[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of Upper Merion Township 2-22-1988 by Ord. No. 88-530; amended in its entirety 12-9-2004 by Res. No. 2004-38. Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
The following schedule of fees[1] is hereby established with respect to licenses, permits and activities required or regulated under the provisions of various chapters of the Code of Upper Merion Township. Applications for and the issuance of such licenses and permits shall be subject to the provisions of the specific chapter of the Code which is indicated for each type of license or permit. The business, activity or operation for which the license or permit is required shall be subject to all regulations set forth in the chapter to which reference is made.
Editor's Note: The Schedule of Fees is included as an attachment to this chapter.
[Amended 2-9-2005 by Res. No. 2005-1; 9-21-2006 by Res. No. 2006-37; 12-10-2009 by Res. No. 2009-41; 9-23-2010 by Res. No. 2010-20; 12-8-2011 by Res. No. 2011-33; 12-6-2012 by Res. No. 2012-38; 12-4-2014 by Ord. No. 2014-835; 12-4-2014 by Res. No. 2014-60; 12-3-2015 by Res. No. 2015-56; 12-1-2016 by Res. No. 2016-49; 12-7-2017 by Res. No. 2017-50; 12-6-2018 by Res. No. 2018-60; 5-23-2019 by Ord. No. 2019-861; 1-11-2024 by Res. No. 2024-2]
Fees established other than pursuant to various chapters of the Code shall be as follows:
Sale of Code Books: $75.
Audio/video/DVD copies. All copies must be paid for in full in advance.
DVD or Blu-ray copies: $25 per disc.
Audio copies on CD: $25 per disc.
Video production equipment usage.
The use of Upper Merion Township's television and video equipment and staff is restricted to events of nonprofit/noncommercial organizations and civic associations only subject to the following conditions:
All equipment is supplied ONLY WITH UMGA-TV operator(s). All equipment and operators must be prescheduled and "as available."
All rentals must be approved by the Township Manager and/or the Board of Supervisors.
The Government Access Channel is operated in accordance with the Board of Supervisors. Priority is given to government productions.
Rates for the use of Township television equipment will be as follows:
Setup and breakdown, per event: $50.
Staffing cost per hour (portal to portal): $50 per staff member.
Returned check fee: $35.
Use of Township facilities.
Room Name
Per-Use Fee
Per-Use Fee (1.5x)
(Outside Township-Based)
Freedom Hall
Henderson Room
Valley Forge Room
Atrium and Administration Conference Room
Lower Level Lobby
Per-use Fee is based on a minimum of four hours.
Category A: Township-based/nonprofit.
Homeowners' associations = one use free.
Category B: Township-based/nonprofit.
First use: no fee.
Additional uses: pay the fee as calculated for room assigned.
Category C: Outside Township-based/nonprofit: pay fee as listed above.
No use of Township facilities on Saturday and/or Sunday.
Twenty-four-hour-notice cancellation fee: $25.
No-notice cancellation fee: full fee for room assigned.
Homeowners' associations:
One use per year: free.
Additional uses: pay fee for room assigned.
Governmental agencies/charitable organizations.
Township is a member; agency/organization provides services to residents; provides training to Township employees: no fee.
Township-sponsored programs/registration fee paid. The fee is calculated based on the number of uses for a particular program. Fee will then be included in the activity/registration fee being charged for the program.
Parks and recreation.
Softball/baseball/soccer fields:
1 game (2 hours)
Season (1 game/week, 10 weeks)
Season (2 games/week, 10 weeks)
Lights (all fields)
$25 per hour
$25 per hour
Pavilion/picnic park rental (based on 3 hours):
0-50 People
Over 50 People
Per Hour over 3
Security deposit. All uses require a security deposit of $200. The security deposit will be refunded if:
No excessive litter/trash/food left behind.
No damage to structures, facilities, etc.
Observance of all park ordinances (rules posted at all parks).
Tennis and basketball courts (based on two hours):
Resident: $25.
Nonresidents/businesses: $50.
Community Center Rental.
Gymnasium, small court
Gymnasium, large court
Multipurpose court
Volleyball court
Conference room
Full classroom
Half classroom
Large group exercise room
Cooking studio
Art room
Music room #1 (no piano)
Music room #2 (with Piano)
Pool rental.
Camp groups, per camper
Groups maximum 50 people, three hours, 12:00 noon to 3:00 p.m. or 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Lane Rental, one lane per hour
Lane Rental, 2 lanes per hour
Lane Rental, 3 lanes per hour
Lane Rental, 4 lanes per hour
Lane Rental, full pool per hour
After Hours, maximum 50 people
Refund/credit policy. If an activity is cancelled, a full refund will be issued. If you withdraw from an activity, choice of full credit or refund less $10 handling fee. All refunds and credits will be prorated using weekly or per-class rate. All refunds will be issued within 30 to 60 days. Credits can be applied towards future park and recreation activities.
Nonresidents. If a program is $50 or less, there is an additional $10 charge on the fee; if the program is $50 or more, the additional charge will be $15.
Upper Merion Township Library:
Lost Library cards.
Adult: $3.
Children: $1.
Late charges.
Books/audio materials/magazine/paperbacks.
Adult: $0.15 per day.
Children: $0.05 per day.
Toys: $0.05 per day.
Maximum Charge: $6 per item or $15 group maximum.
Magazines/periodicals: $2 per item or $15 group maximum.
Special Collections.
DVDs: $2 per day (maximum $10 per item) or $15 group maximum.
Museum passes and Wi-Fi hotspots: $5 per day (maximum $85 per item).
Processing fee: $4 per lost/damaged/paid for item.
Temporary resident fee: $25 for three-month card ($20 refunded at end of period after all materials are returned).
Non-resident fee: $65 per year.
Printer/copier fees.
8.5 by 11 inches:
Black and white: $0.15.
Color: $0.25.
8.5 by 14 inches:
Black and white: $0.30.
Color: $0.50.
Test proctoring fee: $10 per test.
Notary: $5 donation per document.
Passport processing: $35 execution fee and application fee based on U.S. State Department fee table.
Upper Merion Farmers Market. The market fee includes one parking space for a vehicle and display space totaling no greater than the width of two or three parking spaces, dependent upon your choice. Full and partial season vendor fees must be paid in full within a check; split/deposit is no longer permitted. Please make checks payable to Upper Merion Township.
Full Season Vendor (28 weeks)
2 Parking Spaces
3 Parking Spaces
Paid before May 1, 2019, no electric
Paid before May 1, 2019, with electric
Paid after May 1, 2019, no electric
Paid after May 1, 2019, with electric
Partial Season Vendor (14 weeks)
2 Parking Spaces
3 Parking Spaces
Paid before May 1, 2019, no electric
Paid before May 1, 2019, with electric
Paid after May 1, 2019, no electric
Paid after May 1, 2019, with electric
Weekly Vendor (invoiced on Fridays)
2 Parking Spaces
3 Parking Spaces
No electric
With electric
Weekly vendors must supply a calendar of dates that they will attend for approval by the UMFM manager and possibly the UMFM Advisory Board. Weekly fees will be collected via an emailed invoice; invoices will be sent out the day before (Friday) the Saturday you are participating in the market. You may use cash, credit/debit card, or check to pay your invoice.
Upper Merion Township Public Safety Department.
Disposition letter/good conduct letter: $30.
Statistical Reports: $30 per hour.
Copies of police reports (no photographs):
State accident report: $15.
All other reports: $15.
Audio recordings: $300.
Video recordings: $300.
Digital photos on disk: $10 per photo; $200 maximum.
Township residents, first card: $15.
Nonresident first card: $30.
Corporation/business (Township), first card: $15.
Each additional card: $5.
Alarm permits (burglar, holdup, fire, etc.):
Residential: $50.
Business: $100.
Trucks Weighed: $25.
Vendor license (includes I.D. card with photo): $100 quarterly.
Vendor permit (replacement I.D. card): $15.
Administrative towing fee: to be paid by the contractor to the Township for each vehicle towed as a result of a police incident report. The contractor shall collect said fee from the vehicle owner or representative of vehicle owner: $25.
Residential Rambler.
One ride: $2; or ten-strip ticket: $10. Tickets can be purchased on the bus.
Senior Citizens with a SEPTA Pass: free.
Students seven to 17 years of age: $0.50.
Children under the age of seven when accompanied by an adult: free.
Witness fee for subpoenaed Township representative.
One day of testimony compensated at $100 per day.
An Upper Merion Township representative who is otherwise compensated from a different source shall not be entitled to a witness fee from Upper Merion Township.
Fire and EMS Department.
Fire prevention inspection and permit fees.
Residential rental housing registration and inspection program fees.
Regulated rental unit application fee: $85 per unit. (Fees shall include the initial inspection and one reinspection.)
Second reinspection and all additional inspections: $100 per unit.
Application to the Board of Appeals in association with the Residential Rental Housing Registration and Inspection Program: $500.
Apartment, Hotel and Motel Building Annual Inspection Program fees.
Annual inspection is based on the square footage of inspected building.
Square Feet
Fire Prevention Fee
1 to 3,500
3,501 to 12,000
12,001 to 36,000
36,001 to 50,000
50,001 to 100,000
100,001 or more
Fees for follow-up inspection service fees for violations for violations that are not made in the required time frames:[1]
First follow-up inspection: no cost.
Second and all other follow-up inspections: $100.
Editor's Note: So in original.
Application to the Board of Appeals in association with the Apartment, Hotel and Motel Annual Inspection Program: $500.
Commercial Building Annual Inspection Program fees.
Initial license and filing (flat across the board at the time the business opens, after U&O is issued and before the first fire prevention inspection: $25.
Annual inspections based on the square footage of inspected building:
Square Feet
Fire Prevention Fee
1 to 500
501 to 1,200
1,201 to 3,000
3,001 to 5,000
5,001 to 12,000
12,001 to 24,000
24,001 to 48,000
48,001 to 60,000
60,001 to 75,000
75,001 to 100,000
100,001 or more
Fees for follow-up inspection service fees that are not made in the required time frames:[2]
First follow-up inspection: no cost.
Second follow-up inspection: $500.
Third follow-up inspection: $1,000.
Fourth follow-up inspection: notice of violation - legal process.
Editor's Note: So in original.
Application to the Board of Appeals in association with the Commercial Annual Inspection Program: $500.
Fire prevention permit fees.
All general fire prevention activity permits, such as blasting, except quarrying with state permit, etc.: $40.
Firework display events: $40.
Each gasoline fuel pump or similar apparatus: $21.
Each storage tank with capacity over 125 gallons for the purpose of storing volatile, corrosive, toxic, or other dangerous substances: $40 minimum or 3% of estimated install cost.
Each pressurized storage tank with capacity over 125 gallons: $40 minimum or 3% of estimated install cost.
All other storage tanks with capacity over 125 gallons: $40 minimum or 3% of estimated install cost.
Fire suppression and fire detection system installation.
Estimated cost of installation not exceeding $1,000: $40.
Each additional $1,000 cost or fraction thereof: $30.
Fire investigation report fee: $40.
Township ambulance emergency medical services:
Basic life support treatment only: $150.
Basic life support nonemergency transport: $1,375.
Basic life support emergency transport: $1,375.
Advanced life support treatment only: $300.
Advanced life support nonemergency transport: $1,575.
Advanced life support emergency Level I transport: $1,575.
Advanced life support emergency Level II transport: $1,675.
Mileage from the patient's location to the hospital: $13 per mile.
Annual subscription user fee — Businesses with one to 25 employees: $200.
Annual subscription user fee — Businesses with 26 to 50 employees: $300.
Annual subscription user fee — Businesses with 51 to 100 employees: $400.
Annual subscription user fee — Businesses with 101 or more employees: $500.
Annual subscription user fee — Family plan: $125.
Annual subscription user fee — Individual plan: $75.
Annual subscription user fee — Senior family plan (60+): $75.
Annual subscription user fee — Senior individual plan (60+): $50.
Township Fire Department fees.
Accounts receivable, Township personnel and equipment.
Supervision fee: $100 per hour.
Labor: includes administrative costs, payroll, taxes, and hospitalization: $75 per hour.
Type of Equipment
(per hour)
Street sweeper
Case loader
Case crawler
Roadside maintainer
Pickup truck
Small truck (2 1/2 ton dump)
6-wheel dump truck, 8 tons
10-wheel dump truck, 16 tons
Bucket truck
Air compressor
Sewer jet
Sewer jet/vac
TV truck
Tractor and mower
Brush saw
Weed wacker
Signs: All signs and poles are charged at market value based on current pricing from vendors of UMT plus an additional 10% administrative fee.
Accounts receivable, delinquent account charges.
Late charges: 2% per month on balance.
Collection fees: Solicitor fees, filing fees and court costs charged to all delinquent accounts based on current attorney rates.
Accounts receivable, medical health insurance coverage.
Late fee: $30 after 10 days.
Interest charges: 1% per month after 30 days.
Right-to-know - release of documents/materials.
Copies of media - video on DVD or audio on CD
$2 per disc
Copies of documents/materials (black and white)
$0.25 for per page of copy*
11 inch by 17 inch copies
$0.75 for per page of copy*
$1 per fax*
Write to CD (pdf)
$0.20 per page, plus CD cost
24 inches by 36 inches
$6 per sheet
Larger than 24 inches by 36 inches
$6 per sheet, plus $0.50 per additional SF
Scan to e-mail, any size
$4 per sheet
Scan to CD, any size
$4 per sheet, plus CD cost
Costs for plans
Normal charges of Township vendor
$5 per document
Actual cost
This rate will be adjusted, as necessary, to reflect the increase in copier operating costs to produce a page of copy.
Fees as per State Law 53, Subsection 4471, Chapter 19, Article III, Closing-out, Damaged Goods, and Defunct Business Sales.
First Application:
License fee (30 days): $50.
Renewal license fee (30 days maximum): $100.
Administration fee: $100.
Subsequent applications: Pay fees as stated above.
Composting site.
Contractor fee.
Registration: $30.
Sticker: $20.
Dumping fee: $0.03 per pound for leaves and yard waste (contractor will be invoiced by Township). Fee is for leaves and yard waste delivered to the site by nonresidents.
Nor-View Farms fees.
5 gallons of water
Bales of straw
$6 each
One gallon containers
$0.75 each
5 gallon jugs
$9 each
Caps for 5-gallon jugs
$0.50 each
Transportation impact fee.
Title. This subsection shall be known as the "Upper Merion Township Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance."
Purpose. The purpose of this subsection is to establish a transportation impact fee to insure that the cost of needed capital improvements be applied to new developments in a manner that will allocate equitably the cost of those improvements among property owners such that the transportation system of the Township is available and adequate to support new growth and development. To advance this objective, there is hereby created a transportation impact fee payable to the Upper Merion Township Transportation Authority (the "Authority") at the time of building permit(s) issuance.
Findings and conclusions. The Board, pursuant to Act 209, hereby finds and declares:
The conditions and standards for the determination and imposition of a transportation impact fee set forth herein are those set forth in Act 209 and consist of:
The recitals set forth above;[3]
Editor's Note: A copy of the complete ordinance is on file in the Township offices.
The analysis, advice and recommendations of the Committee;
The Land Use Assumptions Report as prepared by the Committee and adopted by the Board;
The Roadway Sufficiency Analysis as prepared by the Committee and adopted by the Board;
The transportation capital improvements Plan as prepared by the Committee and adopted by the Board;
Such other conditions and standards as the Board may by resolution from time to time identify as being relevant, material and necessary to the imposition of a transportation impact fee and consistent with the provisions of Act 209 and any amendments thereto.
Pursuant to the authority established by Upper Merion Township Ordinance No. 84-470, the collection, disbursement and accounting of transportation impact fees shall be administered by the Upper Merion Township Transportation Authority, subject to the review and oversight of the Board.
The amount of the per-peak-hour-trip transportation impact fees shall be set forth in Subsection O(13), Calculation of per-peak-hour-trip fee for the transportation service area, of this section.
The time, method and procedure for payment of transportation impact fees shall be as set forth in Subsection O(15), Administration of transportation impact fees, of this section.
The procedure for credits against transportation impact fees shall be as set forth in Subsection O(17), Credit, of this section.
The procedure for refunds of transportation impact fees shall be set forth in Subsection O(18), Refunds, of this section.
Definitions. The terms and definitions as set forth in 53 P.S. § 10502-A, Definitions, of Act 209 are hereby adopted, referenced and incorporated as if more fully set forth herein.
Enactment and imposition of transportation impact fees. There is hereby enacted a transportation impact fee to be imposed upon new subdivision and new development, as defined in the Act, for the purpose of funding off-site public transportation improvements as authorized by Act 209 and as described in the Roadway Sufficiency Analysis adopted by the Board and the Capital Improvements Plan adopted by the Board. The transportation impact fees shall apply to all new subdivisions or land developments within each of the transportation service areas as hereinafter defined and identified (the "transportation service area") and shall be due and payable to the Authority at the time of issuance of a building permit(s), such payment being a condition precedent to the issuance and validity of such building permit(s).
Uses. Transportation impact fees collected pursuant to this chapter may be expended for those costs incurred for improvements identified in the analysis and plan which are attributable to new subdivision or land development, including the acquisition of land and rights-of-way, engineering, legal and planning costs and all other costs which are directly related to road improvements within the transportation service area, including debt service, and further including such proportionate amount of the preparation of the Land Use Assumptions, Roadway Sufficiency Analysis and Capital Improvements Plan as is permitted pursuant to Act 209.
Incorporation and adoption of supporting documentation. The following documents, adopted by the Board, are hereby incorporated by reference in full in the subsection, as if attached hereto:
The Land Use Assumptions Report as adopted by Resolution No. 2014-57.
The Roadway Sufficiency Analysis as adopted by Resolution No. 2014-59.
The transportation capital improvements Plan as adopted by Resolution No. 2014-58.
Transportation service areas Map as prepared by Pennoni, attached as Appendix A to the transportation capital improvements Plan, and incorporated by reference in full herein, as if attached hereto.
Special transportation studies.
Where intended to assist in the determination of the appropriate amount of the transportation impact fee, the Township may require an applicant to prepare a special transportation study (the "special transportation studies") to determine the traffic generation and circulation patterns in new nonresidential land developments or subdivisions; provided however, that no studies may be required when the proposed development will not require a deviation from the land use assumptions resulting in increased density, intensity or trip generation. The special transportation study shall be prepared by a qualified traffic or transportation engineer in accord with generally accepted transportation planning and engineering standards and shall be submitted prior to the imposition of a transportation impact fee and shall be considered in determination of same. The applicant shall be responsible for all costs associated with the special transportation studies.
Where a new nonresidential development is proposed which deviates from the land use assumptions resulting in increased density, intensity or trip generation, the developer shall be required to prepare a special transportation study in order to assist the Township in determining traffic generation or circulation and to serve as the basis for the determination of the amount of the transportation impact fee for such development or subdivision. Such transportation studies shall conform with the requirements of the Township's Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.[4] Any such studies shall be submitted prior to the imposition of the impact fee and shall be considered in the determination of the fee.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 145, Subdivision of Land.
Uniform applicability of transportation impact fees. This chapter shall be uniformly applicable to all subdivision and land developments that occur within the transportation service area.
Imposition and payment of transportation impact fee as condition to issuance of building permit. No building permit shall be issued for a subdivision or land development within a transportation service area, until such time as the applicant thereof has paid to the Authority the transportation impact fee imposed by and calculated pursuant to this chapter.
Method of calculation of transportation impact fees.
The transportation impact fee shall be based upon the total costs of road improvements or portions thereof included in the analysis and plan within a given transportation service area that are attributable to and necessitated by new subdivision and/or land development within the transportation service areas as calculated in accordance with the Act and herewith, divided by the number of anticipated peak-hour trips generated by all new subdivision and/or land development consistent with 1) the land use assumptions, as adopted, and 2) calculated in accordance with the Trip Generation Manual published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, 9th or subsequent editions, as amended, which is hereby adopted by the Township, to equal the per-trip cost for transportation improvements within the transportation service areas.
The transportation impact fee for a specific new subdivision or land development within the transportation service area for road improvements shall be determined as of the date of preliminary subdivision or land development approval by multiplying the per-trip cost established for the transportation service area by the estimated number of peak-hour trips to be generated by the new subdivision or land development using the Trip Generation Manual published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, 9th or subsequent editions, as amended.
If the subdivision or land development contains a mix of uses, the applicant must separately calculate the transportation impact fee due for each type of use.
The Board may authorize or require the preparation of a special transportation study in order to determine the traffic generation or circulation for a new nonresidential development to assist in the determination of the amount of the transportation fee for such subdivision or land development.
Establishment of transportation service areas.
Transportation service areas are established as shown on the map, entitled "transportation service area," as included in the analysis and plan and as further attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated fully herein by reference.[5]
Editor's Note: Said Exhibit A is on file in the Township offices.
Additional transportation service areas may be designated by the Board from time to time consistent with the procedures set forth herein and in Act 209 and when designated in consideration of the following additional factors:
The Township Comprehensive Plan;
Any standards for adequate public facilities incorporated in the Capital Improvements Program;
The projected build-out and timing of development areas; and
Such other factors as the Board may deem relevant.
Transportation impact fees collected from development and subdivision in each transportation service area shall be used exclusively to fund transportation improvements projects scheduled for that transportation service area.
Calculation of per-peak-hour-trip fee for the transportation service area. The amount of the per-peak-hour-trip fee for the transportation service area shall be $3,623.38, unless revised or amended in accordance with the provisions hereof and the Act, calculated in accordance with the Act as follows:
Total costs of road improvements in transportation service area included in the adopted analysis and plan attributable to and necessitated by new development and subdivision within the transportation service area, including 50% of the estimated costs of improvements to highways, roads and streets qualifying as a state highway or portion of the rural highway system as provided under the State Highway Law.
Total costs attributable to transportation service area.
Nonbinding transportation impact fee estimates. Prior to making an application for a building permit, an applicant may request a nonbinding impact fee estimate from the Township. Unless the applicant specifies a lesser use or development, any such estimate shall be based upon the maximum development potential of the site pursuant to existing zoning regulations.
Administration of transportation impact fees.
Collection. Transportation impact fees due pursuant to this chapter shall be collected by the Authority in the manner or manners prescribed herein prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Establishment of fund. Upon the receipt of any transportation impact fees, the Authority shall be responsible for the separate and proper accounting of such fees. All such fees shall be deposited into interest-bearing accounts in a bank authorized to receive deposits of the Authority's funds. Interest earned by each account shall be credited to that account and shall be used solely for the purposes specified for funds of such account.
Except as otherwise provided for herein, funds collected in one transportation service area must be accounted for and expended for transportation capital improvements identified by the analysis and plan within the same transportation service area.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter and in compliance with Act 209, the Township may expend transportation impact fees paid by an applicant for projects not contained in the analysis and plan or may provide credit against transportation impact fees for the value of any construction not contained in the analysis and plan, which are performed at the applicant's expense, if all of the following criteria are met:
The applicant has provided written consent to use its collected transportation impact fees or the provision of such credit against its transportation impact fees for specific, alternative transportation projects which are not included in the analysis and plan;
The alternative transportation projects, whether highway or multimodal, have as their purpose the reduction of traffic congestion or the removal of vehicle trips from the roadway network; and
The Township amends its analysis and plan to provide replacement of the collected transportation impact fees transferred to alternative transportation projects from sources other than impact fees or developer contributions within three years of completion of the alternative projects to which the transferred transportation impact fees were applied or for which credit was provided.
Establishment and maintenance of accounts. The Authority shall establish appropriate trust fund accounts and shall maintain records whereby transportation impact fees collected can be segregated for each transportation service area.
Maintenance of records. The Authority or the Township Finance Director shall be responsible for the separate and proper accounting of any transportation impact fees received pursuant to this chapter. The Authority or Finance Director shall maintain and keep adequate financial records for each account which shall show the source and disbursement of all revenues, which shall account for all monies received, and which shall ensure the disbursement of funds from each account shall be used solely and exclusively for the provision of projects specified in the analysis and plan for the particular transportation service areas.
Time, method and procedure for payment. The transportation impact fee for a specific subdivision or land development shall be paid prior to the issuance of the building permit for the development. The transportation impact fee shall be paid to the Authority in cash, bank cashier's check, certified check or electronic fund transfer approved by the Authority and shall be administered by the Authority in accordance with the provisions of Subsection O(15) hereof.
Credit. Any applicant who shall perform off-site improvements, at its own expense and with the consent and agreement of the Board, shall be eligible for a credit from a transportation impact fee otherwise due in the amount for the actual cost of such off-site improvements as approved by the Township Engineer. Such credit shall not exceed the amount of the transportation impact fee that would have been charged if a credit was not due. The Board, at its sole discretion, may direct the Authority to provide the applicant:
A credit against the transportation impact fee otherwise due in the amount of the fair market value of any land dedicated by the applicant to the Township for future right-of-way, realignment or widening of any existing roadways. The fair market value of the land dedicated by the applicant shall be determined as of the date of the submission of the subdivision or land development application to the Township.
A credit against the transportation impact fee otherwise due for the value of construction of road improvements contained in the analysis and plan which are performed at the applicant's expense. The amount of such credit for any transportation capital improvement constructed shall be the amount allocated in the analysis and plan, including contingency factors, for such work.
Any applicant who shall perform, at his own expense, and with the consent and agreement of the Board, off-site improvements, as herein defined, shall be eligible for a credit from the transportation impact fee otherwise due in the amount of the actual cost of such off-site improvements as approved by the Township Engineer, only if all of the following criteria are met:
The applicant shall enter into an agreement (the "Improvement Agreement") with the Township prior to the issuance of a building permit. The Improvement Agreement shall establish the estimated cost of the off-site improvements, the schedule for initiation and completion of the off-site improvements, a requirement that the off-site improvements be completed to Township and Pennsylvania Department of Transportation standards and design criteria and other such terms and conditions as deemed necessary by the Board;
The Township shall review the Improvement Agreement, verify costs and time schedules, determine if the improvement is contained in the analysis and plan, and determine the amount of the applicable credit for such improvement to be applied against the otherwise-due transportation impact fee; and
The applicant shall be required to supply financial security sufficient, in the judgment of the Township, to cover the cost of any such improvement installed by the applicant for which the credit is sought.
In no instance shall any credit authorized by the Board pursuant to this Subsection O(17), Credit, exceed the amount of the transportation impact fee actually due.
Refunds. Transportation impact fees collected pursuant to this chapter shall be refunded, together with earned accrued interest thereon from the date of payment, to the payor of the impact fees under any of the following circumstances:
In the event the Township terminates or completes the analysis and plan for a transportation service area and there remains at the time of termination or completion undispersed funds in the account(s) established for that purpose, the respective payors shall be entitled to a share of the fund balance in the same portion as the payor's transportation impact fee payment plus interest earned bears to the total transportation impact fees collected plus interest. Any allocations of a refund shall be determined by generally accepted accounting practices. The Township shall provide written notice by certified mail to those persons who previously paid the transportation impact fees which remain undispersed. Such notice shall advise of that person's proportionate share of the fund balance that is available for refund to such person. Such notice shall be provided to the last-known address provided by the payor of the transportation impact fee to the Township. In the event any of the funds remain unclaimed following one year after notice, the Authority shall be authorized to transfer any funds remaining to any other fund in the Township without further obligation to refund such funds. It shall be the responsibility of the payor to provide the Township at all times with a current address for such notice.
In the event the Township fails to commence construction of any transportation service area road improvements (the "transportation capital improvement") within three years of the scheduled construction date set forth in the analysis and plan, any person who paid any transportation impact fees pursuant to that analysis and plan shall, upon written request to the Township, receive a refund of that portion of the transportation impact fee attributable to the contribution for the uncommenced transportation capital improvement, plus interest accumulated thereon from the date of payment. However, no refund shall be payable or paid with respect to any project actually commenced prior to the receipt of such refund request, and the failure of a payor to make such written request prior to the commencement of such project shall be deemed a waiver of any right to such refund.
In the event that, upon completion of any road improvements project, the actual expenditures for the project is less than 95% of the costs budgeted for such project, the Township shall refund the pro rata difference between the budgeted costs and the actual expenditures, including interest accumulated thereon from the date of payment, to the person(s) who paid the transportation impact fees for such improvements.
If the new subdivision or land development for which the transportation impact fees were paid is not commenced prior to the expiration of the building permits issued for the project within the time limits established by the applicable building codes within the Township, the transportation impact fees paid with accumulated interest shall be refunded to the payor. Further, if the building permit as issued for the project is altered and the alteration results in a decrease in the amount of the transportation impact fee due in accordance with the calculations set forth under Subsection O(11), Method of calculation of transportation impact fees, the difference between such amount and the amount actually paid shall be refunded. The payor, at its option, may roll over the transportation impact fees attributable to an expired building permit to cover fees incurred by a new permit.
Additional and supplemental requirement. The transportation impact fee is additional and supplemental to, and not in substitution of, any other requirements by the Township on the subdivision or development of land or the issuance of building permits. Nothing herein contained shall be deemed to alter or affect the Township's existing ordinances and regulations regarding on-site improvements. In no event shall a property owner be obligated to pay for transportation capital improvements in an amount in excess of the amount calculated pursuant to this chapter; provided, however, that a property owner may be required to pay, pursuant to Township ordinances, regulations or policies, for other public facilities in addition to the transportation impact fee as provided herein.
Retroactive application. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, transportation impact fees may be imposed on those projects involving subdivisions, land developments or planned residential developments for which an application has been filed on or after the first publication of notice of the Township's intent to adopt this chapter; provided, however, that such retroactivity does not exceed 18 months after the adoption of the resolution that created the Committee in connection herewith.
Highway occupancy permits. Permits required for construction in Township and state road rights-of-way as per fee schedule, in accordance with Act No. 23 approved March 1, 1974 P.L. 88.[6] Second Class Townships shall access permit fees for utility facilities, driveways, sewer, curb cuts, storm sewer, etc., as per PennDOT Fee Schedule.
Editor's Note: See now 53 P.S. § 67322.
General permit fees.
Permit issuance fees.
Issuance fees are used to defray costs incurred by the Department in reviewing and processing the application and plan, including the preliminary review of the site location identified in the application and issuing and processing the permit.
Application fee, no expiration (Application Fee is in addition to any inspection fees listed below): $50.
Inspection fees.
Type of Application, License or Permit
Minimum use
Low volume
Medium volume
High volume
Other (curb, bank removal, sidewalk and curb)
Supplement fee
Emergency permit card (each card)
Underground facilities (for example, pipelines, buried cable with pedestals, conduit, manholes, headwall, inlet and grate). This fee is calculated on the total of each 100-foot increment.
Type of Application, License or Permit
Opening in pavement
Opening in shoulder
Opening outside pavement and shoulder
Surface openings less than 36 square feet (service connections performed independently of underground facility installation pipeline repairs).
Type of Application, License or Permit
Opening in pavement
Opening in shoulder
Opening outside pavement/shoulder
NOTE: If opening occupies two or more areas simultaneously, charge higher fee.
Aboveground facilities (poles, guys and/or anchors installed independently).
Type of Application, License or Permit
Up to 10 physically connected facilities
Additional connected facilities (each)
Seismograph, vibroseis method
First mile
Each additional mile or fraction thereof
Nonemergency test holes in pavement or shoulder
Exemptions. Permit issuance fees and general permit inspection fees are not payable by any of the following:
The commonwealth.
Political subdivisions of the commonwealth.
Governmental authorities organized under the laws of this commonwealth.
The federal government.
Utility facility owners for:
Installation or maintenance of highway lighting at the request of the Department or political subdivisions.
Replacement or renewal of facilities prior to a Department maintenance project after notice.
The removal of poles and attached appurtenances.
Facilities moved at request of Department.
Reconstructing or maintaining facilities in private status.
Discounts. Permit fee discounts are available for the following:
New buildings or additions that are ENERGY STAR® or LEED certified shall be eligible for a 10% discount on construction permit fees.
Additional inspection fees. Additional application fees; additional inspection fees; charge calculation; invoices.
Political subdivisions and governmental authorities are not exempt when placing a facility longitudinally within more than 100 total feet of pavement. In that case, the application and inspection fees for pavement openings will be charged under Subsection Q(1)(c)[5][a], [b] and [d].
The Township will estimate additional amount of salary, overhead, and expenses and prepare a reimbursement agreement for execution by applicant. Review of application will commence upon the effective date of agreement.
If the Township determines that the permitted work is of sufficient magnitude or importance to warrant assignment of one or more persons to inspect the permitted work on a more than spot basis, the permit will so indicate and the permittee shall be charged for additional salary, overhead and expenses incurred by the Township for inspection.
The Township will refund the general permit inspection fees on unused permits. In order to be eligible to receive such a refund, the permittee shall deliver the request with the permittee's copy of the permit to the issuing district's permit office on or before the original permit's expiration date.
A refund-processing fee of $10 will be deducted from the general permit inspection fees.
The permit issuance fee is not refundable on unused permits.
The applicant shall pay for notary and recording costs if it is determined by the Township that the permit shall be recorded in the county office of the Recorder of Deeds.
Application for liquor license transfer hearing: $1,500.
[Adopted 1-4-2010; TA 1-13-2010; MUA 1-19-2010; amended by 2011-2012 fee arrangements]
Below are the fees for consultants and other professionals engaged by the Township which are appointed at the respective reorganization meetings in January. Such fees are effective for the year 2010.
Solicitor for Upper Merion Transportation Authority:
Attorneys: $135 per hour, for the actual time expended in six-minute increments. Only direct costs incurred to third parties will be billed as add-ons to the hourly rate. All other internal costs (e.g., copying and postage) will be absorbed by the firm.
Paralegals: No charge.
Secretarial: No charge.
No charge for usual postage or photocopying.
All costs associated with overnight delivery services, certified mail and unusual or significant copying expenses shall be billed at the cost to the firm.
All advertising or other out-of-pocket expenses shall be billed at the cost to the firm.
Minimum charge for phone call, facsimile, letter, whether placed or received, or any other attorney function shall be charged at the rate of 0.2 hour.
Consulting engineer for Upper Merion Municipal Utility Authority:
Professional hourly rates.
Principals and consultants: $119 per hour.
Project managers: $100 per hour.
Project engineers: $94 per hour.
Assistant project engineers: $83 per hour.
Senior construction observer: $74 per hour.
Engineers and inspectors: $69 per hour.
Construction observer: $66 per hour.
Draftspersons, senior technician: $58 per hour.
Administrative assistants: $49 per hour.
Word processors, technicians: $46 per hour.
Assistants, junior technicians: $38 per hour.
Professional rates are charged on actual hours worked and are based on a maximum eight-hour day and forty-hour, five-day week. Hours worked beyond those indicated are subject to overtime rates, where appropriate. Travel time will be considered as time associated with the project.
Direct charges.
Charges associated with travel, subsistence, long distance telephone calls, computer time, printing and other out-of-pocket costs shall be paid for by the client at actual cost.
All subcontractors, equipment rentals, laboratory services and supplies purchased for the project shall be invoiced at cost plus a 5% handling charge.
Vehicles. Company automobiles will be charged at then-current federal rates and trucks will be charged at $0.65 cents per mile.
Payment. Invoices will normally be issued monthly with, payment due within 30 days of receipt or within 21 days after the next regularly scheduled meeting date. Past due invoices are subject to 1% per month interest charges.
Consulting engineer for Upper Merion Transportation Authority.
Hours are billed for each category of employee for each hour worked on the project assignment at the following rates:
Principal: $125.
Project manager/transportation specialist: $118.
Civil engineer/designer: $89.50.
Engineering technician: $74.
Reimbursement for all direct nonsalary expenses and support firm expenses are at actual net cost.
Solicitor for Upper Merion Municipal Utility Authority:
Fees: $160 per hour.
Township Solicitor.
Attorneys: $130 per hour.
Paralegals: no charge.
Secretarial: no charge, covered under retainer.
Monthly retainer: $4,000, includes:
Attendance at regular and special Board of Supervisors meetings up to a maximum of four per month.
Attendance at regular and special meetings of the Board of Supervisors above the maximum of four per month will be billed at the minimum of three hours.
Attendance at biweekly Solicitor meetings.
Normal day-to-day questions from Board of Supervisors and Township staff, to include phone calls/e-mail consultation and copy and faxing work associated with the normal routine day-to-day questions, matters and correspondence.
Preparation of monthly invoice and separate invoices for developers’ work which is reimbursable to the Township. The separate developers’ invoices are to be sent directly to the Township Planner for review and processing.
Overhead for secretaries and telephone services research data, copying and faxing equipment will fall under the monthly retainer of $4,000. All other work will be outside the retainer and billed according to the terms and conditions set forth in the fee letter.
No charge for usual postage or photocopying - covered under retainer. Only the direct expenses associated with a case will be billed.
All costs associated with overnight delivery services, certified mail and unusual or significant copying expenses shall be billed at the cost to the firm.
All advertising or other out-of-pocket expenses shall be billed at the cost to the firm.
Engineering consultant for land subdivision/development plans.
For any project construction cost estimate in excess of $50,000, the Board of Supervisors reserves the right to seek proposals from other engineering firms.
Personnel provide consulting services at varying levels of experience, knowledge and responsibility at the rates listed.
Facilities Department.
Facilities Department head: $120 per hour.
Project engineer: $115 per hour.
Senior design engineer: $115 per hour.
Design engineer: $105 per hour.
Engineering aide: $83 per hour.
Transportation/Bridge Department.
Transportation/Bridge Department head: $120 per hour.
Project engineer: $115 per hour.
Senior design engineer: $115 per hour.
Design engineer: $105 per hour.
Engineering aide: $83 per hour.
Environmental Department.
Environmental Department head: $120 per hour.
Environmental project manager: $115 per hour.
Senior project environmental engineer: $115 per hour.
Senior geologist: $115 per hour.
Project environmental engineer: $105 per hour.
Geologist: $95 per hour.
Senior environmental engineer: $100 per hour.
Environmental engineer: $95 per hour.
Environmental aide: $83 per hour.
Landscape Architecture and Planning Department.
Landscape Architecture/Planning Department head: $115 per hour.
Project engineer: $115 per hour.
Senior planner: $100 per hour.
Planner: $95 per hour.
Senior landscape architect: $100 per hour.
Landscape architect/planner: $95 per hour.
Construction Management and Observation Department.
Construction management:
Project manager: $105 per hour.
Construction manager: $100 per hour.
Project scheduler: $95 per hour.
Project coordinator: $90 per hour.
Field manager: $83 per hour.
Observation personnel:
Chief observer: $90 per hour.
Observer supervisor NICET IV: $95 per hour.
Observer NICET II/III: $90 per hour.
Contract administrator: $90 per hour.
Observer NICET I: $85 per hour.
Observer aide: $73 per hour.
Drafting Department.
Drafting/CADD Department head: $92 per hour.
Senior design draftsperson: $88 per hour.
Cartographer: $78 per hour.
Design draftsperson: $83 per hour.
Drafting aide: $68 per hour.
Survey Department.
Field personnel:
Surveyor: $95 per hour.
Party chief: $85 per hour.
Transitperson: $73 per hour.
Rod person: $60 per hour.
Office personnel:
Survey Department head: $100 per hour.
Survey project manager: $86 per hour.
Survey designer: $80 per hour.
Principal: $135 per hour.
Regional manager: $120 per hour.
Administrative manager: $100 per hour.
Mileage commensurate in accordance with IRS regulations.
Engineering consultant for matters involving wastewater operations and pretreatment matters.
For any project construction cost estimate in excess of $200,000, the Board of Supervisors reserves the right to seek proposals from other engineering firms.
Compensation for personnel shall be in accordance with the following hourly rates:
Hourly Rate
Office and field support
Project technicians
Professionals, specialists
Project professionals, senior project technicians
Senior professionals, senior project specialists
Senior professionals, senior project specialists
Managing professionals
Compensation for expenses and other charges shall be as follows:
Mileage: federal allowable vehicle reimbursement rate.
Commercial travel/living expenses: net cost.
Data processing and duplicating work: schedule supplied upon request.
Outside services: net cost plus 15%.
CADD equipment charges are included within hourly rates.
Statements will be rendered monthly and are payable upon receipt.
Certificates of insurance coverage will be supplied upon request.
Exceptions to or deviation from any of the foregoing terms shall be valid only as specifically and mutually agreed upon.
Charges are subject to revision.
Engineering consultant for matters involving traffic and signalization.
For any project construction cost estimate in excess of $250,000, the Board reserves the right to seek proposals from other engineering firms.
Hourly rate schedule.
Services. McMahon Associates, Inc., reserves the right to make adjustments for individuals within these classifications as may be desirable in its opinion by reason of promotion, demotion, or change in wage rates. Such adjustments will be limited to the manner in which charges are computed and billed and will not, unless so stated in writing, affect other terms of an agreement, such as estimated total cost. The following rates will apply to actual time devoted by McMahon Associates, Inc., staff to this project computed to the nearest 1/2 hour.
Hourly Rates
Project manager
Project engineer
Staff engineer
Technician/word processor
Invoices. Invoices will be provided on a monthly basis and will be based upon percentage of completion or actual hours, plus expenses. Payment is due to McMahon Associates, Inc., within 30 days of the invoice date. Unpaid balances beyond 30 days are subject to interest at the rate of 1.5% per month. This is an annual percentage rate of 18%.
Rates. Principal time will be billed at a rate of $195 per hour, when involvement is requested by the client, or project needs dictate. The above billing rates are for invoices that are payable directly by the municipality. We reserve the right to use our standard billing rates for services that are a pass-through cost to a third party.
Confidentiality. Technical and pricing information in this proposal is the confidential and proprietary property of McMahon Associates, Inc., and is not to be disclosed or made available to third parties without the written consent of McMahon Associates, Inc.
Commitments. Fee and schedule commitments will be subject to renegotiation for delays caused by the client's failure to provide specified facilities or information, or any other unpredictable occurrences.
Expenses. Incidental expenses are included in the above rates. These include reproduction, postage, graphics, reimbursement of automobile usage, parking and tolls. Expenses beyond the normal everyday expenses will be billed at cost.
Attorney's fees. In connection with any litigation arising from the terms of this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to all costs, including reasonable attorney's fees at both the trial and appellate levels.
Ownership and use of documents. All original drawings and information are to remain the property of McMahon Associates Inc. The client will be provided with copies of final drawings and/or reports for information and reference purposes.
Insurance. McMahon Associates, Inc., will maintain at its own expense workman's compensation insurance, comprehensive general liability insurance and professional liability insurance and, upon request, will furnish the client a certificate to verify same.
Termination. This agreement may be terminated by the authorized representative effective immediately on receipt of written notice. Payment will be due for services rendered through the date written notice is received.
Binding status. The client and McMahon Associates, Inc., bind themselves, their partners, successors, assigns, heirs, and/or legal representatives to the other party to this agreement, and to the partners, successors, assigns and legal representatives of such other party with respect to all covenants of this contract.
Engineering consultant for environmental assessment matters, excluding hazardous waste sites (as assigned by Board of Supervisors).
For any project construction cost estimate in excess of $50,000, the Board reserves the right to seek proposals from other engineering firms.
In addition to these fees, clients will also be responsible for any sales or value-added taxes that may apply to engineering services performed.
Hourly rates. Charges for services provided will be in accordance with the following schedule:
Principal engineer
Project manager
Engineering associate
Senior project scientist
Project scientist
Senior designer/project engineer
Administrative staff
Senior project manager
8 1/2" x 11"
$0.12 per copy
11" x 17"
$0.25 per copy
Blueprint reproduction
$0.42 per square foot
24" x 36"
30" x 42"
Other reproduction/presentation
B/W plot
$0.35 per square foot
24" x 36" (6 square feet)*
30" x 42" (8.75 square feet)*
36"” x 48" (12 square feet)*
Color plot
$1 per square foot
24" x 36"
30" x 42"
$0.80 per square foot
24" x 36"
30" x 42"
Color copies
$0.40 per copy
1/2" binder
1" binder
1 1/2" binder
2" binder
3" binder
GBC binding
Charges for outside services and supplies include a 10% markup.
$0.25 per square foot.
Consulting engineer for grant services: grant consultant services fees for the preparation of funding applications, funding administration and reimbursement of county, state and federally funded projects for the fiscal year 2012 are as follows:
A lump sum of $2,500 per application for a maximum of six applications for a cost not to exceed $15,000 for the year inclusive of the work defined in Task 2 (funding application submittal/coordination).
Additional grant applications above and beyond the six committed funding applications: a lump sum fee of $2,500 per application.
Any work not specifically outlined in this proposal: on a time and material basis.
Additional services beyond the above scope of services called for by the Township, as ordered and authorized by execution of an extra services agreement: invoiced for a fee to be agreed upon after the scope has been defined, on an hourly rate basis in accordance with the schedule of billable hourly rates/expenses currently in effect at the time the work is performed.
Scope of work.
Task 1.0: Research funding availability and follow-up meeting. T&M will make a due diligence effort to research, inventory and assess grant and low-interest loan funding program opportunities available for Township projects from county, state, federal, and foundation funding sources that could provide funding for municipal projects planned for the upcoming year. T&M's research effort shall include the following:
T&M will meet with the Township to understand the capital improvement, planning, and public service project initiatives committed to by the Township for 2012. This will be a maximum of two meetings.
T&M will analyze project/program objectives and uses, eligibility requirements of funding programs and application procedures.
T&M will identify application deadlines, milestones, action times needed by the municipality and funding program schedule.
T&M will confirm with funding agencies' eligibility and applicability of the Township's projects, review current assessment of availability of funds, determine when applicable deadlines occur, and confirm process used by agency for accepting applications.
Upon completion of the due diligence, T&M shall coordinate one meeting with Upper Merion to identify funding programs to pursue and to coordinate a strategy for approaching funders.
Task 2.0: funding application submittal/coordination. T&M, at the direction of the Township, will apply for available funding assistance opportunities for Township capital improvement, planning and/or public service projects. This scope of work includes the preparation and coordination of up to six complete application submittal packages, including:
The preparation of application forms and resolutions.
Drafting of proposal narratives required by the funding program.
Assisting in securing project support letters.
Pre-application site inspections with funding agency personnel.
Site photographs.
Fees. Our fee associated with this proposal is a lump sum of $2,500 per application for a maximum of six applications for a cost not to exceed $15,000 for the year and is inclusive of the work defined in Task 2. Any additional grant applications the Township would like T&M to prepare above and beyond the six committed funding applications will be prepared for a lump sum fee of $2,500 per application.
Engineering consultant for general civil engineering.
For any project estimated to cost in excess of $50,000, the Board of Supervisors reserves the right to seek proposals from other engineering firms.
Hourly rates. Charges for services provided will be in accordance with the following schedule:
Billing Title
Billing Rate
(per hour)
Typical Functional Titles
Technical and field staff entry level
Junior technician; junior inspector
Field staff – Grade 1
Technician-1; inspector-1
Technical staff – grade 1; administrative support staff
Technician-1, graphics operator; all clerical/secretarial/administrative support titles not otherwise classified
Field staff – Grade 2
Technician-2 (survey); Inspector-2
Technical staff – Grade 2; professional entry level
Technician-2; professional intern
Field staff – Grade 3
Technician-3; inspector-3
Technical staff–— Grade 3
Technician-3; senior CADD technician
Field staff – Grade 4
Senior technician (survey); senior inspector
Technical staff – Grade 4; Professional I
Designer: senior engineering technician; assistant engineer; staff designer; planner; landscape architect or environmental scientist; graphics coordinator
Field staff – Grade 5
Principal technician (survey); principal inspector; party chief
Technical staff – Grade 5; Professional II
Senior designer; principal technician; Staff-1 (designer, engineer, planner, landscape architect or environmental scientist); information system support specialist
Professional III; supervising field staff
Staff-2 (designer, engineer, planner, landscape architect or environmental scientist); senior party chief; chief inspector; supervising technician
Professional IV; supervising technical staff
Senior staff engineer; planner; environmental planner; landscape architect or scientist; principal designer
Professional V (field and support)
Principal surveyor; supervising inspector; accounting manager, information system manager; computer design supervisor
Professional V
Principal (engineer, planner, environmental planner, landscape architect, staff designer, environmental scientist, hydrogeologist); robotic station surveyor (including equipment)
Supervising professional; unit supervisor; Professional VI
Supervising (engineer, planner, landscape architect, surveyor or environmental scientist, unit supervisor)
Group manager; professional VII
Group manager; assistant division manager; regional office manager
Principal; manager; professional VIII, IX
Principal division manager; corporate level manager; regional client service manager; senior consultant; chief engineer
Schedule of miscellaneous charges, effective January 1, 2011.
Contracted services, including subconsultants, contracted labor, subprofessionals and subcontractors: Cost plus 10%.
Direct expenses.
Disbursements to agencies, vendors and suppliers, including interstate transportation; permit, application, review and similar fees; printing, plotting, reproduction, binding and other graphic services; outside computer services; title, research and data services; messenger and express services; project field office expense4; telegrams and out-of-state telephone costs: cost.
Internal charges:
Concrete monuments1
Iron pins1
$0.12/square foot
job priced
Photocopies (color)
Interstate fax2
Interstate auto use3
Traffic recorder (ATR)1
Environmental equipment1:
Photoionization detector
Product bailer
Interface probe
Complete groundwater
Sampling package
Flow meter/flume setup
Confined space entry
Not including personnel time charges.
When fax delivery is requested/required by client.
Intrastate auto use may also be charged at $0.31/mile when so provided in agreement or proposal. Tolls and parking are charged at cost.
When so provided in agreement or proposal.
Or any part thereof.
[Added 11-17-2011 by Res. No. 2011-25; amended 1-11-2024 by Res. No. 2024-2]
The following fees are established for use by the Tax Collector in the collection of real estate taxes for Upper Merion Township:
Returned check fee: $25.
Tax certification: $20.
Duplicate bill: $5 (no charge for Township residents).
Receipt: no charge.