in the N-C District. Dimensional standards by sign type in the N-C District are indicated in the table below.
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
The total area of all primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of a building shall not exceed 40 square feet.
Sign Type
Dimensional Standard
Wall sign
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Projecting sign
Area of sign face
Maximum 9 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Awning sign
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Marquee sign
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Primary Freestanding Sign Types
Primary freestanding signs are not permitted in the N-C District.
Secondary Signs
Address sign
Letter height
Minimum 3 inches
Window sign
Letter height
Maximum 6 inches on windows
Maximum 4 inches on doors
Outdoor display case
Maximum 6 square feet
Directional sign
Maximum 4 square feet
Directory sign
Maximum 4 square feet
Portable sign
Maximum 3 feet
Maximum 2 feet
Additional standards for signs in the N-C District.
Minimum letter height. The minimum height of letters on any primary sign shall be two inches.
Dimensions of wall signs with sign panels.
Sign panels shall have a maximum height of 24 inches.
A sign panel shall be the same width as the sign band of the facade on which it is being placed.
Only the area of the sign content shall be included in the measurement of the area of a wall sign with a sign panel.
Wall signs on multistory buildings.
Wall signs shall not be placed above the ground floor.
Wall signs shall have a minimum clearance of four inches below second-story windows.
Service Business District (SBD). Signs in the SBD District are subject to the following standards:
Quantity and/or area of signs allowed by sign type in the SBD District. The quantity and/or area of signs allowed by sign type in the SBD District is indicated in the table below.
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
The total area of primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of a building shall not exceed 1.5 square feet per linear foot of building frontage. All properties are permitted a minimum total area of such signs of 40 square feet.
Primary Freestanding Signs
Quantity. Properties with a front yard setback of six feet or more are permitted one primary freestanding sign.
Secondary Signs
Address signs. One address sign is required. An address sign shall be incorporated into the top of any primary freestanding sign.
Window signs.
Maximum coverages. The coverage of window signs on any window shall not exceed 15% of the surface area of the window. The coverage of window signs on any door shall not exceed 10% of the surface area of the door.
Illuminated window signs.
The total area of illuminated window signs on the windows and doors on the front facade of a building shall be a maximum of six square feet. The area of any single illuminated window sign shall not exceed four square feet.
The area of illuminated window signs shall be included in the calculation of maximum coverage of window signs.
Illuminated window signs shall consist of white light only.
Flashing, blinking, intermittent, and/or moving lights are prohibited.
Outdoor display case. One outdoor display case is permitted per business.
Directional signs. One directional sign is permitted for properties with on-site parking.
Directory signs. See "Additional signs permitted" in this subsection.
Portable signs. One portable sign is permitted per business.
Additional signs permitted in the SBD District. The following additional signs are permitted in the SBD District.
Corner properties. Corner properties are permitted the same area of primary building-mounted signs on the second facade that faces a public street as on the front facade. Window signs may be placed on windows and doors on the second facade with a maximum coverage of 15% of the surface of any window and a maximum of 10% of the surface area of any door.
Second-floor commercial tenants.
Window signs. Commercial tenants on the second floor are permitted window signs on no more than two windows on the second floor.
Illuminated window signs are not permitted on or behind second-floor windows.
Window signs are not permitted above the second floor.
Directory signs. One directory sign is permitted on a building with second-floor commercial tenants.
Buildings with multiple ground-floor commercial tenants.
The storefront of each ground-floor tenant in a building with multiple ground-floor commercial tenants is permitted a maximum total area of primary building-mounted signs of 1.5 square feet per linear foot of frontage.
Signs for each ground-floor tenant in a building with multiple ground-floor tenants shall be coordinated in terms of dimensions, placement, materials, and sign type.
Additional signs are permitted for corner properties and second floor commercial tenants as indicated in Subsection C(4)(b)[1] and hereof.
Dimensional standards by sign type in the SBD District. Dimensional standards by sign type in the SBD District are indicated in the table below. Within the table below, "frontage" shall refer to building frontage.
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
The total area of primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of a building shall not exceed 1.5 square feet per linear foot of building frontage. All properties are permitted a minimum total area of primary building-mounted signs of 40 square feet.
Sign Type
Dimensional Standard
Wall sign
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Projecting sign
Area of sign face
Maximum 9 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Awning sign
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Marquee sign
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Primary Freestanding Sign Types
Monument sign
Maximum 8 feet
Maximum 40 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Post and panel sign
Maximum 8 feet
Area of sign panel
Maximum 40 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Yard sign
Maximum 6 feet
Area of sign panel
Maximum 8 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 6 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Secondary Signs
Address signs
Letter height
Minimum 3 inches
Window signs
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches on windows
Maximum 6 inches on doors
Directional sign
Maximum 4 square feet
Directory sign
Maximum 6 square feet
Additional standards for signs in the SBD District.
Maximum height of logos containing acronyms and/or words. Logos containing acronyms, names, and/or words shall have a maximum height as specified under "Letter Height" in Subsection C(4)(c).
Minimum letter height. The minimum height of letters on any primary building-mounted or freestanding sign shall be two inches.
Dimensions of wall signs with sign panels.
Any sign panel shall be the same width as the architectural sign band of the facade on which it is placed.
Only the area of the sign content shall be included in the measurement of the area of a wall sign with a sign panel.
Wall signs on multistory buildings.
Wall signs shall not be placed above the ground floor.
Wall signs shall have a minimum clearance of four inches below second-story windows.
Signs in the Light Industrial (L-I) District. Signs in the L-I District are subject to the following standards.
Quantity and/or area of signs allowed by sign type in the L-I District. The quantity and/or area of signs allowed by sign type in the L-I District is indicated in the table below.
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
The total area of primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of a building shall not exceed 1.5 square feet per linear foot of building frontage.
Primary Freestanding Signs
Properties with a front yard setback of 10 feet or more are permitted one primary freestanding sign.
Secondary Signs
Address signs. One address sign is required. An address sign shall be incorporated into the top of any primary freestanding sign.
Window signs.
Maximum coverages. The coverage of window signs on any window shall not exceed 15% of the surface area of the window. The coverage of window signs on any door shall not exceed 10% of the surface area of the door.
Illuminated window signs.
The total area of illuminated window signs on the windows and doors on the front facade of a building shall be a maximum of 6 square feet. The area of any single illuminated window sign shall not exceed 4 square feet.
The area of illuminated window signs shall be included in the calculation of maximum coverage of window signs.
Illuminated window signs shall consist of white light only.
Flashing, blinking, intermittent, and/or moving lights are prohibited.
Directional signs.
Three directional signs are permitted for properties with on-site parking.
Two directional signs are permitted for properties without on-site parking.
Directory signs. See "Additional signs permitted" in this subsection.
Additional signs permitted in the L-I District. The following additional signs are permitted in the L-I District.
Corner properties. Corner properties are permitted the same area of primary building-mounted signs on the second facade that faces a public street as on the front facade. Window signs may be placed on windows and doors on the second facade with a maximum coverage of 15% of the surface of any window and a maximum of 10% of the surface area of any door.
Billboards. Billboards are permitted as a conditional use in the Light Industrial Zone on properties with frontage on limited-access highways with a speed limit of 50 mph or greater, in accordance with the following conditions:
[Amended 9-17-2018 by Ord. No. 18-10]
No more than one billboard structure (double-sided) shall be permitted on any lot.
No part of any billboard shall be located within 600 feet of a residential district, nor within 1,000 feet of another billboard.
No part of any billboard shall be higher than 35 feet above grade of the adjoining roadway.
Billboards shall meet the requirements of N.J.A.C. 16:41C (Title 16: Transportation, Chapter 41C. Roadside Sign Control and Outdoor Advertising).
"Frontage" is defined as follows: "That side of a lot abutting a street; the front lot line."
Second-floor commercial tenants.
Window signs. Commercial tenants on the second floor are permitted window signs on no more than two windows on the second floor.
Illuminated window signs are not permitted on or behind second-floor windows.
Window signs are not permitted above the second floor.
Directory signs. One directory sign is permitted on a building with second-floor commercial tenants.
Buildings with multiple ground-floor commercial tenants.
The facade of each ground-floor tenant in a building with multiple ground-floor commercial tenants is permitted a maximum total area of primary building-mounted signs of 1.5 square feet per linear foot of frontage.
Signs for each ground-floor tenant in a building with multiple ground-floor tenants shall be coordinated in terms of dimensions, placement, materials, and sign type.
Additional signs are permitted for corner properties and second-floor commercial tenants as indicated above within this subsection.
Side and rear doors.
One sign is permitted on each side and rear door of a building.
The maximum coverage of such sign shall not exceed 10% of the surface area of the door.
Dimensional standards by sign type in the L-I District. Dimensional standards by sign type in the L-I District are indicated in the table below. Within the table below, "frontage" shall refer to building frontage.
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
The total area of primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of a building shall not exceed 1.5 square feet per linear foot of building frontage.
Sign Type
Dimensional Standard
Wall sign
Letter height
Maximum 14 inches
Logo height
Maximum 18 inches
Awning sign
Letter height
Maximum 14 inches
Logo height
Maximum 18 inches
Canopy sign
Letter height
Maximum 14 inches
Logo height
Maximum 18 inches
Marquee sign
Letter height
Maximum 14 inches
Logo height
Maximum 18 inches
Primary Freestanding Sign Types
Monument sign
Maximum 8 feet
Maximum 40 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Landscape wall sign
Area of sign
Maximum 40 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Secondary Signs
Address sign
Letter height
Minimum 4 inches
Window sign
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches on windows
Maximum 8 inches on doors
Directional sign
Maximum 8 square feet
Directory sign
Maximum 6 square feet
Additional standards for signs in the L-I District.
Maximum height of logos containing acronyms and/or words. Logos containing acronyms, names, and/or words shall have a maximum height as specified under "Letter height" in Subsection C(5)(c).
Minimum letter height. The height of letters on any primary building-mounted or freestanding sign shall be a minimum of three inches.
Wall signs.
On single-story buildings, wall signs shall have a minimum clearance of four inches below the eaveline.
On multistory buildings, wall signs may be placed either on the ground-floor facade or the top-floor facade. Wall signs on the ground floor shall be placed a minimum of four inches below the eaveline. Wall signs on the top floor facade shall be placed a minimum of 10 inches below the eaveline.
Address signs.
Address signs may be internally or externally illuminated.
Address signs are not permitted above the ground floor.
Directional signs. Directional signs may be internally or externally illuminated.
Signs on properties along roads with a speed limit of 50 mph or more. The following additional provisions apply to signs on properties along roads where the posted speed limit is 50 mph or more.
Primary building-mounted signs.
One building-mounted sign is permitted per property.
The total area of primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of all buildings shall not exceed 80 square feet.
Letters on any primary building-mounted sign shall have a maximum height of 16 inches.
A logo on any primary building-mounted sign shall have a maximum height of 22 inches.
Primary freestanding signs.
One monument sign is permitted per property with a maximum height of 16 feet and maximum width of five feet. A static electronic message display is permitted to be integrated into any monument sign for the purpose of communicating consumer information.
Freestanding canopies and canopy signs are permitted. A sign on a freestanding canopy shall not exceed 25% of the area of the side of the canopy upon which it is located. No side shall contain more than one sign.
Letters on any primary freestanding sign shall not exceed a height of 16 inches.
Secondary signs. Secondary signs are permitted as per the table in Subsection C(5)(a) hereof.
Signs as required by state and/or federal regulations are permitted.
Signs in the Research, Industry, Medical (RIM) District. Signs in the RIM District are subject to the following standards:
Quantity of signs allowed by sign type in the RIM District. The quantity of signs allowed by sign type in the RIM District is indicated in the table below.
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
The total area of primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of a building shall not exceed 1.5 square feet per linear foot of building frontage.
Primary Freestanding Signs
Properties with a front yard setback of 10 feet or more are permitted one primary freestanding sign. An address sign shall be incorporated into the top of any primary freestanding sign.
Secondary Signs
Address signs. One address sign is required.
Window signs. Window signs are permitted on transparent doors. The coverage of window signs on any door shall not exceed 10% of the surface area of the door.
Directional signs.
Three directional signs are permitted for properties with on-site parking.
Two directional signs are permitted for properties without on-site parking.
Directory signs. See "Additional signs permitted" in this subsection.
Additional signs permitted in the RIM District. The following additional signs are permitted in the RIM District.
Wall signs on single-story buildings. Wall signs on single-story buildings shall have a minimum clearance of at least four inches below the eaveline.
Wall signs on the top floor of buildings with two or more stories.
Quantity, placement, and dimensions. One wall sign consisting of channel letters or cutout letters only is permitted to be placed on the top floor of the front facade of a building. One such sign is also permitted to be placed on the top floor of a side facade of the same building. Such signs shall be placed a minimum of 10 inches below the eaveline and shall have a maximum letter height of 24 inches and a maximum logo height of 36 inches. Logos containing acronyms, names, or words shall have a maximum height of 24 inches.
Sign copy. The sign copy shall consist of the name of the principal tenant or owner, which shall occupy at least 50% of the leasable floor area of the building, and the tenant or owner's logo. In lieu of the preceding, the sign copy may consist of the name and associated logo of the building, provided that the name generally pertains to the products and/or services of its tenants (e.g., "Englewood Design Center"), does not conflict with any definitions included in § 250-34A, and does not create any confusion or misdirection that may harm public safety.
Signs on side facades. One side facade of a non-corner property is permitted a total area of building-mounted signs of 0.75 per linear foot of the length of the side wall.
Corner properties. Corner properties are permitted the same area of primary building-mounted signs on the second facade that faces a public street as on the front facade. Windows signs may be placed on transparent doors on the second facade with a maximum coverage of 10% of the surface area of any door.
Buildings with multiple ground-floor commercial tenants.
The facade of each ground-floor tenant in a building with multiple ground-floor commercial tenants is permitted a maximum total area of primary building-mounted signs of 1.5 square feet per linear foot of frontage.
Signs for each ground-floor tenant in a building with multiple ground-floor tenants shall be coordinated in terms of dimensions, placement, materials, and sign type.
Side and rear doors.
One sign is permitted on each side and rear door of a building.
The maximum coverage of such sign shall not exceed 10% of the surface area of the door.
Dimensional standards by sign type in the RIM District. Dimensional standards by sign type in the RIM District are indicated in the table below. Within the table below, "frontage" shall refer to building frontage.
Sign Type
Dimensional Standard
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
The total area of primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of a building shall not exceed 1.5 square feet per linear foot of building frontage.
Wall sign
See (c)
Letter height
Maximum 14 inches
Logo height
Maximum 20 inches
Awning sign
Letter height
Maximum 14 inches
Logo height
Maximum 20 inches
Canopy sign
Letter height
Maximum 14 inches
Logo height
Maximum 20 inches
Marquee sign
Letter height
Maximum 14 inches
Logo height
Maximum 20 inches
Primary Freestanding Sign Types
Monument sign
Maximum 8 feet
Maximum 48 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Landscape wall sign
Area of sign copy
Maximum 48 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Secondary Signs
Address sign
Letter height
Minimum 4 inches
Window sign
Letter height
Maximum 6 inches on doors
Directional sign
Maximum 8 square feet
Directory sign
Maximum 6 square feet
Electronic message display
Maximum 60% of the area of the sign on which it is installed
Additional standards for signs in the RIM District.
Maximum height of logos containing acronyms and/or words. Logos containing acronyms, names, and/or words shall have a maximum height as specified under "Letter height" in Subsection C(6)(b).
Minimum letter height. The height of letters on any primary building-mounted or freestanding sign shall be a minimum of three inches.
Address signs.
Address signs may be internally or externally illuminated.
Address signs are not permitted above the ground floor of multistory buildings.
Directional signs. Directional signs may be internally or externally illuminated.
Signs on properties along roads with a speed limit of 50 mph or more. The following additional provisions apply to signs on properties along roads where the posted speed limit is 50 mph or more.
Primary building-mounted signs.
One building-mounted sign is permitted per property.
The total area of primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of all buildings shall not exceed 80 square feet.
Letters on any primary building-mounted sign shall have a maximum height of 16 inches.
A logo on any primary building-mounted sign shall have a maximum height of 22 inches.
Primary freestanding signs.
One monument sign is permitted per property with a maximum height of 16 feet and maximum width of five feet. A static electronic message display is permitted to be integrated into any monument sign for the purpose of communicating consumer information.
Freestanding canopies and canopy signs are permitted. A sign on a freestanding canopy shall not exceed 25% of the area of the side of the canopy upon which it is located. No side shall contain more than one sign.
Letters on any primary freestanding sign shall not exceed a height of 16 inches.
Secondary signs. Secondary signs are permitted as per the table in Subsection C(6)(a) hereof.
Signs as required by state and/or federal regulations are permitted.
Signs in the Multifamily Residence (RM-B) District. Signs in the RM-B District are subject to the following standards:
Quantity of signs allowed by sign type in the RM-B District. The quantity of signs allowed by sign type in the RM-B District is indicated in the table below.
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
The total area of all primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of a building shall not exceed 40 square feet.
Primary Freestanding Signs
One primary freestanding sign is permitted. An address sign shall be incorporated into the top of any primary freestanding sign.
Secondary Signs
Address signs. One address sign is required.
Directional signs. One directional sign is permitted for properties with on-site parking.
Directory signs. See "Additional signs permitted" in this subsection.
Dimensional standards by sign type in the RM-B District. Dimensional standards by sign type in the RM-B District are indicated in the table below.
Sign Type
Dimensional Standard
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
The total area of all primary building-mounted signs on the front facade of a building shall not exceed 40 square feet.
Wall signs
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Awning sign
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Canopy sign
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Marquee sign
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Primary Freestanding Sign Types
Monument sign
Maximum 7 feet
Maximum 35 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Post and panel sign
Maximum 7 feet
Area of sign panel
Maximum 35 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Yard sign
Maximum 6 feet
Area of sign panel
Maximum 16 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 8 inches
Logo height
Maximum 12 inches
Secondary Signs
Address sign
Letter height
Minimum 3 inches
Directional sign
Maximum 4 square feet
Directory sign
Maximum 8 square feet
Additional standards for signs in the RM-B District.
Minimum letter height. The height of letters on any primary sign shall be a minimum of two inches.
Wall signs.
Wall signs are only permitted on purpose-built office buildings.
Wall signs shall consist of channel letters or cutout letters. Lightbox or cabinet wall signs are not permitted.
Wall signs shall be placed on either the top floor facade and at a minimum of four inches below the eaveline.
Wall signs may be externally illuminated only.
Address signs.
Address signs may be externally illuminated.
Address signs shall be placed above the front door, but not above ground level.
Directional signs. Directional signs may be externally illuminated.
The following regulations apply to all multifamily and single-family residential districts, except for the RM-B District, which is regulated in § 250-105.
Single-family dwelling units.
Every single-family dwelling unit shall display an address sign indicating its street number on the building or property where it is clearly visible from the street on which it is located.
Address signs shall be made of weather-resistant material and attached securely.
Institutional uses within a residential district.
Quantity of signs allowed by sign type. The quantity of signs allowed for institutional uses are indicated in the table below.
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
One building-mounted sign is permitted on the front facade of a building.
Primary Freestanding Signs
One primary freestanding sign is permitted. An address sign shall be incorporated into the top of any primary freestanding sign.
Secondary Signs
Address signs. One address sign is required.
Window signs. Window signs are permitted on transparent doors. The coverage of window signs on any door shall not exceed 10% of the surface area of the door.
Directional signs
Three directional signs are permitted for properties with on-site parking.
Two directional signs are permitted for properties without on-site parking.
Dimensional standards by sign type. Dimensional standards by sign type for institutional uses are indicated in the table below.
Sign Type
Dimensional Standard
Primary Building-Mounted Signs
Wall sign
Area of sign
Maximum 15 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Awning sign
Area of sign
Maximum 15 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Canopy sign
Area of sign
Maximum 15 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Marquee sign
Area of sign
Maximum 15 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Primary Freestanding Sign Types
Monument sign
Maximum 6 feet
Maximum 30 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Post and panel sign
Maximum 6 feet
Maximum 30 square feet
Letter height
Maximum 10 inches
Logo height
Maximum 14 inches
Secondary Signs
Address sign
Letter height
Minimum 3 inches
Window sign
Letter height
Maximum 6 inches on doors
Directional sign
Maximum 8 square feet
Additional standards for signs in Multifamily and Residential Districts.
Wall signs shall be placed on the ground-floor facade only.
Signs may be externally illuminated only.
Electronic message displays are not permitted.
Nonconforming business or industrial establishment in a residential district. Wall-mounted signs or window signs are permitted subject to the following limitations:
Wall-mounted signs shall be a maximum of 15 square feet in area.
Signs may be externally illuminated.
Except as provided for in Subsection C(3), immediately hereafter, only one sign may face each street on which the premises is located.
For a building accommodating more than one business or industrial establishment on the ground floor, the limitations set out in Subsection C(1) and (2), immediately above, will be applied separately to each establishment.
The area of a window sign shall not exceed 15% of the window on which it is located.
A sign within a residential district may be illuminated by a maximum of 150 watts of white light only.
[Added 10-29-2019 by Ord. No. 19-14]
Purpose. This section regulates all murals and public art installations within the City of Englewood visible from the public right-of-way and those that are visible from adjacent properties to ensure that they are appropriate for their respective uses in keeping the appearance of the affected property and surrounding environment and protective of the public health, safety, and general welfare. The purposes of this section with respect to murals and public art installations are to:
Ensure public welfare by providing proper maintenance of murals and public art installations.
Ensure public safety by preventing hindrances and distractions to pedestrians and drivers of motor vehicles.
Encourage quality in design and application and to promote a desirable visual environment.
Encourage artistic expression and foster a sense of pride.
Guarantee that murals and other public art installations contain no commercial advertising.
Prevent visual expression that may be offensive, obscene, contain elements of fighting words, incitement, defamation or is derogatory, or that constitutes off-premises advertising.
Severability. If any word, sentence, section, chapter or any other provision or portion of this section or rules adopted hereunder is invalidated by any court or competent jurisdiction, the remaining words, sentences, chapters, provisions, or portions will not be affected and will continue in full force.
Definitions. Words and terms used in this section have the following meanings given. Unless expressly stated otherwise, any pertinent word or term not part of this listing but vital to the interpretation of this section shall be construed to have its legal definition, its meaning as commonly accepted by practitioners, including civil engineers, surveyors, architects, landscape architects and planners, designers and artists.
Any change or rearrangement that enlarges or diminishes the work, or a change in location, excluding normal repairs and maintenance.
A message or symbol that advertises a business conducted, services rendered, or goods produced or sold.
The etching, writing, painting, covering, drawing upon or otherwise placing a mark of paint, ink, chalk or dye upon public or private property, regardless of the content, with intent to damage such property and is not authorized or permitted by the property owner.
A hand-produced work of visual art that is tiled, digitally printed and mounted directly to an exterior wall, a vinyl applique or painted by hand directly to an exterior wall of a building. A mural that contains the name or logo of a business or a specific brand of merchandise sold within the building on which the mural is applied is considered a sign. Murals may not contain any promotional material.
All forms of visual art that do not contain any commercial message that are located within the City right-of-way or on public land or on private property visible from a sidewalk, street or other right-of-way within the City of Englewood and which meets the requirements within this section.
General regulations.
An original art mural or public art that meets all of the following requirements will be permitted upon satisfaction of the applicable procedures.
No mural or public art shall be erected, placed, altered, relocated or replaced except in accordance with this section and unless a permit has been issued. This is applicable, but not limited, to all walls, utility boxes, benches and trash receptacles, streets and sidewalks.
All murals and public art installations shall be maintained in good repair, free from peeling paint or damage due to age, weather, vandalism or the like. Failure to maintain a mural or public art installation in good repair may result in notification of the Code Enforcement Officer, and if necessary, appropriate enforcement action by the City, including recovery of related expenses for enforcement.
Murals may only be placed on a building or structure in accordance with the restrictions set forth herein. However, should an applicant desire to have a mural constructed off site in moveable panels or vinyl appliques to be installed on said facade, the attachment of said panels must comply with applicable building codes, subject to permits and inspection, the attachment devices must not compromise the structural integrity of the surface to which the panels are attached, and said panels must be securely attached to prevent failure due to weather conditions, vandalism or age.
The mural or public art installation shall remain in place, without alteration, for a minimum period of one year. "Alterations" include any change to a permitted mural or art installation, including, but not limited to, any change to the image(s), materials, colors or size of the permitted mural. "Alteration" does not mean any naturally occurring changes to the mural caused by exposure to the elements or the passage of time. Minor changes to the permitted items that result from the maintenance or repair of the mural shall not be considered an alteration. Such minor changes may include slight unintended deviations from the original image, colors, or materials that occur when the permitted mural is repaired due to the passage of time or as a result of vandalism.
No part of a mural shall exceed the height or width of the structure to which it is tiled, painted or affixed.
No part of a mural shall extend more than six inches from the plane of the wall upon which it is tiled, painted or affixed where allowable.
No part of a mural shall exceed the allowable height above the grade within each district.
No mural or public art installation may consist of, or contain, electrical or mechanical components, or changing images, moving structural elements, flashing or sequential lights, kinetic art or lighting elements, or other automated methods that result in movement, the appearance of movement, or change of mural image or message, not including static illumination turned off and back on not more than once every 24 hours.
No mural or public art installation may be placed over the exterior surface of any building opening, including, but not limited to, windows, doors, fire escapes, vents, unless those openings have been permanently sealed.
No mural or public art installation shall be arranged and illuminated in a manner that will produce a light intensity of greater than three footcandles above ambient lighting as measured at the property line of the nearest residentially zoned property. Any mural or public art installed within a residential zone shall not be permitted to be illuminated between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.
Not more than one mural or public art installation may be located within 200 feet of another mural or public art installation unless it is part of an approved ensemble.
If vandalism to the mural or the public art installation occurs, it is the responsibility of the property owner or tenant to remove the graffiti, in consultation with the artist, within 48 hours. The City reserves the right to remove or fine the property owner for any unmaintained murals or public art installation.
Review and permitting process.
An application for a mural or public art permit shall be made to the Zoning Officer on forms provided for such purposes.
The application shall include, but not necessarily be limited to: the required fee and all information required on the application and attendant forms.
The applications shall be accompanied by:
Photographs of the subject property and surrounding buildings;
Illustration of the proposed mural or public art installation, color renderings of mural, to scale and with indicated dimensions of both the mural and the wall it is to be applied to;
Project description, including purpose. Detailed information regarding the material to be used to apply or install the mural or public art installation, and any specialized equipment necessary for the project;
Information regarding the expected life span of the mural or art installation;
Maintenance plan which specifies the frequency of maintenance, provisions to address fading and vandalism, and general maintenance for the life of the mural or public art installation. A plan for the restoration of the surface substrate at its conclusion;
Project time line and budget;
Written, notarized consent of the property owner and the property tenant on which the mural is to be placed;
Certificates of insurance, including contractor/artist registration;
Hold harmless agreement with the City of Englewood;
Certification by the Police Department (Traffic Division) to ensure pedestrian, driver and traffic safety at the site;
A guarantee in the form of a bond from the property owner or tenant with the City of Englewood that the mural will comply at all times with this section, and that there will be guaranteed maintenance of the mural on a weekly (as needed) basis for the life of the project;
Application fee, as determined by the City Council and escrow deposit for professional review fees.
Completeness determination. An application shall be reviewed for completeness by the Zoning Officer and forwarded to the Sign and Facade Subcommittee of the Planning Board for review of appropriateness of the mural or public art installation. The Zoning Officer shall advise the applicant, in writing, if the application is deficient within 45 days of submission. Resubmission shall initiate another 45 days for the Zoning Officer's review.
Mural/public art installation permit.
The Planning Board shall have the ultimate authority to approve all murals and public art installations alone or as part of site plan review of a development project upon public notice and hearing. Such review shall be limited to the provisions of this section and shall not be content based.
Alterations to an existing mural or public art installation shall require a permit when the alterations are to the size, shape, location or design of the mural or public art installation.
Site plan review. Site plan review shall be required for all murals and public art installations at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Board of the City of Englewood.
Maintenance of permitted murals and public art installations. The building owner is responsible for ensuring that a permitted mural or public art installation is maintained in good condition, fading is addressed and the mural or object is repaired in the case of vandalism or accidental destruction in accordance with approved maintenance plans.
Removal of a permitted mural or public art installation. Prior to the removal of a mural or art installation, the property owner must notify the Chief Building Inspector or Subcode official at least 30 days prior to its/their removal with a letter stating the intent to remove the mural or public art. Any associated materials that were used to affix or secure the mural to the wall must also be removed at the time of the removal. This includes, but is not limited to, mounting brackets, hardware, caulk or grout, adhesives and glues. Complete restoration of the surface substrate is required.
Alterations to a permitted mural or public art installation. Alterations of a mural or a public art installation must be approved by obtaining a new permit.
Enforcement. It is unlawful to violate any provisions of this section. The regulations of this section are enforced by the Chief Inspector of the City of Englewood.
Fee schedule. The fee for a permit shall be as follows:
Per square foot: $4; minimum fee of $200.