Wherever a space shall be marked off on any street or highway for the parking of an individual vehicle, it shall be unlawful for any person to park any vehicle other than within the lines bounding such space.
Parking and standing are hereby prohibited on the streets listed on Schedule I, attached hereto and incorporated herein, at the times, on the sides of the streets and in the locations indicated on Schedule I.
Except for persons parking vehicles lawfully bearing a handicapped or severely disabled veteran parking placard when such vehicles are being operated by or for the transportation of a handicapped person or a severely disabled veteran, no person shall park or leave standing a vehicle in the areas reserved for a handicapped person or severely disabled veteran which are listed on Schedule J, attached hereto and incorporated herein.
It shall be unlawful to park or leave standing any vehicle at any of the following general locations within the Borough:
On any curb, sidewalk or walkway;
In or within 20 feet of an intersection;
In or within 20 feet of a marked crosswalk;
Alongside any area within a street or highway which is under construction or repair;
Within a street or highway and more than five inches from the curb;
In front of or within 7 1/2 feet of a driveway entrance;
Within 15 feet of a fire hydrant;
Within 20 feet of the driveway entrance to a fire station;
In or within 50 feet of a railroad crossing;
Within 30 feet of a stop sign, traffic signal or other traffic control device;
In such other places as may, upon direction of Council, be designated with a yellow no-parking line; and
In any other location where parking creates a safety hazard or interferes with the free movement of traffic.
Penalties for any person violating any of the provisions of Article III of this chapter, except §§ 460-23 and 460-26, shall be a fine of $15. Penalties for any person violating the provisions of §§ 460-23 and 460-26 shall be a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $200. Any police officer of the Borough of Springdale may remove or cause to be removed to a place of safety any vehicle or tractor which is parked or left standing in violation of Article III of this chapter.
All parking restrictions set forth in §§ 460-22 and 460-23 of Article III of this chapter shall be subject to the posting of proper signs. The Mayor and Police Chief are hereby authorized and directed to post such signs. It shall be unlawful to remove, injure, destroy or deface any parking restriction sign. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall pay, in addition to any fines imposed, the cost of replacing or repairing any damaged signs.
[Added 8-15-2017 by Ord. No. 1251]
Council for the Borough of Springdale hereby identifies the following parking infractions and sets the penalty for violation thereof at $35, provided that the penalty is paid within 72 hours.
Parking where prohibited or restricted.
Parking on the sidewalk.
Parking on the curb.
Parking within 30 feet of a stop sign.
Parking over a yellow line.
Parking on a crosswalk.
Parking within 20 feet of a driveway entrance.
Parking on a railroad track or within 50 feet of a crossing.
Parking within 30 feet of a flashing signal, stop or yield sign, or traffic control device.
Parking against traffic.
Parking next to a yellow line on the curbing.
Official sign: no parking.
Any other parking violation.
Council for the Borough of Springdale hereby identifies the following parking restrictions and sets the penalty for violation thereof at $75, provided that the penalty is paid within 72 hours.
Parking within 15 feet of a fire hydrant.
Parking in a duly marked and designated handicapped space.
Failure to pay the citation to the Borough within the stated seventy-two-hour time period will lead to the filing of charges at the local Magisterial District Judge, and additional fines of not more than $300 per parking infraction set forth in Subsection A of this section and not more than $500 per parking infraction set forth in Subsection B of this section shall be imposed upon conviction, together with any other court costs and filing fees incurred, and including the additional assessment of reasonable attorneys' fees incurred.
The Mayor and the Police Department are hereby authorized to create a citation or citations consistent herewith and to issue same by handing the citation to an individual deemed to be in violation of the terms of this chapter or by placement of the citation in a conspicuous location on a vehicle, such as under a windshield wiper.