This Part 2 shall only apply to those areas of the municipality which are located within wellhead protection areas surrounding a protected public water supply well as delineated on an Official Map available for inspection at the municipal office. A map of the wellhead protection areas is included in Appendix A for general reference.[1] This Part 2 shall not apply to any activities of the Borough of Springdale or its agents, servants or employees in performance of their governmental functions.
Editor's Note: Appendix A, Springdale Monitoring Well Location Map, is included as an attachment to this chapter.
This Part 2 regulates the following land uses, physical facilities and activities which have the potential to deplete or contaminate groundwater:
Light industry.
Sewage disposal.
Injection wells.
Storage tanks: underground and aboveground.
Disposal facilities: solid waste, dump sites.
Land developments.
Well drilling.
Should any section or provision of this Part 2 be declared invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of any of the remaining provisions of this Part 2.
Approvals issued pursuant to this Part 2 do not relieve the applicant of the responsibility to secure the required permits or approvals for activities regulated by other applicable code, rule, or ordinance.