Section 60.55, Wis. Stats., states that "the Town Board shall provide for fire protection for the Town." To comply with this law, the Town Board of Supervisors of the Town of Whitewater shall negotiate and enter into a fire protection contract for the Town of Whitewater with the most appropriate fire protection organization available to serve the Town.
Any person or persons planning to do any burning in the Town of Whitewater shall notify the agency providing fire protection to the Town of the place and time of such burning prior to the burning. The person or persons shall start fires only as permitted under local, county, state or federal regulations and rules in effect at the time of the burning.
The Town Clerk shall post or cause to be posted on the official Town website and the posting board at the Town of Whitewater Town Hall notices prepared by the Department of Natural Resources, forbidding the setting of fires upon any land in the Town, until written permission is received from the Town Chairman or from one of the other fire wardens of the Town. The notices shall be posted at any time the Town Chairman shall declare a dangerous fire hazard emergency exists. The Town Chairman shall declare that such a fire hazard emergency exists by issuing a proclamation in writing, which proclamation shall be published once in the Whitewater Register of Whitewater, Wisconsin.
When the agency providing fire protection under contract to the Town of Whitewater is called to provide service to a property owner or owners in the Town of Whitewater, the cost of that service shall be charged to that property owner or owners as provided in § 60.55(2)(b), Wis. Stats.
Costs of fire service charged to property owners not paid after second billing sent by mail shall be added to the property owner's tax bill as a special charge.