[Ord. 882, 12/12/1975]
The provisions in the Home Rule Charter relative to the appointment of the Secretary, who shall be directly under the supervision and control of Council, shall govern the appointment of the Secretary. The Secretary shall serve at the pleasure of Council.
[Ord. 882, 12/12/1975]
The functions of the Secretary shall be:
To attend Council meetings and be responsible for the preparation of the minutes of Council.
To do everything pertaining to the recording, filing, publishing and attesting to the municipal ordinances.
To execute all documents required by law to be executed on behalf of the Municipality.
To have custody of the municipal seal and to apply it to all official documents of the Municipality.
To have custody of all official documents of the Municipality and be responsible for their filing, safekeeping and storage.
[Ord. 882, 12/12/1975]
Subject to the approval of Council, the Secretary may designate an Assistant Secretary to act as Secretary in the absence of the Secretary and to perform all duties delegated to him by the Secretary.
[Ord. 841, 2/5/1974, Section 1]
The offices of Secretary and Treasurer may hereafter be held by the same person.