[Ord. 158, 3/2/1964, § 1]
The position of Borough Permit Officer is hereby established.
[Ord. 158, 3/2/1964, § 2; as amended by Ord. 00078, 4/14/2014]
The Borough Permit Officer shall be responsible for performance of all administrative work as may be required by Chapter 17 of the Code of Ordinances of the Borough of Akron known as the "Stormwater Management Ordinance," Chapter 22 of the Code of Ordinances of the Borough of Akron known as the "Akron Borough Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance," and Chapter 27 of the Borough of Akron Code of Ordinances known as the "Akron Borough Zoning Ordinance." Council shall have the right, from time to time, to appoint by motion one or more assistant Borough Permit Officer(s) who may serve in the place of the Borough Permit Officer when the Borough Permit Officer is not available.
[Ord. 158, 3/2/1964, § 3]
The Borough Permit Officer shall serve at the pleasure of Borough Council.
[Ord. 158, 3/2/1964, § 4]
The Borough Permit Officer shall be paid for inspections and examinations required in order to assure compliance with the ordinances to insure that applications are being made by all who are required by the provisions thereof to make application, and for all his other duties in such sums as shall be set by resolution of Council from time to time.
[Ord. 158, 3/2/1964, § 5]
The Borough Permit Officer shall be bonded in such form as shall be approved by Borough Council.
[Ord. 158, 3/2/1964, § 6]
The Borough Permit Officer shall be reimbursed for all costs of stationery, forms, postage, telephone toll charges and telephone for this purpose. However, no bills shall be incurred for stationery or forms and no separate telephone shall be installed without prior approval by resolution of the Council of the Borough of Akron.
[Ord. 158, 3/2/1964, § 7]
In order to enable ordinances above set forth to be administered with the least possible confusion to residents, a uniform form for all applications shall be established by the Solicitor and Borough Permit Officer and approved by resolution of Council for applications for initial consideration under all such ordinances. Separate forms are necessary for appeals, variances, exceptions, etc.