There shall be, upon premises under state granted liquor or beer licenses, an operator with either a provisional operator's license or an operator's license.
Applicants for a Town provisional operator's or operator's license must be at least 18 years of age, must not have been convicted of a felony, sale of an intoxicant to a minor in Wisconsin, or be a habitual law offender, or have an arrest or conviction record subject to § 111.335, Wis. Stats.
An application for any operator's license must be in writing and approved by the Town Board.
Provisional license. Applicants for a Town of Whitewater operator's license who have not attended a responsible beverage server training course are eligible to receive a provisional operator's license, provided all other qualifications are met. The provisional license is valid for only 60 days and may not be renewed. Within that sixty-day period those granted provisional licenses are to enroll in and complete (at their own expense) the responsible beverage server training course at the appropriate educational facility. Upon completion of the course, the certificate of completion shall be forwarded to the Town Clerk, who shall then issue an operator's license.
Operator's licenses. Applicants who have taken the responsible beverage server training course within the last two years, or have held a retail license, manager's, or operator's license within the last two years, or are renewing an existing operator's license issued by the Town of Whitewater, may apply for an operator's license. Copies of the responsible beverage server training course certificate of completion and/or any retail license, manager's or operator's license issued within the last two years shall be attached to the application for operator's license and submitted to the Town Board.
Fees for licenses granted under this section shall be assessed in the amount listed in the fee schedule kept on file with the Town Clerk.
If an applicant has a provisional license and has already paid the required fee to the Town of Whitewater within the last 60 days, that payment shall be applied toward the operator's license.
The Town Clerk's duties shall include the receipt of applications for provisional operators' or operators' licenses, fee, certificate of completion of responsible server training course and/or any retail license, manager's or operator's license issued within the last two years; checking with police authorities to ensure that the applicant has no prior relevant convictions; and ensuring that the appropriate form of license is issued.