[Adopted 11-6-2017 STM by Art. 5]
This bylaw establishes and authorizes revolving funds for use by Town departments, boards, committees, agencies or officers in connection with the operation of programs or activities that generate fees, charges or other receipts to support all or some of the expenses of those programs or activities. These revolving funds are established under and governed by MGL c. 44, § 53E 1/2.
A department or agency head, board, committee or officer may incur liabilities against and spend monies from a revolving fund established and authorized by this bylaw without appropriation subject to the following limitations:
Fringe benefits of full-time employees whose salaries or wages are paid from the fund shall also be paid from the fund (except for those employed as school bus drivers).
No liability shall be incurred in excess of the available balance of the fund.
The total amount spent during a fiscal year shall not exceed the amount authorized by Town Meeting on or before July 1 of that fiscal year, or any increased amount of that authorization that is later approved during that fiscal year by the Select Board and the Finance Committee.
Interest earned on monies credited to a revolving fund established by this bylaw shall be credited to the general fund.
Except as provided in MGL c. 44, § 53E 1/2, and this bylaw, the laws, charter provisions, bylaws/ordinance, rules, regulations, policies or procedures that govern the receipt and custody of Town monies and the expenditure and payment of Town funds shall apply to the use of a revolving fund established and authorized by this bylaw. The Town Accountant shall include a statement on the collections credited to each fund, the encumbrances and expenditures charged to the fund and the balance available for expenditure in the regular report the Town Accountant provides the department, board, committee, agency or officer on appropriations made for its use.
[Amended 5-7-2018 ATM by Art. 13; 10-12-2020 ATM by Art. 14; 5-2-2022 ATM by Art. 6; 11-30-2023 STM by Art. 6; 11-30-2023 STM by Art. 7]
The Table establishes:
Each revolving fund authorized for use by a Town department, board, committee, agency or officer;
The department or agency head, board, committee or officer authorized to spend from each fund;
The fees, charges and other monies charged and received by the department, board, committee, agency or officer in connection with the program or activity for which the fund is established that shall be credited to each fund by the Town Accountant/Finance Director;
The expenses of the program or activity for which each fund may be used;
Any restrictions or conditions on expenditures from each fund;
Any reporting or other requirements that apply to each fund; and
The fiscal years each fund shall operate under this bylaw/ordinance.
Revolving Fund
Department, Board, Committee, Agency or Officer Authorized to Spend from Fund
Fees, Charges or Other Receipts Credited to Fund
Program or Activity Expenses Payable from Fund
Restrictions or Conditions on Expenses Payable from Fund
Other Requirements/ Reports
Fiscal Years
Cable TV Licensing and Relicensing Fund
Select Board
Receipts to be deposited to this fund shall be solely derived from the annual proceeds received by the Town from the cable television licensee under the terms of a renewal license granted by the Select Board.
The purpose of this fund is to prepare for future cable licensing or relicensing, and to defray the costs incurred by the Town in providing public internet access.
Expenditures in the current fiscal year shall not exceed the balance in the fund carried forward from the prior fiscal year plus receipts deposited into the fund during the current fiscal year and in any case shall not exceed $20,000
Any unused balance, subject to subsequent Town Meeting authorization, shall carry forward for the benefit of Sharon cable subscribers to cover any costs incurred at the time of license issuance or renewal.
Fiscal Year 2018 and subsequent years
Library Public-Use Supplies Replacement Fund
Library Director, with the approval of the Library Board of Trustees
Receipts to be deposited in this fund shall be monies collected as a user fee paid by the users of computer printers and/or the recipients of faxes. Such monies represent the replacement cost of the supplies.
The purpose of this fund is to acquire supplies associated with the use of public-use computer printers and faxes such as, but not limited to, paper and ink cartridges.
Expenditures in the current fiscal year shall not exceed the balance in the fund carried forward from the prior fiscal year plus receipts deposited into the fund during the current fiscal year and in any case shall not exceed $7,000.
Fiscal Year 2018 and subsequent years
Library Materials Replacement Fund
Library Director, with the approval of the Library Board of Trustees
Receipts to be deposited in this fund shall be monies paid by the borrowers of the lost materials. Such monies represent the replacement cost of the material.
The purpose of this fund is to acquire equivalent Public Library materials to replace items lost by those who borrow such materials.
Expenditures in the current fiscal year shall not exceed the balance in the fund carried forward from the prior fiscal year plus receipts deposited into the fund during the current fiscal year and in any case shall not exceed $3,500.
Fiscal Year 2018 and subsequent years
Street Opening Fund
Superintendent of Public Works, with the approval of the Select Board
Receipts to be deposited in this fund shall be monies paid by utility companies, contractors and/or the Town Water Division in accordance with the requirements of the Town of Sharon Street Opening Manual.
The purpose of this fund is to defray the cost of making permanent repairs to openings in Town streets by utility companies, contractors, and/or the Town Water Division.
Expenditures in the current fiscal year shall not exceed the balance in the fund carried forward from the prior fiscal year plus receipts deposited into the fund during the current fiscal year and in any case shall not exceed $25,000.
Fiscal Year 2018 and subsequent years
Solid Waste and Recycling Fund
Superintendent of Public Works, with the approval of the Select Board
Receipts to be deposited to this fund shall be receipts related to the Town's solid waste and recycling program.
The purpose of this fund is to support the solid waste and recycling program of the Town of Sharon and to purchase and install shade trees and shrubs to be planted in the public ways of the Town and otherwise as provided for in MGL c. 87, § 7.
Expenditures in the current fiscal year shall not exceed the balance in the fund carried forward from the prior fiscal year plus receipts deposited into the fund during the current fiscal year and in any case shall not exceed $3,000,000.
Fiscal Year 2018 and subsequent years
Community Center Building Maintenance Fund
Superintendent of Public Works, with the approval of the Select Board
Receipts to be deposited into the fund shall be monies collected from users and lessees of the Community Center.
The purpose of this fund is to provide and pay for the maintenance, repair, improvement, monitoring, and operation of the Community Center.
Expenditures in the current fiscal year shall not exceed the balance in the fund carried forward from the prior fiscal year plus receipts deposited into the fund during the current fiscal year and in any case shall not exceed $100,000.
Fiscal Year 2018 and subsequent years
Parking Lot Fund
Superintendent of Public Works, with the approval of the Select Board
Receipts to be deposited to this fund shall be solely derived from the receipt of parking fees and charges.
The purpose of this fund is to provide and pay for the maintenance, repair, improvement, monitoring, and operation, including payment for public liability coverage, for municipal parking lots within the Town that are subject to the control of the Select Board, including, but not limited to, the parking lot located on Pond Street which was accepted at Special Town Meeting on June 21, 1978, by gift of the Sharon Civic Foundation, and/or to purchase or lease additional parking lots, and in general for any traffic control or traffic safety purposes.
Expenditures in the current fiscal year shall not exceed the balance in the fund carried forward from the prior fiscal year plus receipts deposited into the fund during the current fiscal year and in any case shall not exceed $65,000.
Fiscal Year 2018 and subsequent years
Railroad Parking Fund
Superintendent of Public Works, with the approval of the Select Board
Receipts to be deposited to this fund shall be solely derived from the receipt of MBTA parking fees and charges.
The purpose of this fund is to provide and pay for the maintenance, repair, improvement, monitoring, and operation, including payment for public liability coverage, for the MBTA parking lot and in general for any traffic control or traffic safety purposes related thereto.
Expenditures in the current fiscal year shall not exceed the balance in the fund carried forward from the prior fiscal year plus receipts deposited into the fund during the current fiscal year and in any case shall not exceed $500,000.
Fiscal Year 2018 and subsequent years
Recreation Programs Revolving Fund
Recreation Director, with the approval of the Select Board
Receipts to be deposited into this fund shall be monies collected from users of the Recreation Department programs and facilities.
The purpose of this fund is to support the fee-based Recreation Department programs.
Expenditures in the current fiscal year shall not exceed the balance in the fund carried forward from the prior fiscal year plus receipts deposited into the fund during the current fiscal year and in any case shall not exceed $400,000.
Fiscal Year 2018 and subsequent years
Waterfront Recreation Programs Revolving Fund
Recreation Director, with the approval of the Select Board
The purpose of this fund is to utilize all program monies associated with Massapoag Lake to be utilized for expenses incurred related to programs occurring on the lake as well as the beaches.
Expenditures in the current fiscal year shall not exceed the balance in the fund carried forward from the prior fiscal year plus receipts deposited into the fund during the current fiscal year and in any case shall not exceed $200,000.
Fiscal Year 2018 and subsequent years
Conservation Commission Advertising Revolving Fund
Conservation Commission
Receipts to be deposited in this fund shall be monies paid by persons requesting hearings before the Sharon Conservation Commission.
The purpose of this fund shall be to defray the cost of advertising for hearings and meetings before the Sharon Conservation Commission.
Expenditures in the current fiscal year shall not exceed the balance in the fund carried forward from the prior fiscal year plus receipts deposited into the fund during the current fiscal year and in any case shall not exceed $4,000.
Fiscal Year 2018 and subsequent years
Board of Health Fund for Monitoring Compliance with Septic Variance
Board of Health
Receipts to be deposited into this fund shall be monies collected from fees generated from application fees for all new on-site wastewater disposal installations, which require variance from the requirements of Title V or Article 7 and annual fees, assessed to owners of new and existing on-site wastewater disposal installations that require reporting, annual or more frequent pumping, testing, or other actions by the owner, as required by their variance from Title V or Article 7.
The purpose of this fund is to support the Board of Health's efforts to protect public health through the successful management and oversight of all required reporting and testing requirements placed on on-site wastewater disposal installations that have been and will be approved for installation requiring mandated variances.
Expenditures in the current fiscal year shall not exceed the balance in the fund carried forward from the prior fiscal year plus receipts deposited into the fund during the current fiscal year and in any case shall not exceed $20,000.
Fiscal Year 2018 and subsequent years
Health Department Revolving Fund
Board of Health
Receipts to be deposited into this fund shall be monies collected through reimbursements for immunizations.
The purpose of this fund is to support health promotion clinics for Sharon residents, including, but not limited to, influenza and pneumococcal vaccination clinics and to address public health emergency needs and pay for temporary staffing to support Health Department surge capacity; to support disease outreach programs and publications, and infectious disease training and education for Board of Health and staff.
Expenditures in the current fiscal year shall not exceed the balance in the fund carried forward from the prior fiscal year plus receipts deposited into the fund during the current fiscal year and in any case shall not exceed $100,000.
Fiscal Year 2018 and subsequent years
Council on Aging Program Revolving Fund
Council on Aging Director, with the approval of the Select Board
Receipts to be deposited into the fund shall be monies collected from programming at the Council on Aging.
The purpose of this fund is to support fee based Council on Aging programs.
Expenditures in the current fiscal year shall not exceed the balance in the fund carried forward from the prior fiscal year plus receipts deposited into the fund during the current fiscal year and in any case shall not exceed $50,000 (as authorized by Article 13 of the May 2019 Annual Town Meeting).
Fiscal Year 2018 and subsequent years