[Ord. 712, 8/8/1967, Section 1; amended by Ord. 1011, 10/7/1981]
The provisions of this Ordinance shall apply to streets, alleys or other rights-of-way which are traveled by the public with vehicular traffic.
[Ord. 712, 8/8/1967, Section 2; amended by Ord. 1525, 3/13/1997, Section 1]
All property owners of premises adjoining any such rights-of-way, as hereinabove referred to, shall immediately eliminate any obstructions projecting upon such rights-of-way to a height of 14 feet from the surface of said right-of-way or roadway. This shall be deemed to include shrubs, brush, trees or other obstructions which project from such adjoining property over and upon and within the limits of such rights-of-way.
[Ord. 712, 8/8/1967, Section 3; amended by Ord. 1525, 3/13/1997, Section 2]
In the event of a violation of the provisions of this Ordinance, the Municipality may notify such property owner, in writing left on the premises adjoining such right-of-way, to comply with the terms of this Ordinance within 30 days from the date of such notice.
[Ord. 712, 8/8/1967, Section 4]
In the event that such property owner fails to comply with such written notice, the Municipality may do such trimming or other work necessary to eliminate such violation and the cost of such work plus 10% shall be paid by such property owner to the Municipality. Such charge or assessment may be filed as a lien against the premises if not paid within 30 days by such property owner after billing by the Municipality.
In the event of a violation of the provisions of this Ordinance after notice has been given, any person violating such provisions shall, upon conviction of such default, neglect or refusal, pay a fine of not less than $100 and not more than $600, to be collected as now provided by law. Each day owner shall neglect or refuse to correct the overhang problem, as provided in this ordinance, shall be a separate offense.
[Ord. 1525, 3/13/1997, Section 4]
Upon the discovery of any violation under the terms of this ordinance, the Municipality shall, through its authorized agents, give notice to the owner of a violation hereunder, either by personal delivery to such owner, by United States mail directed to the last known address of such person or persons, as shown on the real estate registry records of the Municipality, or by leaving the same on the premises where such violation occurs.
If such person shall, within seven days after the delivery, mailing or leaving of such notice, pay to the Treasurer of the Municipality the sum of $50 for the violation, the same will constitute full satisfaction of for the violation noted in said notice. The failure of such person to make payment, as aforesaid, within seven days, shall render such owner subject to the penalties as provided hereinabove.
Nothing contained in this section shall affect, in any way, the provisions of this ordinance regarding separate offenses for every day any violation occurs.