[Added 4-16-2024 by Ord. No. 1295[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Art. VI, Handicapped Parking, added 8-15-2017 by Ord. No. 1249, as amended.
Any resident of the Borough of Springdale may make application to the Borough for a handicapped parking space only after acquiring a handicapped license plate or placard or a disabled veteran license plate.
All applications, both new and renewal, shall be submitted to the Borough office on a form as may be established by Borough Council from time to time.
The Borough may from time to time establish fees associated with the handicapped parking application process which may include, but are not limited to original application fees, application renewal fees and change of address fees. All such fees shall be set forth on the application and no application will be processed or handicapped parking approved until such time said fees are paid.
Each applicant, whether for a new handicapped parking space or a renewal handicapped parking space, shall complete the application form and provide the Borough with all information requested.
An incomplete application will be returned to the applicant and will not be considered until all required information is submitted.
All permit applications must be accompanied by a valid copy of the Pennsylvania state issued handicap placard and a copy of a valid Pennsylvania driver's license or valid photo ID, both containing an address that must match the address where the handicapped sign is being requested to be placed.
Applications for renewal shall be submitted to the Borough office yearly following receipt of a notice for renewal letter, within the designated time period set forth in application for renewal.
Applications for renewal shall be submitted on a form as may be established from time to time by Borough Council and reviewed by the Borough office and shall be submitted within the designated time period set forth in the application for renewal letter.
A failure by any applicant to timely renew a permit by the designated time period set forth on the notice of renewal letter shall render the applicant's present handicapped parking space void and the space shall be removed by the Borough. Should an applicant wish to reestablish the handicapped parking space after it has been removed; the applicant shall be required to reapply as if it were an initial application for a handicapped parking space and shall pay the original application fee as established by Borough Council at the time the new application is submitted and processed.
No more than one handicapped parking space shall be issued per household.
Handicapped parking signs may not be placed on any street, or the side of a street, where no parking is authorized.
No handicapped parking space shall be issued for parking on Pittsburgh Street and Colfax Street or any other street as determined by the Springdale Borough Police, in their sole discretion, to create a safety hazard for the granting of same. Any street where handicapped parking is prohibited shall be set forth on the handicapped parking application.
Upon submission and approval of an application for a handicapped parking space, the Borough shall attempt, at its discretion, to position sign placements as close as possible to the place of residence of the applicant as the street design permits..
If the sign is approved for installation, the Borough shall provide the labor and materials to install the sign.
All approved handicapped parking spaces shall be designated by a sign displaying the international symbol for access for persons with disabilities and a sign stating that unauthorized vehicles may be towed at the owner's expense.
If a handicapped parking space is created under this article, that parking space may be used by any person parking a vehicle lawfully bearing registration plates or placards issued to handicapped persons. This article shall not be construed as granting the applicant the exclusive right to park his/her vehicle in the handicapped parking space created hereunder.
In the event that applicant no longer needs to have the handicapped parking space, the applicant shall, within 30 days, notify the Borough office in writing and request that the parking space and signs be removed by the Borough.
The Borough reserves the right to revoke any permit for a handicapped parking space at any time for any reason.
The provisions of this article shall be severable and if any of its provisions or other parts shall be held to be unconstitutional, illegal, unenforceable or otherwise invalid, such shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions and other parts of this article. Borough Council hereby declares its legislative intent to be that this article would have been adopted had such unconstitutional, illegal, unenforceable or otherwise invalid provisions or parts not been included herein.