[Adopted 11-13-2017 ATM by Art. 12]
There is hereby established a municipal board to be known as the "Human Rights Commission of the Town of Dedham" (hereinafter referred to as the "Commission").
The establishment of the Commission is intended to affirm that Dedham is a community that has as one of its core values the freedom from bigotry and hatred, discrimination and disrespect. The establishment of the Commission also represents the Town's commitment to uphold and defend the rights of all persons in Dedham to enjoy the free and equal exercise of their rights and privileges as secured by the Constitution and Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and of the United States. The Commission shall strive to ensure that residents of the Town enjoy equal opportunity to participate in and enjoy life in the Town regardless of their race, color, ancestry, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, marital, family or military status, socio-economic status, ex-offender status, and disability. The Commission shall similarly support the human rights codified in the Constitution and laws of the United States and of Massachusetts of other groups and organizations against discrimination in housing, employment, education, public accommodations, Town services, insurance, banking, credit and health care.
The Commission shall consist of 13 members who shall be residents of the Town.
All members shall be appointed by the Board of Selectmen as follows:
Town Government Representatives:
One member recommended by the Chief of Police from the Police Department;
One member recommended by the School Committee from the Dedham Public Schools;
One member recommended by the Council on Aging or its director, and if an employee thereof, with the approval of the Town Manager;
One member recommended by the Commission on Disability;
One member recommended by the Housing Authority or its director; and
One member recommended by the Youth Commission or its director, and if an employee, with the approval of the Town Manager.
Other members:
One member shall be a Dedham resident who is a high school student; and
Six at-large members.
The members who are Town government representatives shall be appointed for terms of two years, and, if an employee of the Town, for such shorter period as they hold their underlying position, and may serve no more than three consecutive terms. The high school member shall be appointed for a term of one year.
The at-large members shall be appointed initially as follows and thereafter for terms of three years: two for a three-year term, two for a two-year term, and two for a one-year term. No at-large member of the Commission may be appointed to serve for more than two consecutive three-year terms, excluding partial terms to fill a vacancy, but may again seek appointment after one year.
Any vacancy that occurs other than by the expiration of a term shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term.
The members of the Commission shall serve without compensation.
So far as practicable, appointments shall be representative of the demographics of the Town, including but not limited to race, color, ancestry, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, religion, marital, family or military status, socioeconomic status, ex-offender status, and disability. Appointment to the Commission, however, is at the Board of Selectmen's sole discretion.
The Commission shall meet each January to organize and select from amongst its members a chair, vice-chair, and clerk and decide on a preliminary calendar of meetings for the year, said calendar to be posted at Town Hall. A majority of members of the Commission shall constitute a quorum, and a majority of those present and voting shall be sufficient for any action taken by the Commission, unless otherwise required by law. The Commission's meetings shall be governed by the requirements of the Open Meeting Law.
The Commission shall have the following charge:
Develop community awareness and education of human rights.
Promote understanding of the diverse cultures within our Town and surroundings through education, organization of community events, summits, educational panels and celebrations and other community action including maintaining a good working relationship with Town media sources.
Serve as a resource with respect to issues that challenge any individual or group's enjoyment of their basic human rights in our community.
Promote cooperation of racial, religious, ethnic, civic, fraternal, benevolent and private and public organizations and agencies to cultivate and encourage an atmosphere of mutual understanding and harmonious intergroup relationships.
Annually, and more often as may be requested, provide written or verbal reports to the Board of Selectmen on Commission activities.
The Commission shall not adjudicate or facilitate resolution of disputes between individuals.