Ord. 4/3/1901
Authorizing the Borough to purchase a lot on which to erect a Town Hall in said Borough
Ord. 10/8/1902
Authorizing the Borough to purchase a lot to be used for Borough purposes
Res. 5/2/1923
Authorizing and empowering the principal officers of the Borough to execute a lease with Wyoming Hose Company No. 1
Ord. 8/21/1923
Authorizing and empowering the principal officers of the Borough to execute a contract on behalf of the Borough with J.J. Gibbons for the remodeling of the hose house from Wyoming Hose Company No. 1
Ord. 11/10/1939
Condemning, taking, acquiring and appropriating certain pieces or parcels of land for the purpose of extending East Eighth Street in the Borough and to permit the repair and reconstruction of the Eighth Street Bridge across the Susquehanna River between the Borough and Jenkins Township
Ord. 4/13/1942
Authorizing and directing the execution of an agreement between the Borough and Luzerne County for the appropriation of moneys for the construction of flood control dike along and in the vicinity of the banks of the Susquehanna River
Res. 8/27/1947
That the proper Borough officers be, and they hereby are, authorized, empowered and directed to enter into a lease for Burgess' room, first floor, Town Hall Building
Ord. 8/18/1954
Authorizing the purchase of certain land in the Borough for a garbage disposal site and general purposes
Ord. 1/7/1955
An agreement between the Borough and Joseph of Battle Avenue, Exeter Borough
Ord. 1975-1
Providing for the acquisition by eminent domain of various parcels of land in the Borough for flood control purposes
Ord. 1975-4
Amending the condemnation ordinance adopted February 15, 1975