[Adopted 11-9-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-004]
All applications for the issuance of a permit, reservation, temporary designation, authorization or other action or use of a park and recreation area as established under Chapter 77 of the Code of Liberty Township shall, when so submitted, be forwarded, by the applicant, to the Board of Recreation Commissioners.
The Board of Recreation Commissioners shall then review the said application and forward a written recommendation to the Liberty Township Committee no later than the date that the Liberty Township Committee is to make a determination to approve or deny said application.
In furtherance of the review policy established herein, it shall be the obligation of the Board of Recreation Commissioners to maintain a monthly schedule of all Recreation Commission sponsored events and activities that make use of Liberty Township recreation and park areas as defined in this chapter. The aforesaid schedule shall specifically list the date, time, and area that will be so utilized by the Recreation Commission and be provided to the Township Clerk no later than 15 days in advance of every calendar month. In addition, the Recreation Commission shall advise the Township Clerk of any modifications, alterations or changes made to the aforesaid schedule forthwith, should the schedule be modified as a result of unforeseen circumstances.
In the event the Board of Recreation Commissioners has failed to submit their written recommendation to the Township Committee as otherwise required by this article in response to an application for a permit, reservation, temporary designation, authorization or other action for the use of a park or recreation area as defined by this chapter, the Clerk of the Township shall present the aforesaid schedule to the Township Committee on the date set for their review of any such application, which said schedule shall then be considered by the Liberty Township Committee in deciding whether to grant or deny an application for the use of a recreation or park area.
The primary purpose of review by the Board of Recreation Commissioners shall be to insure that there are no scheduling conflicts between the applicants and other groups or sporting and recreation programs that make regular use of the park and recreation areas, and further that the applicant's proposed use will not otherwise damage or compromise the fields, parks, and other recreation areas under the supervision of the Board of Recreation Commissioners.
The recommendation of the Board of Recreation Commissioners shall be advisory only, with the Liberty Township Committee retaining full and final authority to grant or deny any and all applications made or requested for the use of park and recreation areas as recited in § 77-2B.