Any person, firm or corporation that violates any of the provisions of this article shall forfeit an amount as set forth in the fee schedule that shall be kept on file with the Town Clerk in addition to the costs of prosecution.
Section 167.10, Wis. Stats., regulating the sale, manufacture and use of fireworks, exclusive of any penalty imposed thereby, is adopted by reference and made a part of this section as though set forth in full.
No person shall sell, expose or offer for sale, use, keep, discharge, manufacture or explode any fireworks, as defined in § 167.10, Wis. Stats., within the limits of the Town of Whitewater, except as provided in this article.
Permits for the use of fireworks other than those prohibited by § 167.10(6), Wis. Stats., may be given by the Town Chairman, upon application and upon his satisfaction as to the purpose and the supervision and the handling of such fireworks, only to licensed pyrotechnic professionals who provide a valid certificate of insurance.
No parent, guardian or other adult with delegated authority of a minor shall knowingly permit such minor to violate any section of this article.